
(Credit to <@!238646799433203712> and <@!197117606732234752>)


Nex: Angel of Death has the distinction of being the most damage centric boss in the game. Damage is king at AoD. As such, it is extremely important to have solid knowledge of rotations, as well as understand how to squeeze damage in at every opportunity. An AoD preset will be notably low in solid food, and have a significant amount of Blue Blubber Jellyfishes and Guthix Rests, as you are able to spam them during the kill to heal without losing adrenaline. Additionally, it is highly recommended to learn the boss with magic, as on a 7 man team, there will be 1-5 mages at any give time. However, Melee is also extremely viable at AoD and at the time of writing (2020/01/04) is considered meta on more experienced teams with 2-4 meleers on a team. At time of writing, it’s encouraged to start at AoD 7-10 server, and end up in Nex AoD FC.

Salves are especially nice at AoD, as they save inventory space and also prevent the poison effect during the last 600k of the boss. An amulet of souls is used as you reach very high accuracy at AoD. If you do not 4tick at AoD (highly encouraged to learn to 4tick for this boss), then switches can be removed. Bladed Dive is critical to use during the last 600k in order to travel quickly between pillars around the arena.

Each kill should be started at 100% adrenaline, which is why the preset contains an equipped ring of vigour and a cywir wand/ancient lantern (Planted Feet Switch).

Starting positioning


Beginner Preset

  • 583430011868938283.png 536252658986647589.png 536252660333019136.png 536252659422855188.png

536252660270104591.png for entangle.

Mage Ent

As you become more familiar with the boss, you are able to incorporate spiritual prayer potions to spam Ripper demon specials, and also bring a dragon rider amulet switch for extra damage on dragon breath. Additionally, once you are familiar with entangle and have a solid understanding of the mechanics at the boss, you can start to do the hammer, chinner, and solo base roles. It is also entirely viable to not use spellbook swap, and should only be done when comfortable. The ancient lantern is used both as a shield switch and as a planted feet switch.

  • 580177522700976138.png Elite Tectonic robe bottom (barrows) Invigorating 4

  • 656785077883109407.png Seismic singularity Flanking 4

  • 659122103269982228.png Dark Form Camp dark form the entire kill

  • 690848915020447745.png Rune Pouch 536252658970001409.png 536252659850674186.png 536252659301089280.png

  • 656786565149884427.png Rune Pouch 536252659615924258.png 536252658961481769.png 536252661406760970.png

  • 656786565527502858.png Rune Pouch 536252660165115905.png 536252659586433024.png 536252659808731137.png

(Runes for 537338981747261446.png 537340400185245701.png 657248051190300682.png 537349530551582720.png 535614336207552523.png 543478434953822208.png )

The scrimshaw of the elements can be replaced by a grimoire.

Quaker/Melee ent

Historically needed to hammer the boss during P2 but is no longer needed. Quaker is essentially a free melee who might need to quake the boss. Quaker should only quake if the team has someone off a berserker aura variant, doesn’t have a mage or people do not own EoF.

2 rune pouches should be used to allow for group vengeance and disruption shield to be casted. Additionally, knowing how to do good damage with Melee is critical. Spiritual prayer can also be replaced with food if needed. Grimoire is best in slot, but can be replaced with a Saradomin Book or Armadyl book. A vampirism scrimshaw is strongly discouraged, but if needed, can replace a piece of food as a switch.

  • If melee ent, replace 694566917456789554.png with 655341074235129858.png

  • 656785061059756032.png Off-hand Drygore mace Flanking 4

  • 690848914949144616.png Rune Pouch 536252658970001409.png 536252658961481769.png 536252659301089280.png

  • 656786565527502858.png Rune Pouch 536252660165115905.png 536252659586433024.png 536252659808731137.png

(Runes for 535614336207552523.png 543478434953822208.png )


As the chinner, your job is to help phasing along, and clear the minions while calling the order they die in. Range is used in conjunction with mechanical chinchompas to do this as efficiently as possible. Additionally, the chinner is expected to voke the boss if the base dies for some reason, as they use the least food during the kill overall (especially due to the ability to soul split minions). The multiple eofs are for Dark bow, Sgb, and hammer.

Hydrix bolts can be used either on ruby bolt cooldown, or for only the last 600k, depending on how sweaty you’d like to be. Food and spiritual prayers can be adjusted as needed.

(Chinner Hammers P1)

  • 513190159362031631.png Off-hand Ascension crossbow Flanking 4

  • 690848914949144616.png Rune Pouch 536252658970001409.png 536252658961481769.png 536252659301089280.png

  • 656786565527502858.png Rune Pouch 536252660165115905.png 536252659586433024.png 536252659808731137.png

(Runes for 535614336207552523.png 543478434953822208.png )

Mage Solo Base

In the current meta at the time of writing (1/15/2019), most AoD teams have a dedicated meat shield, the solo base. Responsibilities as a solo base are, positioning the boss to provide flanking, keeping the boss relatively centered, staying alive (THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT), and dragging the boss away during pillars phase so that people are able to soul split their HP without getting mage autos.

It is recommended to use a 703581275453128714.png . However a mammoth can be used in conjunction with its scrolls to allow eating solids without losing adrenaline. Jellies and Guthix Rests are used to be able to combo eat big eats as well as for when burst healing is not needed. Spiritual prayers are used so that your scrolls have uptime when needed.

  • 580177561175457812.png Tectonic robe bottom (barrows) Invigorating 4

  • 656785077883109407.png Seismic singularity Flanking 4

  • 659122103269982228.png Dark Form Camp dark form the entire kill

  • 690848915020447745.png Rune Pouch 536252658970001409.png 536252659850674186.png 536252659301089280.png

  • 656786565149884427.png Rune Pouch 536252659615924258.png 536252658961481769.png 536252661406760970.png

  • 656786565527502858.png Rune Pouch 536252660165115905.png 536252659586433024.png 536252659808731137.png

(Runes for 537338981747261446.png 537340400185245701.png 657248051190300682.png 537349530551582720.png 535614336207552523.png 543478434953822208.png )

If using mammoth

Chin Base

As Chinbase, your job is to Hammer P1 and during the second pillar, as well as hold aggro of the boss except for P1 and fartank as well. Beyond this, it is crucial to clear minions quickly to prevent entangles from getting second stuns. On P1 and P2 your job is to do damage and help phasing along. During P3, switch to chins to clear minions with AoE. Thanks to <@!272545764578951168> who provided a lot of these rotations and helped change the chin base meta

  • 513190159362031631.png Off-hand Ascension crossbow Flanking 4

  • 690848914949144616.png Rune Pouch 536252658970001409.png 536252658961481769.png 536252659301089280.png

  • 656786565527502858.png Rune Pouch 536252660165115905.png 536252659586433024.png 536252659808731137.png

(Runes for 535614336207552523.png 543478434953822208.png )

Generally the instance host brings a 656844963522281473.png . Simply replace a 689530593742291033.png with 656844963522281473.png


Mage Ent


Umbra Mage ent

535541258131865633.png583430011948630016.png → Build to 100% → 535533833358016512.png655341074235129858.png537338981747261446.png 535533833358016512.png 746403211908481184.png 513203008608141314.png535533833391702017.png537338981747261446.png 535533809978966037.png535533809655873556.png537338981747261446.png 535533833072672778.png535533833391702017.png537338981747261446.png 535533833139912724.png746403211908481184.png 513203008608141314.png


Sigil Deto Start >29s

583430011948630016.png535541258240786434.png736298121704767538.png 641339233638023179.png 535533833358016512.png535533809978966037.png535533833391702017.png537338981747261446.png 535533833106489365.png535533809655873556.png537338981747261446.png 535533809924571136.png535533833139912724.png537338981747261446.png 535533833106489365.png535533833391702017.png537338981747261446.png 535533833072672778.png535533809978966037.png537338981747261446.png 535533809655873556.png535533833391702017.png535541258240786434.png 537340400185245701.png


Detonate Rotation (Requires losing target with dummy or reaver)

535533833358016512.png (nex) (100%) → 655341074235129858.png amalg → 537338981747261446.png 535533833358016512.png 535533809978966037.png694566917553520680.png 535533833072672778.png (2-3 hit) → 535533833391702017.png → Target amalg 513190159194259467.png537338981747261446.png 535533833106489365.png535533809655873556.png → After amalg dies 536256663641128971.png and 655341074235129858.png minion.


Note: Requires invigorating 4 and 602581956072439828.png

583430011948630016.png 736298121704767538.png537338981747261446.png 535533833106489365.png535533833391702017.png537338981747261446.png 535533809978966037.png746403211908481184.png 513203008608141314.png537338981747261446.png 535533809655873556.png535541306475151390.png537338981747261446.png 535533833391702017.png535533833358016512.png537338981747261446.png 535533833358016512.png 535533833106489365.png746403211908481184.png 513203008608141314.png537338981747261446.png 535533833072672778.png535533809655873556.png537338981747261446.png 535533809978966037.png535533833391702017.png → Improvise


537338981747261446.png 535533833106489365.png535533809655873556.png537338981747261446.png 626466665848242186.png 537340400273195028.png535533833391702017.png → Target Nex 537338981747261446.png 535533809924571136.png535533833358016512.png537338981747261446.png 535533833358016512.png 535533809978966037.png513190159194259467.png537338981747261446.png 535533833072672778.png535533833391702017.png537338981747261446.png 746403211908481184.png 513203008608141314.png535533809655873556.png



Note: 736298121704767538.png Adrenaline renewal potion

3.6s Zerk P1

535532854004678657.png 736298121704767538.png wait 2t → 535532879250456578.png535532854302605333.png535532879283879977.png535541258240786434.png535532878969438210.png535532878616985610.png535532879325822986.png626465964325601290.png 535532855191928842.png535532854302605333.png

1.8s Zerk P1

535532854004678657.png 736298121704767538.png535541258546970624.png535532879250456578.png535532879283879977.png535541258240786434.png535532878969438210.png535532879334080527.png535532854302605333.png626465964325601290.png 535532855191928842.png535532878616985610.png536256663641128971.png


Melee ent: As soon as p1 ends build to 92%+, then use 626465964325601290.png 537340400273195028.png , the example rotation assumes you end p1 with <84% adren

535541306475151390.png626465964325601290.png 537340400273195028.png535532879250456578.png535532878616985610.png (stall) → 535532879283879977.png535532879325822986.png → Go to deto spot 535532878969438210.png with 513190159341322240.png → ( 535532854302605333.png ) → Target amalg 535532879577612298.png535532879325822986.png535541258240786434.png535532878616985610.png → Target Nex+random abil → 535532879334080527.png + 535532854281764884.png

Use 535532854302605333.png instead of 535532879325822986.png on Nex, if 1.8s 535532854004678657.png

Quaker: 626465964325601290.png 537340400273195028.png between U and F → 535532879250456578.png535532878616985610.png (stall) → 535532879283879977.png535532879325822986.png513190159341322240.png 535532878969438210.png Umbra spot → 535532854302605333.png → Target Fumus with 188s

Free Melee: 626465964325601290.png 537340400273195028.png one south of middle lane → 535532879250456578.png535532878616985610.png (stall) → 535532879283879977.png535532879325822986.png513190159341322240.png 535532878969438210.png Umbra spot → 535532854302605333.png → Target Glacies with 188s

Use 535532854302605333.png instead of 535532879325822986.png if 1.8s 535532854004678657.png


Melee Ent

535532854004678657.png535532879250456578.png535532854302605333.png → minion 535532878616985610.png641339233638023179.png dw 535532855191928842.png535541306475151390.png 2h aa → Walk under nex+ 535532878969438210.png → 7tick 535532879283879977.png535532879325822986.png → 5tick aa 535532854302605333.png → Improvise

Quaker After helping Fumus → 535532879506309150.png (stalled) → Release 535532879506309150.png + 535532879334080527.png . If everyone is on a berserker variant aura and EoF you can skip this and do the same as Free Melee for P3. Or if you have a mage skip this.

535532854004678657.png535532879250456578.png535532854302605333.png535532878616985610.png641339233638023179.png 535532855191928842.png535532879325822986.png → Walk under Nex+ 535532878969438210.png → 7tick 535532879283879977.png535532879325822986.png → 5tick auto 535532854302605333.png → Improvise

Free Melee

Note: 641339233638023179.png

535532854004678657.png535532879250456578.png535532854302605333.png535532878616985610.png641339233638023179.png 535532855191928842.png535532879325822986.png → Walk under Nex+ 535532878969438210.png → 7tick 535532879283879977.png535532879325822986.png → 5tick auto 535532854302605333.png → Improvise


535532854004678657.png before going to last pillar + 2h Auto pillar → 535532854302605333.png535532878616985610.png535532879325822986.png535532879577612298.png → Target Nex 535532855191928842.png535532878616985610.png535532879334080527.png → 5t auto+ 535532878969438210.png → improv



Use 565726489413287956.png

641339234111848463.png 641670143197446182.png535541306563231790.png → auto + 642713547142332416.png535541270521708566.png535541259108876293.png535534127131394088.png626466665848242186.png 537340400273195028.png535541259108876293.png


Use 565726489413287956.png

(Prephase) 615618531937222657.png 537340400273195028.png535541258425204770.png535541270521708566.png535541259033378827.png / 535534127131394088.png → Target Amalgs → Equip 550834403136503822.png535541306294796299.png Umbra → Target Glacies > 513201065513058306.png535541259108876293.png


Use 550834403136503822.png

513190158812839936.png + 736298121704767538.png + Auto → 535541259108876293.png626466665848242186.png 537340400273195028.png → Equip 641669268722810881.png 535541306563231790.png535541259108876293.png535541258425204770.png535534127131394088.png → Equip 626714879218155521.png 535541306294796299.png → Equip 615618531937222657.png auto+ 642713547142332416.png 2ticks after casting tendrils equip 641669268722810881.png535541259108876293.png535541270521708566.png → Equip 626714879218155521.png 535541259108876293.png535541275957657600.png535541306563231790.png 535541259108876293.png535541258425204770.png535534127131394088.png535541259108876293.png

Example Pillar rotation


Use 565726489413287956.png

Auto+ 535541259033378827.png626466665848242186.png 537340400273195028.png535541270521708566.png535541259108876293.png


Use 550834403136503822.png



Use 565726489413287956.png

642713547142332416.png +auto(make sure to auto after casting tendrils) → 535541258425204770.png535541270521708566.png (3-6 tick) → 535541259033378827.png535541259108876293.png


Use 565726489413287956.png

535533810004262912.png + 535532854281764884.png (early) and tc+ 513190158812839936.png → Auto+ 535541306563231790.png535541259033378827.png626466665848242186.png 537340400273195028.png535541259108876293.png


Target Nex (can be a bit early, like under 15k hp on pillar). Use 550834403136503822.png535541258425204770.png535541306294796299.png615618531937222657.png +4tickAuto → 535541259033378827.png641339233638023179.png + 535534127131394088.png535541258425204770.png535541270521708566.png535541259033378827.png535541306563231790.png

Solo Base


535541258131865633.png583430011948630016.png → Build to 100% → 535533833358016512.png537338981747261446.png 535533833358016512.png 746403211908481184.png 513203008608141314.png535533833391702017.png537338981747261446.png 535533833106489365.png535533809978966037.png537338981747261446.png 535533833072672778.png535533833139912724.png537338981747261446.png 535533809655873556.png694566917553520680.png 535533833391702017.png536256663641128971.png535541258240786434.png535533833098100745.png


Pre 535533833358016512.png and 655341074235129858.png Nex

537338981747261446.png 535533833358016512.png 535533809978966037.png Nex → 535533833072672778.png 2-3hit → Target Glacies amalg+cancel asp with 535533833391702017.png → Cruor amalg 513190159194259467.png537338981747261446.png 535533833106489365.png535533833056026624.png → Target Nex 535533833098100745.png


Note: Requires Invigorating 4 and 602581956072439828.png

583430011948630016.png 736298313980182541.png537338981747261446.png 535533833106489365.png535533833391702017.png537338981747261446.png 535533809924571136.png535533809978966037.png537338981747261446.png 535533833106489365.png746403211908481184.png 513203008608141314.png537338981747261446.png 535533833391702017.png535533833358016512.png537338981747261446.png 535533833358016512.png 535533833106489365.png746403211908481184.png 513203008608141314.png537338981747261446.png 535533833072672778.png535533833391702017.png537338981747261446.png 535533809978966037.png746403211908481184.png 513203008608141314.png → improve+lure for pillars


Before 4th pillar ( 641670143197446182.png ) → 535541258131865633.png537349530551582720.png → ( 583430011948630016.png ) Skip sun if cannot be done before 3rd pillar is started.

Target pillar 537338981747261446.png 535533809978966037.png535533809655873556.png535533833139912724.png535533833139912724.png535533833391702017.png → Target Nex 537338981747261446.png 513190159194259467.png535533833358016512.png537338981747261446.png 535533833358016512.png 535533833106489365.png536256673904328704.png537338981747261446.png 535533833072672778.png535533833391702017.png537338981747261446.png 746403211908481184.png 513203008608141314.png

Chin Base


641339234111848463.png 641670143197446182.png535541306563231790.png + 535541259465392143.png → Auto+ 642713547142332416.png535541270521708566.png535541259108876293.png535534127131394088.png626466665848242186.png 537340400273195028.png535541259108876293.png


(Prephase) 615618531937222657.png 537340400273195028.png535541258425204770.png535541270521708566.png535541259033378827.png → Target Amalgs → 535541306294796299.png Cruor amalg → 513201065513058306.png535541259108876293.png


Equip 641669268722810881.png 513190158812839936.png + 736298121704767538.png + Auto → Prephase → 535541259108876293.png535541258425204770.png535534127131394088.png535541259108876293.png535541270521708566.png535541259108876293.png → equip 626714879218155521.png 535541306391265284.png535541306294796299.png535541259108876293.png → Auto+ 642713547142332416.png535541259033378827.png535541259108876293.png535541258425204770.png535534127131394088.png626466665848242186.png 537340400273195028.png535541259033378827.png535533810004262912.png + 536256663641128971.png


Before 4th pillar ( 641670143197446182.png ) → 655341074235129858.png513190158812839936.png535541259108876293.png

Target pillar 642713547142332416.png + auto → 535541258425204770.png / 535541306563231790.png626466665848242186.png 537340400273195028.png535541259108876293.png → Target Nex (can be a bit early, like under 15k hp on pillar) → 615618531937222657.png 537340400273195028.png +Auto → 535541306294796299.png535541270521708566.png535541258425204770.png641339233638023179.png 535534127131394088.png → → 583429757761224715.png → improvise.

Note: if team is really fast and you only build to 50% do: 641339233638023179.png + 535534127131394088.png535541258425204770.png535541270521708566.png583429757761224715.png

for Zaros

Reluring Off-Center Minions (Diagram Courtesy of Nex AoD FC)

Mechanic Handling in Faster Teams

For slower teams, generally most guides found by googling will be sufficient in explaining how to handle mechanics. However, as teams get faster, more and more mechanics are ignored in some way or another, changing how to respond to them. All of this information is how to handle mechanics in teams that are roughly 3:45 or faster.


Do not debil. When Nex starts the element spec, she will choose a quadrant, and that person will receive roughly 3500 x 3 damage. The optimal means of dealing with this spec is to turn on 615613924506599497.png , Use 535614336207552523.png to mitigate first hit, tank the second hit, and resonance the third. Generally, by this point, the boss will be phased. If not, switch back to 544195487926845462.png and finish the phase.


Replace an air surge with an entangle and continue DPSing Nex. It is likely that if you’re not 4ticking, this section does not apply to you. In even faster teams, it is worthwhile learning how to freedom entangle. This involves hitting your entangle keybind and then quickly hitting your freedom keybind, forcing an offhand auto as entangle, binding the reaver.

Mechanic Handling in Faster Teams (Con’t) - Phase 2

Shadow Orbs

If you get this special, you are not in a team fast enough to benefit from the strategies listed here.


If you receive a second elements special, you are not in a team fast enough to benefit from the strategies listed here.

Mechanic Handling in Faster Teams (Con’t) - Phase 3

Mid Lure and Flanking Sun

It is encouraged to do a flanking sun. By luring a minion directly to the middle of the octagon via surge, the sunshine is placed on the edges of the octagon. While this is a learner friendly tactic, the resulting sunshine is placed too far out on the edges of the octagon whereby some minion tanks can no longer flank in their sunshine. In a solo base team where Nex faces West, the Umbra and Glacies minion tanks cannot flank after they surge

(without moving out of their sunshine).

After your minion spawns do the following: surge, wait for your minion to run to the center, then walk behind Nex while staying inside the octogon. After the 1.8m phasing, activate Sun or the respective ultimate. With your new sun, you can

walk freely within your octagon quadrant to get a flanking angle. See the diagram below for how this


After detonating run to the spot shown in the picture below while attacking Nex so that dbreath hits both Nex and the amalgamation (standing on the amalg works fine but make sure you don’t walk yourself). After the amalg dies lure the minion by surging through Nex, once the minion is in the middle you run to the sunshine spot and time it.

Diagram on where to stand:

Sun spot:


Call that you are iced to your team. Freedom and move to ensure that you do not hit any of your teammates, and wait for them to free you. Jump back into the fight as quickly as possible and start doing damage again.

It is also possible to free yourself from this spec. If you get iced you can use a powerburst of acceleration to be able to move again via movement abilities. Alternatively you can use it to catch up if you are lagging behind your team during pillars. Freeing yourself from an icicle is very beneficial because not only does it allow you to be free from the damage of an icicle. It also means your team doesn’t have to worry about where it is dropped and won’t have to help you break the ice, speeding up the kill.

Example of freeing from ice can be seen here:

Smoke Lines

This spec is best avoided by counting auto attacks. After Nex marks you, she will do three auto attacks* and the smoke line will spawn on the third auto attack tick.

Note: the auto attack immediately after Nex initiates the smoke attack will not have an attack animation as she is still in her Smoke Crouching animation. For ease of keeping track, you could just look for two visible auto attacks from Nex and move away from the smoke line as she does her second visible auto attack.

Note that a smoke line occupies two squares width adjacent to the direction they are coming from. For the North smoke, the

smoke line will occupy the north line you are standing on as well as the north line one square west of you. For the East smoke, the smoke line will occupy the East line you are standing on as well as the East line one square South of you. Knowing this is crucial in safely placing a smoke line away from your teammates if you intend to stay near the octagon to continue dpsing.


Generally, you should have use of both surge and bladed dive to maneuver around the arena as fast as possible.

Last Pillar

Place your sun at max cast distance away from the edges of the arena. If the entire team does this, bombs can be places on the edges of the arena without jeopardizing your teammates suns. This allows for quick bomb placements and quick access back to your sun after you safely place a bomb.

Miscellaneous Tips (courtesy of <@!216433706343202816>, adapted by <@!435481585379180554>)

Teams should have one designated debuffer to apply Vulnerability throughout the fight. This is usually the Umbra minion tank’s job. vuln should be applied at the start of the fight, to Umbra, at 1.8m after you surge, to each pillar, and at 600k near last pillar. The reason there is only one debuffer on the team is because every vuln auto is a lost auto attack. (as an Umbra tank you can vuln bomb Umbra to save time)

While Reavers are stunned by ice, wrack will apply 188% average ability damage instead of 94% ability damage, making it as strong as a Dragonbreath but with a 3 second cooldown. This allows for Reavers to be killed fast provided they are still stunned by ice.

On Amalgamations, every Steel Titan special can hit upwards of 4k damage which significantly contributes to a speedy phase. Titan targeting can be inconsistent and if possible, you should manually tell Titan to attack the Amalgamation. The way to do this is to first recall the Titan (whistle button in the familiar interface), then ordering it to attack (by pressing the claw button in the familiar interface). Make sure you have summoning points for the Titan to do its special attack. Also, be sure to set the auto fire rate to “1”.

For NPCs that occupy more than a 1x1 space, the “center” square for said target will be the South-West most square. For Nex, she occupies a 3x3 space and her “center” square is the South-West most square. When you are attacking with Mechanized Chins, the 3x3 AoE from the Chins will protrude from Nex’s center (the South-West square). This means that if all minions are lured correctly and standing in the center of the octogon underneath Nex, they will be hit by the Chin AoEs. However, if a minion is mis-lured standing too far South or East (away from the Nex’s South-West “center”) the Chin AoEs will not reach the mis-lured minion. As Chinner, you should be aware of this and be prepared to single-target minions if any happened to be mis-lured

Soul Split flicking is fairly easy to do at Nex throughout P3 (1.8m) and P4 (600k) and can save you some food in a pinch. When Nex casts a mage auto attack, the attack is pre-determined to either hit or splash immediately when she casts the mage auto attack. However, due to the auto attack travel time, the damage will not be applied to your character until the mage attack reaches your character. If the mage attack happens to splash, a shield icon will appear on your character immediately when Nex throws out her auto attack. Knowing this, if you see a shield icon appear on your character as Nex does a mage auto attack, you can flick to soul split knowing that that mage auto attack will splash on your character once it reaches you. If no shield icon appears as Nex does a mage auto attack, you know that the auto attack will hit and therefore, you should pray magic. See video attached to see this in action:

Stacked Mage Attack. Due to how slow Nex’s mage auto attacks travel and due to how large of an attack distance Nex has, it is possible to have two mage auto attacks stack and damage you on the same tick. This can be very dangerous during P4 (600k) when moving around pillars. If Nex first does a mage auto attack while you are at a far distance, then you surge and move in closer to her and Nex does a second mage auto attack, the second mage auto attack will have less travel distance to cover and will likely hit you as the first mage auto attack hits you (remember that the first mage auto attack has a longer travel path, but has more time to travel to you). Knowing this, be wary of stacked mage attacks while surging around the arena.

1 Tick Bombs. During P4, the bomb mechanic will pulse every 3 ticks and therefore damage you every 3 ticks if you are caught in its blast radius. In the unfortunate scenario where there is a mid bomb and you are marked for an instakill, it is possible to save yourself from the instakill while also not taking any bomb damage. To do this, you must surge into the center circle, spend 1 tick standing in the center circle for the instakill mechanic, and move away from the center circle via bladed dive within that same tick. This is referred to as “1ticking” a bomb. Note that the instakill mechanic is applied 1 tick after the yellow bar is completely filled, not as the yellow bar fills. This is crucial in timing your surge/bladed dive 1ticking.

To Start Learning

If you’re interested in starting to learn AOD, check out our partners at AoD 7 to 10 man:

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