
Preventing Walked Onslaughts

In order to prevent yourself from walking your onslaught, simply hit an auto keybind before hitting your onslaught keybind. It will stop your movement and prevent you from walking out of your onslaught.

Slow hitting abilities (Courtesy of <@222668864704610305> and <@130322872089575424>)

In RS, there are some abilities whose damage will go through one tick after they are activated, and some abilities whose damage will delay. The latter are known as slow abilities, and are worth being aware of.

689504724403486920.png Abilities

535541306294796299.png 535541273755385885.png 535541258538450944.png 535541306563231790.png 535541275957657600.png 535541259108876293.png 535541307142307860.png / 535541259033378827.png 535534127131394088.png 535541270521708566.png 642713547142332416.png 535541258429661215.png 535541259109138463.png

689504724159823906.png Abilities

535533833098100745.png 513190159194259467.png 535533809924571136.png and DW 535533809978966037.png 536257336130404372.png 535533809664262179.png

Additionally, for auto attacks, all surge spells and all blitz spells will hit a tick slow.

535533809924571136.png with DW (stalled) hits instant from any distance

Additionally, most abilities hit slower when cast from a distance.


(Counting md as square 1)

5 squares: 535533809978966037.png

8 squares: 535533833391702017.png 535533833106489365.png 535533833056026624.png 535533809655873556.png 535533809823645697.png 535533833139912724.png 535533833072672778.png

615612332521029632.png Abilities

535532879506309150.png (dw) 535532853979512842.png 535532879359377439.png 535532879376023572.png 535532879237873666.png 535532854281764884.png 535532879510372352.png 513190158431158274.png

535532878616985610.png 535532878969438210.png are slow if stalled.

3-tick Snipe

  • Requires ability queuing and nightmare gauntlets in order to work

  • Essentially allows Snipe to be used like a non channelled ability on GCD however it will still hit at the same time as it normally would

  • Simply use Snipe, then queue up any other ability prior to GCD for example: Snipe -> Queue piercing shot. This will cause Piercing shot to come out on the following GCD after snipe instead of having to wait 4 ticks for the full channel of Snipe.

  • Substantial DPM increase for ranged although some players find it difficult to use queuing so use at your own benefit.

  • Useful pretty much every time you would snipe at any boss

  • After you fire the queued ability off your character will be rooted in place for 1 tick

Demonstration: https://youtu.be/bd64iILPqJM

10 Second Needle Strike Buff

  • Requires 2 targets in order to work, normally a boss mob/dummy and then the boss itself

  • Needle striking the 1st target (dummy/boss mob) and then targeting the 2nd target (the boss) and ammo swapping/mainhand swapping essentially allows the needle buff to persist past just the first attack you deal, instead it will last for 17 ticks meaning any non bleed ranged damage you deal for the next 17 ticks on that target will have the 7% needle buff.

  • Can see that the entire rapidfire has the needle strike buff instead of just the first two hits, the following 3 abilities after the rapidfire would also have the needle strike buff as well

  • Dealing damage to the target you originally needle striked will cancel the 10 second buff

  • If you do not swap mainhands or ammo after needle striking the first target you will get no buff at all until you do so, the timer begins as soon as you needle the first target

  • Useful for places like vorago p3s/p5s where you would have a dummy down and needle strike it prior to releasing thresholds on vorago, can also be used at AoD by needle striking reaver/pillars/amalgs

Demonstration: https://youtu.be/k_IxIyoZFww

Weapon override speeding up abilities (Courtesy of <@158293690001915904>)

Certain weapon overrides for ranged can cause abilities that normally take 2 ticks to deal damage to only take 1 tick to deal damage depending on your distance from your target. These abilities include snapshot 535534127131394088.png , rapid fire 535541270521708566.png , piercing shot 535541258538450944.png , dazing shot 535541307142307860.png , and ricochet 535541259566186521.png slow abilities which are unaffected include: needle strike, binding shot, and tight bindings.

  • Javelins (DW Override only mainhand required.) causes piercing and ricochet to hit fast from md-1sq away, snapshot and rapidfire are only fast in md.

  • Blowpipe (2H Override) causes dazing shot to hit fast from md-1sq away, rapid and snap are both fast from md-3sq away, and ricochet/piercing are fast from md-4sq away

  • You can override your dualwield/2h weapons with these weapon types allowing you to take advantage of them causing certain abilities to hit a tick faster

Flanking Perk Angle Determination <@!242039053841596418>

If your target is facing directly north, east, south or west, flanking works only from a 90° or greater angle.

If your target is facing any other direction, flanking works from a 90-(90-the amount of degrees your target is from facing where you’re standing)° angle.

In the below picture, black is your target, red is the direction your target is facing, and green is where flanking works.


Freedom Autos (Courtesy of <@425520655920791553>)

Freedom is unique in the respect that it can be used to force an offhand auto as well as a 2h auto within 3t. This has many uses like freedom vuln (using vuln instead of the offhand auto loses less damage than if you were to do it in place of a 2h auto), as well as accelerated adren gain because you get also adren from 2 autos.

Mage: It’s usually easier to time, and also often beneficial to do it immediately after a 2h abil, as this means the 2h auto comes at the same time as your next ability.

You do this as follows:

Tick 0: Activate abil with staff equipped

Tick 0-3: Equip dual wield

Tick 3: Click auto → freedom (you don't have to click the keybind for this auto if you just want a regular auto).

Tick 4-6: Switch to staff

Tick 6: Click auto → abil

You can see a clip of this here: https://youtu.be/3vIVqAYj4Xk

For other styles you’ll need to do it after a dual wield ability (or delay your ability afterwards but this isn’t worthwhile):

Tick 0: Activate abil with dual wield equipped

Tick 3: Activate freedom

Tick 4: Equip 2h

Tick 6: Activate abil

You can see a clip of this here: https://youtu.be/YydKrY05Kc8

It’s worth noting that if you’re maging and freedom after a dual wield ability, to avoid losing autos you have to do a dual wield ability immediately after as well. Consider:

any abil → dw abil → freedom (oh + 2h auto) → dw abil → auto + staff abil

staff abil → freedom (oh + 2h auto) → any abil → dw abil → auto + staff abil

If you just did a staff ability afterwards:

staff abil → dw abil → freedom (oh + 2h auto) → any abil → dw abil

you’d clearly lose an auto.

You can also use freedom to cancel a channelled ability. In order to do this you have to click the target on the same tick you use freedom, or you won’t get the offhand auto off. You also have to delay your subsequent ability by 1 tick in order to get your 2h auto off.

Forcing an auto with defensives

When using a defensive, an auto attack will be fired. When using 689504724159823906.png , this auto attack can be changed from a normal auto into a utility spell, such as 537349530551582720.png or 567727987274022924.png . This is done by pressing the keybind for 537349530551582720.png or 567727987274022924.png , followed by the keybind for 535541258240786434.png , 535541306475151390.png , 535541258844635148.png , or 535541258546970624.png .

Switching Weapons during Detonate (Courtesy of <@185315527571406848>)

During the detonate channel, it is possible to switch weapons without Detonate being released. It is also possible to channel shield dome inside detonate, provided detonate is pressed first. This will cost the auto on detonate release, but is situationally useful at Vorago. It is also worth noting that it’s possible to Spellbook Swap in deto, allowing for a vuln release.


Shield Dome Detonate

In certain cases, most notably at Vorago, it is beneficial to be in shield dome while channelling detonate. This is done by channelling detonate, then channelling shield dome. This will result in a lost auto, but can be prevented by sipping a super restore or an overload salve to cancel the shield dome.


Dragon Battleaxe Spec

The Dragon battleaxe has a unique spec that is often used in speed kills due to providing a noticeable damage increase at the cost of a large amount of adrenaline, therefore is quite useful when prepared before hand or in other niche situations.

The Spec works as following, by draining 10% (rounded down) of your attack, range, magic, and defence levels, and you will be given a strength level boost of 10 + 1 level for every 4 drained from your other stats, as well as a hidden damage boost of 1.2x your damage, this also stacks with Zaros godsword spec going from a 1.25x to 1.5x boost, or 1.1x when under the effect of berserk, making berserk a 2.2x damage boost. This boost overall lasts 1 minute.

It’s most common uses are setup before hand for a speed/record kills where you will Dragon battleaxe in conjunction with natural instinct to make the most of the boost before going into the kill, or for an Araxxor p3 skip and certain 1 cycle core Solak rotations.

Bladed Dive Angle

After using Bladed Dive it will leave your character facing a consistent direction. It’s important to be comfortable with this so you can Bladed Dive → Surge and move in a predictable manner. See this graphic courtesy of <@76883062381621248> for more information:
