

  • Solid Food

    • 565726489363087360.png Sailfish 698816156961603654.png 5,336

      • Heals 2400 life points.

      • Lets you boost 10% over maximum life points.

      • Uses 10% adrenaline when consumed.

      • Cheap general purpose food, only really used for places where panic eating might be necessary due to the adrenaline loss.

    • 537336701933060106.png Sailfish Soup 698816156961603654.png 24,861

      • Heals 2600 life points.

      • Lets you boost 15% over maximum life points

      • Uses 10% adrenaline when consumed.

      • More expensive so only really used for high profit, high risk encounters. Primarily Telos.

    • 689528927928188963.png Great Gunkan 698816156961603654.png 3,981

      • Heals 1500 life points instantly, +150 life points every 1.2 seconds for 9 times total (10.8 seconds), for a total of 2850 life points.

      • Uses 10% adrenaline when consumed.

      • Can’t eat another until the healing effect from the previous one has worn off. So not useful for panic/spam eating.

      • Uses are niche currently, but used correctly it’s viable anywhere you use other solid foods.

  • Potions

    • 565726489400573962.png Saradomin Brew 698816156961603654.png 37,134

      • Heals 1000 life points per dose, 6 doses total (in a flask) for a total of 6000 per inventory slot.

      • Lets you boost up to 1000 life points above maximum.

      • Increases Defence by 6% + 1, but decreases Attack, Strength, Magic, and Ranged levels by 4% + 1. This happens even if you are overloaded, so be careful drinking too many.

      • Used wherever KO potential is high, as you can combo-eat with a sailfish for a total of 3400 lifepoints healed in 1 tick.

    • 642708771344482314.png Super Saradomin Brew 698816156961603654.png 199,126

      • Heals 1300 life points per dose, 6 doses total, for a total of of 7800 per inventory slot.

      • Lets you boost up to 1300 life points above maximum.

      • Increases Defence by 6% + 1, but decreases Attack, Strength, Magic, and Ranged levels by 4% + 1. This happens even if you are overloaded, so be careful drinking too many.

      • Expensive, so only really used for high profit, high risk encounters. Or if inventory space is at a premium. Primarily Telos or Solak.

    • 689530593901412578.png Guthix Rest 698816156961603654.png 28,605

      • Heals 500 life points per dose, 6 doses total (in a flask) for a total of 3000 per inventory slot.

      • Cures poison and provides around 30 seconds of poison immunity

      • Doesn’t drain or boost stats at all.

      • Used wherever inventory space isn’t at a premium, and where dps/accuracy is important. Primarily AoD.

    • 690140078407680059.png Super Guthix Brew 698816156961603654.png 22,862

      • Heals 650 life points per dose, 6 doses total (in a flask) for a total of 3900 per inventory slot.

      • Gives 15% adrenaline - so puts your regular Adrenaline Potion on cooldown.

      • Doesn’t drain or boost stats at all.

      • Used wherever inventory space isn’t at a premium, and where dps/accuracy is important. Best to use in places where you will Adren pot off-cooldown, or if you can avoid eating while adren pot isn’t on cooldown. Primarily AoD or low enrage Telos.

  • Miscellaneous

    • 689530593742291033.png Blue Blubber Jellyfish 698816156961603654.png 6,475

      • Heals 750 life points per bite. 3 bites, for a total of 2250 per inventory slot.

      • Doesn’t use any adrenaline when eaten, and can’t overheal.

      • Should be your primary source of food anywhere with low KO potential.


  • Overloads

    • 689551388463595590.png Holy Overload

      • Boosts Attack, Strength, Magic, Ranged and Defence by 15% of each level +3 (up to 116 at level 99)

      • Restores 600 prayer points over time.

      • Boosts will reapply every 15 seconds.

      • Requires level 97 Herblore 689554435583508558.png

      • Cheaper than just using a regular non-combination overload.

      • The lower stat boost relative to supreme/elder overloads means this isn’t worth using or making for PvM purposes.

    • 642709927265304608.png Supreme Overload Salve

      • Boosts Attack, Strength, Magic, Ranged and Defence by 16% of each level +4 (Up to 118 at level 99)

      • Restores 70 + 35% of their maximum Prayer points (416 at level 99) instantly and 1 prayer point per tick for 600 ticks.

      • Protects from dragonfire, wyvern breath, and poison.

      • Boosts will reapply every 15 seconds.

      • Requires level 99 Herblore 689554435583508558.png

      • Worth making until you have the level for Elders. These can be directly upgraded.

    • 648976643687317532.png Elder Overload Salve

      • Boosts Attack, Strength, Magic, Ranged and Defence by 17% of each level +5 (Up to 120 at level 99)

      • Restores 70 + 35% of their maximum Prayer points (416 at level 99) instantly and 1 prayer point per tick for 600 ticks.

      • Protects from dragonfire, wyvern breath, and poison.

      • Boosts will reapply every 15 seconds.

      • Requires level 107 Herblore 689554435583508558.png

      • Worth making as soon as you have the level for them.

  • Adrenaline Potions

    • 634350514406162436.png Replenishment Potion

      • Gives 25% adrenaline, with a 2 minute cooldown timer.

      • Restoring lowered stats by up to 25% + 8.

      • Requires level 87 Herblore 689554435583508558.png

      • Primarily used for low gp/h bossing or slayer, e.g. casual GWD2.

    • 634350450887622656.png Enhanced Replenishment Potion

      • Gives 30% adrenaline, with a 2 minute cooldown timer.

      • Restoring lowered stats by up to 25% + 8.

      • Requires level 90 Herblore 689554435583508558.png

      • Worth using for high level PvM like Solak, Telos, AoD where you have a consistent rotation which relies on it, until you have the herblore level for Adrenaline renewal potion.

    • 736298121704767538.png Adrenaline renewal potion

      • Gives 4% adrenaline per tick for 10 ticks (total of 40% adrenaline).

      • Requires level 115 Herblore 689554435583508558.png , but this can be assisted.

      • Best-in-Slot Adrenaline potion, for the majority of use cases.

  • Bombs

    • 655341074235129858.png Vulnerability bomb

      • Creates a 3x3 area which lasts 1.8 seconds and applies the Vulnerability effect to monsters standing in it.

      • Cast range of 9 tiles.

      • Applys it 3 times (once every 0.6 seconds for total of 1.8 seconds)

      • The probability of the effect applying is based on the players current accuracy against the target.

    • 655341074306301964.png Sticky bomb

      • Creates a 3x3 area for 6 seconds which binds monsters stood in it.

      • Cast range of 9 tiles.

    • 655341074591645707.png Poison bomb

      • Create a 3x3 area for 6 seconds which applies poison to monsters stood in it.

      • Cast range of 9 tiles.

      • The poisons damage is based on current weapon damage.

Incense stick guide

Incense sticks are a consumable created by combining logs, ashes, and herbs. They have a variety of uses between skilling and combat, but we will only be covering those that have a pvm related boost. Each incense stick increases the buff duration by 10 minutes.

Incense sticks have a potency from 1-4. This increases by 1 every 10 minutes (30 minutes till max potency), or you can ‘overload’ and instantly boost to max potency at the cost of 6 sticks (still only 10 minutes added duration though). This would increase the cost for 1 hour to 11 incense sticks instead of just 6, but more sticks can be added to keep the boosts up indefinitely assuming your buff doesn’t expire. Dying will cancel your incense boost as a whole causing you to have to re-incense, even if you use a ring of death or practice mode. In practice, overloading instantly is almost always better.

You can have up to 3 different effects active at once at 95 firemaking.

The relevant incense sticks with pvm benefits are listed as follows:

  • 690987265186594857.png Ranarr: Each potency level gives a +1 prayer bonus (functionally useless)

  • 565726489136463894.png Spirit Weed: Each potency level provides a 10% increased familiar special attack recovery rate

  • 690987265371144202.png Irit: Each potency level reduces poison damage by 25%

  • 565726489341984779.png Kwuarm: Each potency level provides +2.5% weapon poison damage

  • 565726489404899368.png Lantadyme: Each potency level increases potion timer by 30 seconds. Not usually cost effective to use but can reduce the need to make more overloads.

  • 690987265421213746.png Fellstalk (For Slayer): Each potency level provides a x1.01 chance to spawn elite monsters

Incense sticks are rather expensive to use in dangerous pvm due to having to re-incense upon death, so it is advised to only use them in higher level pvm where there benefits are quite tangible for their value or where their cost will be offset by profit. But here is a general list of where you would use certain incense sticks.

Kalphite King: Spirit Weed, Kwuarm, Lantadyme

GWD2: Spirit Weed, Kwuarm (at Helwyr and Greg), Lantadyme, Irit (At Greg)

Elite Dungeons: Spirit Weed, Kwuarm, Lantadyme

Angel of Death: Spirit Weed, Kwuarm, Lantadyme

Araxxor: Lantadyme, Irit if not using salves/venomblood

Raids: Spirit Weed, Kwuarm, Lantadyme

Magister: Spirit Weed, Kwuarm, Lantadyme

Rots: Lantadyme

Solak: Spirit Weed, Kwuarm, Lantadyme

Telos: Kwuarm, Lantadyme, (Spirit Weed if using ripper, or mammoth for eating maybe)

Vorago: Lantadyme

Summoning (Lvl 87/99)

  • 513195712163348506.png Nihil

    • Nihils boost their users Melee/Ranged/Magic accuracy by 5% depending on nihil summoned

  • Priority: High

  • 513195724738002944.png Steel Titan

    • DPS familiar

    • Note: Should set the special attacks to occur every 1 attack when scrolls are stored in it

    • Note: Can also spam click its special to fire off specs faster

  • Often used in conjunction with Spiritual Prayer flasks to spam its special attack for a bigger dps buff

  • Can be used as a cheaper alternative to ripper demon, however there is a significant difference

  • Priority: High

  • 703581275453128714.png Ripper Demon

    • Best DPS familiar

    • Note: Should set the special attacks to occur every 1 attack when scrolls are stored in it

    • Note: Can also spam click its special to fire off specs faster

  • Often used in conjunction with Spiritual Prayer flasks to spam its special attack for a bigger dps buff

  • Has a passive effect that allows you to deal more damage the lower your targets HP is, this works even if the ripper can’t attack your target e.g. Seiryu crystals.

  • Priority: High

Bakriminel Bolts

Enchanted bakriminel bolts provide various effects which can be very useful in certain pvm scenarios. If you are using DW weapons it is highly recommended that you use bakriminel bolts for increased DPM. Here’s a rundown of the current meta. If a bolt does not appear on this list, it is not considered meta .

Ruby bolts 565726489413287956.png - Overall best dps bolt for general pvm. 5% chance to activate, replacing a hit with a new one based on target’s HP. The bolts have a shared cooldown per target, making them less effective (but still very powerful) in groups. Around ~70k HP, it is recommended to switch to another type of bolt, as ruby bolts can reduce DPS if the bolt damage is less than the original hit.

Diamond bolts - Improves accuracy. Useful for bosses where you want the extra accuracy above all else (eg. Rise of the Six).

Onyx bolts 565726489362956308.png - 10% chance to activate, heals 25% of the hit that triggered activation. Also increases damage by 25% on activation. Great for sustained healing, and alternative bolts after ruby bolts are no longer effective. Expensive.

Hydrix bolts 550834403136503822.png - 10% chance to activate, immediately granting 10% adren, and +1% on basics for 15 seconds. Used as a utility bolt for pumping out more thresholds while in Death’s Swiftness. These are the hardest bolts to use effectively as they require you to improvise a rotation based off of how much adrenaline you gain . Very expensive.

Note: Ruby bak bolts are banned from challenge gems as its difficult accurately measure your DPM with their effects.