
Common mistakes made in combat and on gems and to fix them:

The following list (1 - 10) are some of the common mistakes made by players in pvm, bossing, or challenge gems. It is likely that if you’re working on upping your dpm, you will need to improve in one or many of these areas. The first step is recognizing what mistakes you’re making, then work on the solution. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t get it right away, some of these mistakes are harder to fix than others. Remember, everything takes practice.


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here bye here


1. Cancelling channelled abilities late/early

  • Asphyx

  • Rapid fire

  • Assault

  • Destroy

  • Concentrated blast

  • Snipe

  • Fury

Why it’s important: depending on what ability you canceled late, you will lose anywhere from 1-3 ticks every channeled ability you don’t cancel properly. As an example, in a 5 minute gem you will do roughly 10-12 asphyxiates. Assuming you don’t cancel any asphyxiates, that’s 30-36 ticks that you’re standing idle for. That’s enough time for 10 extra abilities. Canceling too early is also suboptimal as you lose out on the damage from the channeled ability.

How to fix: Evil Luracio’s video guide on correct canceling timing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unCtj7IosVA

2. Threshold order in Sunshine/Death Swiftness/Berserk with Adren pot

Why it’s important: for Mage and Range, the expected number of thresholds with adren pot is 6. Losing out on a threshold results in big damage loss. For melee, the expected number with adren pot is 2-3 (depends on how many channelled thresholds, mbarge, or impatient procs).

How to fix: Take a look in <#534567464370044928> <#563917498169425930> <#534912860711550989> to see the optimal threshold order.

3. Threshold order in Sunshine/Death Swiftness/Berserk without Adren pot

Why it’s important: for Mage and Range, the expected number of thresholds without adren pot is 5. Losing out on a threshold results in big damage loss. For melee, the expected number without adren pot is 2.

How to fix: Take a look in <#534567464370044928> <#563917498169425930> <#534912860711550989> channels to see the optimal threshold order.

4. Ability prioritization in Sunshine/Death Swiftness/Berserk

Why it’s important: Ultimates are the bread and butter to obtaining a high dpm. Using the right abilities inside an ultimate will make or break getting that high dpm goal.

How to fix: Familiarize yourself with which abilities you should prioritise at any given time: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OetEUz4xU5sg7pqmJBkkafmZIye8qoPOXprUPGhin14/edit?usp=sharing

5. Lossless Auto Attack at the start of Sunshine/Death Swiftness/Berserk

Two scenarios: missing auto all together OR getting an auto but it’s a dual wield auto

Why it’s important: it’s a lossless damage boost (lossless meaning no ticks lost) that’s often overlooked.

How to fix: Use a dual-wield ability before activating sunshine/death swiftness/berserk, and immediately after activating your ultimate switch to a 2h and click on the target to obtain a free auto attack before the gcd is over. Clicking the target is only necessary if you clicked your pf/2h switch from your inventory. If you keybound everything, disregard clicking the target; the auto will come with no extra input needed.

6. Utilizing flanking in basics rotation

Why it’s important: remember that basic impact-flanking is a 260% ability and is better than dbreath in terms of damage. Not utilizing flanking in a basics rotation is losing out on using your best-damaging basic attack.

How to fix: Practice, practice, practice. Make an effort to use your flanking switch more often.

7. Ability prioritization in basics rotation

Why it’s important: Prioritizing weak abilities over strong abilities when choosing the next ability just leads to lower damage.

How to fix: if on Revo, take a look at the official RS Wiki and set up an optimized revolution bar. For full manual, take a look at this spreadsheet and familiarize yourself in what abilities are better damage and therefore should be prioritized. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OetEUz4xU5sg7pqmJBkkafmZIye8qoPOXprUPGhin14/edit?usp=sharing

8. Managing cooldowns of good abilities

Using and putting all of the good abilities on cooldown right away and being stuck with only weak basics afterwards.

Why it’s important: the good abilities (dbreath, impact-flanking, corruption blast, snipe, binding shot-flanking, corruption shot) often come with a long cooldown. If you use all of the good abilities at once, you will be stuck with the lower damage abilities until all of the good abilities are back off cd.

How to fix: by using ‘filler’ abilities such as Sonic Wave 535533809924571136.png , Concentrated Blast 535533833106489365.png , Dazing Shot 535541307142307860.png , Needle Strike 535541259108876293.png , Fury 535532879510372352.png 535532879334080527.png , Cleave 535532878616985610.png , and Decimate 535532879325822986.png (abilities that have decent damage with a short cooldown) in-between the strong abilities, you can craft a rotation where you will never run into a scenario where you have to resort to low damage abilities.

9. Losing ticks

This can be caused by: a) not inputting the next ability fast enough, b) having trouble determining what is the next ability, c) clicking and/or being slow on weapon switches

Why it’s important: same rational as canceling channeled abilities. Losing ticks here and there will snowball over the course of a 5 minute gem.

How to fix: practice, practice, practice. Try and think 2 abilities ahead and plan out your rotation.

10. Changing weapons mid-channel ability

Why it’s important: Changing from wand and orb to Staff mid-concentrated blast will lose you the crit bonus from the conc blast. This requires precise timing to make sure you’re still getting 2 hits from your conc blast. Moreover, this resets your auto cooldown which is bad for 4taa

How to fix: just don’t do it.