
Credits to <@435481585379180554> and Trollster

Interface Setup :

Having a proper interface setup is important as it allows you to organize your game view and have access to only those game windows which you will frequently need to interact with, such as your inventory, action bars, worn equipment, etc.

Uses of tertiary action bars :

  1. Condense ability books (i.e. Defensives and Prayers)

  2. Keybind extra actions (i.e. Food and Prayers)

  3. Have stuff that is used with every style so main bar has more room (i.e. Food, Mobility abilities, Constitution abilities)

  4. Fill remaining empty slots with niche stuff

  5. Weapon and Shield keybinds if using an MMO mouse

Starting with RS3 Default Interface:

There’s a lot of things wrong with this interface. Game windows are spread across the screen on corners, most of the space is unused, and the minimap is in the left corner D:

Let’s consider things we need for combat :

  • Ability bars

  • Inventory

  • Gear

  • Familiar

  • Prayer

  • Minimap

  • Chatbox

Essential things in RS :

  • Skills

  • Friends List

  • Friends Chat List

  • Clan Chat List

  • Group Chat List

The classic RS2 interface is forever engraved in my head so I moved the minimap and ribbon to top right corner and organized the action bars.

Showing the 5 ability books on the ribbon and reorganizing the previous tabs to make it aesthetically pleasing:

(Switching the ribbon into Edit Mode can be done by clicking on the icon with the box and a pencil. Editing the buttons on the ribbon can be done by clicking on the cog icon. Mine has Skills, Prayers, Notes, Emotes for clues, Defensives, Familiar, Range abilities, Magic abilities, Melee abilities, and Constitution abilities. Backpack dimensions can be customized in Settings > Gameplay > General > Inventory > Dynamic backpack columns.)

Showing where all my ribbon icons call their respective tabs:

My interface:

My second chatbox is the trades/assist tab. It’s good for high traffic areas so that it’s easy to click on them. The ability books will show up on top of the trades/assists if called upon. Split private chat can be turned on in Settings > Gameplay > Social > Chat Customization > Split private chat.

Edit Layout Mode, Advanced settings:

The Buff and Debuff bars are extremely important in PvM. Having them in a practical place close to the middle of the screen where your attention will mostly be is important. My Extra Action button is where it is so that I can’t misclick on anything else when using it. My chatbox is set to NOT click-through. This setting can be found in Gameplay > General Interaction > Advanced Interactions > Click-through chatboxes.


You can center your character wherever you want by changing the “Game View” window. I moved my trades/assists tab to show how far down mine goes. The bank’s length can also be resized (the default is very small).

At the end of the day, a good interface is one that works for you . Look for common patterns in the interfaces of good PvMers to see what aspects helps to PvM.

Here’s a compilation of other PvM interfaces for ideas:

Mocktail - <>

Couchy - <>

Ideal Gas - <>

Empathzy - <>

Prismania - <>

Lunge - <>

Wazzy xD - <>

Xephorr - <>


In addition to the interface guide, check out this very well thought out guide to setting up your keybinds made by <@158292421724209152>