
In RuneScape PvM, the meta at the time of writing is about pushing out as much damage in as little time as possible. It is important to understand that good and efficient PvM, especially at the higher tiers, is about squeezing out as much damage as possible in between mechanics. This channel will go over general damage output lessons, ability prioritizations, crafting a rotation, a learning path, common mistakes, and tips and tricks.


DPM - damage per minute, a measure of how much damage is done over a minute time

DPS - damage per second, or in-general referring to damage

DW - dual wield, sword weapons

2h - Two hand weapon, self explanatory

MD - melee distance, to be standing within 1 square distance to your target

Scythe Range - Halberd type weapons that allow you to attack from 2 squares away (eg. Dragon Rider Lance, Noxious Scythe)

Juggling/Swapping/Switching - Generally referring to switching between dual wield and 2h weapons to gain access to more damaging abilities

Camping - Refers to using only one type of weapon, ie. 2h camping or DW camping

Rotation - Refers to the usage of abilities and managing ability cooldowns

Switch - Refers to a weapon or gear item that is equipped and use temporarily for its effects

Auto - an auto attack, a sword swing (NOT an ability) and deals damage based off of equipment tier

Tick - A unit of time in which a game action can occur. Runescape’s tick is 0.6 seconds in duration

Lossless - meaning no ticks are lost in performing an action

GCD - global cooldown. An innate cooldown built into every ability. Lasts for 3 ticks (1.8 seconds)

ZGS - Zaros Godsword, 2h t92 weapon

For more abbreviations, see Evil Lucario’s list of common PVM Lingo and Abbreviations: <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yZmDhx-SJsrVo0iTNwgMN3YsuJ9CrHcySd3hptvz3Ds/>


Revolution++ is a combat mode wherein you can toggle the game to automatically activate basic, threshold, and ultimate abilities automatically upon reaching the required adrenaline. While we do not encourage using Revo++ as it limits the amount of control a player has over their own rotation, it is low-input and low maintenance. Revo++ can be desirable for afking, low-effort pvm, or slayer tasks. Here is an ability bar we recommend for Revo++. Using this recommended ability bar with zero player input you can achieve a DPM of roughly 130k.

To toggle on revolution++ and highlight how many abilities to trigger with it, click the cog icon on your ability bar:


DW revo++ bar


2h revo++ bar



Revolution (not revo++) is a combat mode wherein basic abilities are used automatically by the game but threshold and ultimate abilities are manually activated. Newer players may find this combat mode helpful starting out as it allows for some control over your rotation but doesn’t overburden you with managing basic abilities. Below is an ability bar we recommend to use for revolution. Note that the thresholds and ultimate abilities can be placed in any order as it does not matter where they are on the bar − you will be manually activating them.

If you are new to using revolution, simply let revo use basic abilities for you. Activate Berserk once you reach 100% adrenaline. From there use your thresholds whenever you reach 50% adrenaline (Assault, Destroy, Hurricane, Quake). Repeat.

Following this simple repeating pattern of Build to 100% -> Berserk - > Thresholds -> Repeat , one can expect to reach around 150k dpm with low-medium player input.

DW revolution bar


2h revolution bar


Full Manual

Full Manual is a combat mode wherein all abilities are manually activated by the player. No automatic inputs from the game means no damaging abilities will be done, therefore this mode requires high input from the player. The benefit of this mode is that it allows for the greatest degree of control over which abilities are used in any given scenario. Most high level pvmers opt to use this combat mode. While it does not matter where you place your abilities on your bar with full manual, you may still find it helpful to organize your bar based on basics to thresholds to ultimate. Refer to the revolution bars as examples.

Transitioning from revo to full manual can seem intimidating but all it takes is practice. Most players start by letting revolution activate basics while they manually input thresholds and ultimates. The next step would be to manually activate basic abilities too, with revolution still active as a failsafe. Once you feel confident in activating basic abilities manually, try turning off revolution.

An exercise to help you here is to only use basics for a full minute of combat on a combat dummy. Your goal is to not lose any ticks between basic abilities, either due to cooldowns or due to not manually activating the next ability fast enough. Once you get comfortable at a combat dummy, try on a real boss such as GWD1 (Graador/Kr’il/Kree) or GWD2 (Vindicta). There is no easy “trick” to skip past the practice. It takes time to learn full manual so stick with it!

Overview - Melee DPS

Compared to the other two combat styles, Melee is unique in that it is the only combat style that restricts you to a maximum range of 1-2 distance away from your target. As such, it is inherently more difficult to deal with certain boss mechanics at such a close range. The trade-off, and many players find this trade-off worth the disadvantages, is that Melee is unquestionably the highest DPS style of the three combat styles. Melee can reach a ceiling of 220k DPM whereas Mage and Range cap out at around 200k DPM.

Melee is also unique in that to achieve such a high DPM benchmark a variety of weapon switches are needed - more so than the other styles. Since obtaining weapon switches is not a linear path (ie. players likely choose weapon switches based on cost), the progression path of melee makes less sense in DPM thresholds and more sense in terms of gradual incorporation of weapon switches.

Having said that, PVME recommends upgrading your melee kit in this order (ordering is based off of most useful upgrade descending to the least useful upgrade - NOT based on cost).

Melee Upgrade Order

  • Scythe AND/OR Drygores 513190159341322240.png 697485495684431902.png 697485495718117536.png

  • Entry Level Perks 697405383752548382.png 697405383769194516.png

  • Malevolent Armour 643846996842512405.png

  • Greater Barge 535532879250456578.png

  • Greater Flurry 535532879283879977.png

  • An off-hand Lunging 4 switch + Strength Skillcape 656785061072338954.png 689503815296352308.png

  • Biting 4 712073087809617931.png

  • An off-hand t90 Flanking 4 Switch. 712073088296157185.png

  • Zaros Godsword 626465964325601290.png

  • Malevolence 513190159416557573.png

  • Masterwork Spear of Annihilation 694566917456789554.png

  • Limitless 641339233638023179.png

  • Khopesh of Tumeken 513206794844110858.png

  • P6AS1 + AS4E2 (or P6R1 on 2h) 712073088769982475.png 689502339891331093.png 712074245202772009.png 689502258424971564.png 712244800924942396.png

  • Laceration Boots 602581988599398400.png

  • Custom Fitted Trimmed Masterwork 536966366272552960.png

  • Khopesh of Elidinis 513206794752098327.png

  • Greater Fury 535532879334080527.png

  • SGB + IOTH 626466665848242186.png 641339234111848463.png

  • Hammer 641670143197446182.png

  • Kalphite Defender 643151141382651907.png

  • Upgrade to Flanking 4 Equilibrum 1 712073088296157185.png 689504357414207490.png

  • Upgrade to T92 Flanking Switch 580176857140428828.png

Choosing a drygore

It is recommended to use a Drygore Mace and either a Off-hand Drygore Longsword or Off-hand Drygore Rapier. Note that all Drygores have tier 90 ability damage, and if only using abilities, the choice of Drygores would make no difference.

If considering auto attacks, maces have the fastest attack speed, and a lower auto attack damage, whereas longswords and rapiers have a slower attack speed for a slightly higher auto attack damage. The above combination of Drygores is optimal because you should never need mainhand autos, as 2h autos are always preferable, and the faster attack speeds allows for 5 tick auto attacking. However, when making use of freedom autos, then off-hand attack speed is considered.

Camping a weapon

Camping in this context refers to the exclusive usage of either DW or 2H without taking advantage of the benefits from switching. Most players will start learning melee by grabbing a 2h or DW and camping with said weapon. While you are limited to what rotations you can do while camping 2h or DW, it is still important to optimize with what you have. Your rotation will be generally built around either Lesser Fury 535532879510372352.png or Greater Fury 535532879334080527.png , depending on availability. High damage basics such as Cleave 535532878616985610.png (2h exclusive), Decimate 535532879325822986.png (DW exclusive), and Sever 535532879577612298.png should be used as often as possible following Fury.

Rotations will following a simple scheme as follows: Fury 535532879510372352.png -> Ability -> Ability -> Repeat.

The general idea is to build to your Berserk 513190158468907012.png , and then within Berserk, use Assault 535532853979512842.png , then either Destroy 535532879330148352.png (DW) or Hurricane 535532878969438210.png (2h), and then if you have the adrenaline to spare, use either Flurry 535532879283879977.png (DW) or Quake 535532879506309150.png (2h).


Build to 100% -> Berserk 513190158468907012.png -> Assault 535532853979512842.png -> Hurricane 535532878969438210.png -> Quake 535532879506309150.png -> Repeat


Build to 100% -> Berserk 513190158468907012.png -> Assault 535532853979512842.png -> Destroy 535532879330148352.png -> Flurry 535532879283879977.png -> Repeat

Note that for 1v1 situations, DW is more damage. In 1vMany situations, 2h deals more damage.

Flanking 4

Flanking is a perk unlocked via Invention at level 55.

The effect states Backhand, Impact and Binding Shot no longer stun and deal 40% more damage per rank to targets that are not facing you. Forceful Backhand, Deep Impact and Tight Bindings no longer stun and deal 15% more damage per rank to targets that are not facing you and goes up to rank 4.

Should the opportunity arise at group bosses flanking can be incredibly powerful. Backhand 535532854302605333.png becomes your 2nd most powerful basic inside of Berserk while Forceful Backhand 535532879346794516.png becomes your 4th best threshold in Berserk. The basic ability Backhand should be used as often as possible and the threshold Forceful Backhand should be used either in Berserk or in-between Berserk cooldowns.

Example rotations with Flanking:

2h Camping

Berserk 513190158468907012.png -> Assault 535532853979512842.png -> Hurricane 535532878969438210.png -> Forceful Backhand-Flanking 535532879346794516.png -> Repeat

DW Camping

Berserk 513190158468907012.png -> Assault 535532853979512842.png -> Destroy 535532879330148352.png -> Forceful Backhand-Flanking 535532879346794516.png -> Repeat

*Note that for DW, once you have Greater Flurry 535532879283879977.png unlocked it should be used as your 3rd threshold inside Berserk. Flanking would be downgraded to a threshold used in-between Berserk cooldowns.

This perk should be placed on a Dual Wield Off-hand switch and upgraded to your highest tier available (Drygore 513190158900658180.png t90 or dyed-Khopesh 580176857144492042.png t92).

Example bosses to bring flanking to include: Vorago 572867742613635082.png , Angel of Death 580167371365548042.png , group ED1-3 583430543321071626.png 583430542326759435.png 583430542809235458.png , Solak 580167371310891029.png , and any other group bossing.

Lunging 4

Lunging is a perk unlocked via Invention at level 89.

The effect states The maximum damage of Combust, Dismember and Fragmentation shot is incrased by 20% weapon damage per rank, but enemies that move will only take 1.5x increased damage. and goes up to rank 4.

The only basic bleed in melee affected by Lunging is Dismember 535532879376023572.png . Since Dismember cannot be walked to gain bonus damage, the effects of Lunging will always activate for Dismember, thus it is strictly an upgrade over non-lunging Dismember. In fact, the effect of Lunging is extra strong on Dismember because Dismember cannot be walked (the same applies to the 99 Strength Cape effect). With Lunging 4 and Strength Cape effect combined, Dismember 535532879376023572.png becomes the strongest basic ability for melee outside of Berserk.

Dismsmber should be used outside Berserk as bleeds do not get boosted damage (Dismember has a 15s cooldown so you should plan to use Dismember before a Berserk, then 20s later, use Dismember after a Berserk).

The goal is to have 100% uptime of the Dismember effect when using Lunging4 + Strength Cape.

A Dual Wield Off-hand switch should be used for this perk and later upgraded to a Masterwork Spear of Annihilation 694566917456789554.png due to it further extending the duration of Dismember.

DW and 2H weapon switching

The biggest jump in DPM will come from incorporating weapon juggling of DW and 2h weapons. Having both weapon styles gives access to both DW Decimate 535532879325822986.png and 2h Cleave 535532878616985610.png basic abilities, each sporting a strong 188% ability damage and a low 7s cooldown. Even if you have to pair a high tier weapon with a lower tier weapon, the ability to access both Deci/Cleave is worth it (eg. Drygores with Dragon Rider Lance). With DW/2h Switching, it is possible to break beyond the 170k DPM barrier that Camping generally struggles to overcome.

Example pairings of DW and 2h weapons:

  • t70 Abyssal Whip + Enhanced Excalibur

  • t80 Avaryss and Nymora Blades

  • t90 Elder Rune

  • t90 Drygores 513190158900658180.png

  • t92 Khopeshes 513206794844110858.png 513206794752098327.png

  • t70 Any GWD1 Godsword

  • t80 Dragon Rider Lance 643161541931171872.png

  • t90 Noxious Scythe 513190159341322240.png

  • t92 Zaros Godsword 626465964325601290.png

Here we will abandon camping rotations built around Fury 535532879510372352.png 535532879334080527.png

Fury 535532879510372352.png 535532879334080527.png -> Basic -> Basic -> Repeat.

Your new DW/2h rotations will be built around Decimate 535532879325822986.png and Cleave 535532878616985610.png

Deci 535532879325822986.png -> Cleave 535532878616985610.png -> Ability -> Ability -> Repeat.


Cleave 535532878616985610.png -> Deci 535532879325822986.png -> Ability -> Ability -> Repeat.

Substitute ‘Ability’ with other strong basic abilities such as Dismember 535532879376023572.png , Sever 535532879577612298.png , Fury 535532879334080527.png , Backhand-Flanking 535532879346794516.png , etc. We use Deci/Cleave as often as possible as they each have a 7s cooldown and deal great damage at 188% ability damage.

Berserk Rotations will also change once you begin DW/2h switching:

With Adrenaline Pot

Berserk 513190158468907012.png -> Assault 535532855191928842.png -> Destroy 535532879330148352.png -> Forceful Backhand 535532879346794516.png


Berserk 513190158468907012.png -> Assault 535532855191928842.png -> Destroy 535532879330148352.png -> Greater Flurry 535532879283879977.png

Without Adrenaline Pot

Berserk 513190158468907012.png -> Assault 535532855191928842.png -> Hurricane 535532878969438210.png -> Forceful Backhand 535532879346794516.png


Berserk 513190158468907012.png -> Assault 535532855191928842.png -> Hurricane 535532878969438210.png -> Greater Flurry 535532879283879977.png

Note: use Greater Flurry 535532879283879977.png over Forceful Backhand-Flanking 535532879346794516.png if you have it available

It may be useful to start thinking about how strong certain abilities are by reading through the information in <#562827048914124800>.


2h vs DW assault

Assault hit splats will land at different times depending on whether it is cast with 2h or DW. The timing to cancel it remains unchanged.

2 4 6 8 for 2h

3 5 7 9 for dw


Auto Attacks

Once you’ve incorporated DW/2h Switching, auto attacks become more prevelant as a dps tool. When you can auto attack is based on a delay depending on your weapon speed:

DW 513190158900658180.png = 5t, 2h 626465964325601290.png = 7t.

We will be using 2h auto attacks as they deal more damage.

There are two specific instances of when you want to incorporate auto attacks into your rotation; one is ‘passive’, the other will is 5taa.

‘Passive’ auto attacks

By performing a non-damaging ability with DW equipped, the auto attack cooldown is initiated and begins counting down; 5t cooldown, a GCD is 3t. After GCD, waiting an additional 2t would mean your auto attack becomes available again. By swapping to a 2h, an auto attack can be used by clicking on your target (click BEFORE inputting an ability). Auto attacks can deal up to 5k damage, 8k in a Berserk and in most cases is worth the 2t wait.

Thus, you can perform an auto attack on every Berserk 513190158468907012.png activation by doing the following:

Equip DW -> Berserk -> Swap to 2h and wait 2t -> Click target (Auto Attack) -> Continue with Zerk rotation

Note: This technique becomes more prevelant with the introduction of Greater Barge, which is discussed later in this channel.

Note: I call this section ‘passive’ auto attacks as they can be weaved relatively passively into your normal rotation. I would call this section ‘loseless’ though that is not technically true.


Auto attacks can be used ‘actively’ in what’s known as 5taa. Similar to mage, the idea is to use a 2h auto attack every other ability, in a pattern of:

Auto Attack -> Ability1 -> Ability2 -> Repeat.


Ability2 must be a DW ability and must not be a channeled ability. Input Ability1 as soon as you see the sword swing animation from the Auto attack. Timing will take practice. There are no restrictions on what Ability1 can be. This rotation has a similar damage output compared to the Deci/Cleave rotation and is situationally utilized when you run out of ‘good’ abilities. Remember, Auto attacks are not abilities so they are always available.

There are two major downsides of 5taa to consider:

  1. Slower adrenaline gain: Melee 2h Autos only give 3% adrenaline. Since you are doing an auto every other ability, coupled with standing idle for 2 ticks every other ability, you gain adrenaline at a much slower pace than with traditional rotations.

  2. There is no button to force melee auto attacks. This means you have to stand idle for 2 ticks after Ability2 and wait for the auto attack to come out, before inputting your next ability. Proper timing will require practice. Input an ability too fast and you lose the Auto attack. Input an ability too slow and you lose DPS.

These two reasons are why 5taa is a situational technique though it is still worth mentioning.

Deviating Upgrade Paths

The prioritization of upgrades can vary depending on what your focus is with PvM. The remaining upgrades are also very expensive, varying from 100m to 1b.

If you will be primarily doing Vorago or Solak, it is recommended to pick up a Greater Barge codex 535532879250456578.png . Its special affect allows you to turn channeled abilities into bleeds.

If you’re more interested in bosses such as Angel of Death, Raids - Beastmaster & Yakamaru, or faster kills at Araxxor, it is recommended to buy a Zaros Godsword. Its extremely powerful special attack greatly improves your sustained DPM.

At high defense bosses such as Vorago, Angel of Death, and Raids - Beastmaster & Yakamaru, it is recommended to pick up a Statius’ Warhammer. It has a special attack which significantly lowers defences for 1 minute.

In the end you should aim to grab all three of these upgrades.

Zaros Godsword

The Zaros Godsword 626465964325601290.png is a T92 2H melee weapon noteworthy for its powerful Special Attack ‘Blackhole’. Blackhole is a DPS buff - essentially a Sunshine or Death’s Swiftness for melee - which uses 50% Adrenaline (45% with Vigour 615613235512737792.png ), buffs damage by 20% and lasts for 20 seconds. It should be used in rotation with Berserk (ie. use Blackhole when Berserk is on cooldown) OR when the situation is too dangerous to Berserk in. ZGS rotations are similar to Berserk rotations but vary based on the boss.

Note that you do not need to keep ZGS equipped once you’ve activated its special attack. Also note that ZGS does not have scythe range.

As for adrenaline potions, it is recommended to save adrenaline potions for Berserk as it is more valuable in Berserk with its higher damage modifier.

Berserk 513190158468907012.png + Adrenaline Potion 641337470491033600.png / Limitless Sigil 641339233638023179.png → Berserk Cooldown → ZGS Special → ZGS Cooldown → Repeat

Statius’ Warhammer 641670143197446182.png

One of the more powerful aspects of melee in group pvm is access to the SWH special attack without the need for an Ingenuity of the Humans ability 641339234111848463.png . If you intend to do group PvM it is recommended to buy a SWH and use its special attack at high defence bosses (eg. Vorago, Yakamaru, Beast Master, Angel of Death). Usage of the SWH varies from boss to boss and will be covered more specifically in our boss guides.

Greater Barge

Greater Barge 535532879250456578.png can be unlocked through consuming a Greater Barge Ability Codex and transforms your lesser Barge ability to Greater Barge. The description of Greater Barge is as follows:

Greater barge requires the player to stop attacking their target for 3 seconds (5 ticks, roughly 2 GCD). At this point, the greater barge icon will show up on your buff bar. This indicates that the gbarge buff is ready to be activated. Barge your target, and a Provoke icon will appear on your buff bar with a 10 tick (roughly 3 GCD) timer. At any point during these 10 ticks any channeled ability you cast will become a damage-over-time bleed instead.


This effect is EXTREMELY powerful and can create lots of burst DPS. It is also extremely useful in any scenarios where you are forced to stop attacking due to a mechanic (eg. reflecting Web at Araxxor, phasing at Yakamaru pools, reflects at Vorago, phasing at Solak, etc) as these downtimes allow for Greater Barge to proc its waiting initial effect.

The applications of this are explored moreso in our specific boss guides but generally it is used as follows:

Wait 5 ticks to proc Greater Barge -> Barge Target -> Activate channeled threshold (eg. Assault 535532853979512842.png , Destroy 535532879330148352.png , or Greater Flurry 535532879283879977.png ) -> Continue DPS rotation within next GCD.

Greater Barge is also often used in tandom with Berserk and Greater Flurry for even more burst DPS. Starting the rotation at 92% adrenaline:

Anticipate 535541306475151390.png -> Berserk 513190158468907012.png -> gBarge 535532879250456578.png -> Greater Flurry 535532879283879977.png (bleed) -> Continue with DPS

Using greater flurry as gBarge’s bleed will allow its full duration to take effect thereby lowering Berserk’s cooldown. In this rotation, Anticipate can be replaced with Resonance 535541258844635148.png if you think you will have a hard time surviving after you Berserk.

Notes on gBarge

The ‘bleed’ from gBarge is not a true bleed. There are several ramifications of this:

  1. Multiple people can stack a gBarge ‘bleed’ on the same target and they will not override each other.

  2. Equipping a different tier weapon after you apply the bleed will change the bleed’s damage according to the latter weapon tier. For example, if you apply the gBarge bleed with Drygores (t90) equipped, then switch to ZGS (t92) the damage will be calculated as a t92 weapon.

2.1) If the initial weapon has a special effect against a target, the effect can activate after you switch to another weapon. For example, apply a gBarge bleed with Terrasaur Maul 602561894829522954.png then switching to Khopeshes will apply its special buff against Ranged monsters during its bleed calculations, to give T92 + 12.5% damage, rather than T80 + 12.5%.

  1. During Yakamaru’s Stun Pool, mbarging a Destroy ability will still apply its stun effect for the entire 4 hits. This can be a costly mistake.

3.1) Akin to note 2, switching to a flanking weapon during the gBarge bleed effect will null the stun effect.

  1. Normally Vorago will clear bleeds at the start of its Reflect mechanic. Since gBarge is not a true bleed, it will not clear the bleed effect. This makes it very easy to PK teammates if you have miscounted auto attacks. Use with caution at Vorago.

  2. There is currently a glitch that prevents the gBarge bleed effect from procing, despite having been outside of combat for the required duration. It is currently thought to be caused by being out of combat for 10 seconds with no target, then re-entering combat with gBarge, though the causes of this glitch is still unclear.

Greater Fury

Greater Fury can be unlocked through consuming a Greater Fury Ability Codex. This does two things: 1) Fury is no longer a channeled ability and instead only hits once dealing 157% ability damage, and 2) gains an extra effect where getting a critical hit with Fury will guarentee your next hit to be a crit as well.

The main benefit to this upgrade is transforming this ability from a channeled ability to a gcd ability. This allows fury to be used in revo++ and revolution set ups without needing a manual input to cancel on gcd. The crit effect can also be beneficial to overall DPS though it is random.

Greater Flurry

Greater Flurry can be unlocked through consuming a Greater Flurry Ability Codex.

The effect states: Perform a flurry of blows against your surrounding targets, dealing up to 94% weapon damage per hit over 3.6 seconds. If only one target is nearby, up to 157% weapon damage per hit will be dealt instead. Additionally if an attack hits any target per swing, the cooldown of Berserk will be reduced by 1.2 seconds each swing.

Once you’ve unlocked this threshold, it becomes your 3rd best threshold in Berserk. In addition, its unique effect of reducing Berserk cooldown is very useful in overall Melee rotations. There are several ways of using GFlurry. You can either cancel it on GCD (ie. 2 hits) for burst damage, or use it for its entire duration for its Berserk reduction effect. If you bleed this threshold using gBarge, all bleed hits will contribute towards reducing Berserk’s cooldown. This is used extensively at Aod and Solak where players want to Berserk as often as possible through out the fight.

Remaining Upgrades

At this stage, all important upgrades have been obtained and all that remains is to get inherent DPM boosting upgrades. Following this, buy either Khopeshes or a T99 Codex, depending on which one is cheaper. Then it is encouraged to start picking up things such as Trimmed Masterwork (which is very useful due to its set effect, and can save your ass at times), and dyed Lunging or Flanking switches.

Example 5 Minute Melee Gems

https://youtu.be/vLby8g5RNRU (Courtesy of RSN Mateooo)

https://youtu.be/r4_8w3jwAnI (Courtesy of <@!236559830121185290>)

https://youtu.be/YRuCFmXOA3I (Sigil; Courtesy of <@!236559830121185290>)

No ZGS/Enh Apot/Mutated Abilities

https://youtu.be/5gX2iBeToPk (<@!236559830121185290>)

5 Minute 0% Start Melee Rotation (Courtesy of <@!236559830121185290>)


5 Minute 0% Start No Mutated/Sigil/ZGS (Courtesy of <@!236559830121185290>)



Note: This is distinct from ordering and only explains which abilities are good in a vacuum.
