



All of the information regarding P3, P4, and P5 was taken from Dhoggo and Noname’s guides.

Starting out at Vorago

Vorago is relatively unique in that the smaller team you go to the boss with, the more rewarding it becomes. It’s recommended to start out in a 5 man team, and gradually work down your team size, until you’re able to comfortably duo vorago. It is highly recommend to use magic, as that is the meta for vorago, and has the most versatility. The inventory for vorago can vary, and the boss scales well to effort you’re willing to put in. Since vorago does not take damage from familiars, the two choices are between a beast of burden (tortoise, pack yak, pack mammoth) and an accuracy boosting nihil (smoke nihil should always be used over ice, as ice can cause strange aggro issues at the boss in certain cases). As a learner, bring a beast of burden to be able to compensate for mistakes, and fill it with solid food. Once you’re comfortable on a beast of burden, start taking a nihil. At the time of writing, the best place to learn Vorago is Rockman Discord (11/02/2019).

Auras: As with all magic, 643505153709965322.png > 643505377211842582.png > 643505652571963417.png

The more people using dark magic, the less effective the aura. Also, the higher tier your runic accuracy, the better.

Anything shown can be upgraded or downgraded as is available to you.

The shield is recommended to be tier 90, and will be used for resonance initially, and barricade in more advanced strategies.

For someone new to the boss, I would recommend the following inventory:


The praesuls and staff are used for 4taa, and can be banked in favor of just a staff or just a wand and orb. The seismic singularity is for flanking. Jellyfish and guthix rests should be used on P3 for healing without adrenaline loss or stat drain. The wilderness sword and Excalibur are used for bladed dive, and are optional. An Excalibur should be brought for lossless healing during P3.

Generally it is recommended to learn the vorago rotations in the following order (from easiest to hardest): Scopulus = TeamSplit > Ceiling Collapse > The End > Green Bomb > Vitalis

Pouch: 536252658986647589.png 536252659422855188.png 536252660333019136.png

Experienced Vorago

As you gain experience and require less food, it’ll become easier to add more switches. Adding switches should be prioritized in the following order (Note: Switches required for 4ticking are not mentioned here, as if you are able to 4tick consistently, it is always worth doing at a boss.):

  • Start bringing a reaper necklace switch 544200033390690335.png for p3 and p5

  • Start taking runes for shield dome and intercept, to allow for more damage reduction and advanced intercept based strategies

  • Start taking runes for disruption shield, for further ability to mitigate damage.

  • Start taking a dummy for building on p3

  • Start bringing a Statius Warhammer for its special attack

An inventory with all of those switches incorporated would look something along these lines:


Pouch Contents :

Pouch 1: 536252658986647589.png 536252659422855188.png 536252660333019136.png [This pouch is to be banked when you’re able to set borrowed power to cast vulnerability]

Pouch 2: 536252658970001409.png 536252659301089280.png 536252658961481769.png

Pouch 3: 536252659670188042.png 536252659850674186.png 536252660165115905.png

Pouch 4: 536252659615924258.png 536252660333019136.png 536252661406760970.png

Vorago P1


The base is the person tanking melee swipes. These are nothing special, just auto attacks. The only special considerations are the following:

  1. Generally, Vorago will do one at a time, a blue bomb (magic auto, covered in the bomb section), or a melee swipe (melee auto)

  2. Melee swipes are AoE in a 3x3 from the center. This means that if you could hit the base with a halberd range weapon, you will get melee swiped in addition to the base.

As base, you have two options.

In teams of 4 or larger

Stand in the north east of the arena, roughly 5 squares west of the absolute north east corner. From here, just tank the boss with pray melee on, do damage, and resonance as needed. Once the TL5 vokes, move over to just outside of MD of vorago, and be ready to step MD and voke when the TL5 needs to jump. Ideally, voke around 35k HP, but it is worth while to voke earlier if your team is doing very good damage.

In teams of 2 or 3

Stand just underneath the jump spot, slightly east of where the TL5 vokes from. Voke Vorago on drop, pray melee, and start doing damage. Build to sunshine, apot, and pump out damage with your scrimshaw and DPS prayers on. Soulsplit 615613924506599497.png flick if you’re comfortable doing so, and wait for TL5 to Voke. Get ready to voke back when the TL5 is prepared to jump.

The main difference between these two is who will be taking bombs. In the first option, it will be the bomb tank taking bombs P1. In the second, it will be the TL5 taking bombs while climbing.

Here’s a good rotation for Duo+ as Base, provided by <@!373844901273796608>:




As bomb, there are two mechanics to be aware of:

  1. Blue Bomb is a 7x7 AoE mage hit (center + 3) with travel time. The further you are, the longer a blue will take to hit you. You can resonance these, they’re affected by devotion, and are otherwise not special. Best to pray mage when a blue is about to hit you. Blues do not splash, instead rolling half damage if a splash is decided.

  2. Red Bomb is a 5x5 AoE typless hit and scales damage based on people in an 11x11 area around you. The red bomb is capable of cancelling defensives, and can only be mitigated with barricade (which will be cancelled). Vorago can also fire a red bomb alongside a non homing blue bomb. The best way to deal with this is by stepping 3 squares away from the landing position of the blue, avoiding it, and then soul splitting through the red, as it hits through prayer regardless. Red bombs start at 2k damage, but will do more damage the more people are near you. As such, be careful with running reds into your team, since it can easily PK your team mates.

Three scenarios for bomb

In teams of 4 or larger

You will be taking bombs P1. Do damage, be ready to prayer flick, and res blues. Remember that the reds will cancel your defensives. When you receive a red bomb message “Vorago has sent a red bomb after you! Run!”, he is firing a non homing blue with the red bomb. This means that you can completely dodge the blue by moving squares. Since blue bombs are 3x3, this blue can be dodged simply by being outside of range of the bomb’s AoE. Simply do damage and tank bombs until the end of the phase, employing resonance, devotion, or disruption shield as needed.

In a team of 3

You’re not taking bombs! SS your hp back up until TL5 makes it to voke spot, and then be prepared to take bombs. Employ resonance, disruption shield, and devotion as needed, and be prepared to prayer flick.

In a team of 2

Follow the steps listed for TL5, as you’re climbing now.


As TL5, your job is to get to voke spot as quickly as possible. The faster your climb, the better the phase will go for the whole team. Drop down in TL5 spot, eat up, excalibur, and equip your bladed dive. Dodge the first non homing blue, and climb up the first obstacle. After this, surge the second obstacle, and climb. Bladed dive to the third obstacle, and jump. Then, stand in voke spot and voke the boss. Be ready to jump at roughly 30k HP, and wait for the base tank to voke.

P1 Climb Diagram (courtesy of <@216433706343202816>):


Vorago P2

On Phase 2, it is important that everyone stack storm shards at least twice every reflect. Stacking shards will make the end of P2 much quicker. Additionally, avoid resetting HP at the end of the phase, as the time gate will end after Bring Him Down, and the boss will only phase once remaining HP is reduced to 0. Vorago’s HP resets at roughly 12.5k HP.


On drop down, stand in base spot and be ready to take the first two bleeds. Freedom, tag, voke as vorago drops. Then, escape the second bleed. Vorago will fire a blue bomb at you. Resonance this or pray mage, and get back into MD after the bomb hits you (DO NOT GET IN TOO EARLY, YOU WILL HIT YOUR TEAM WITH THE BLUE). Wait for bleeds to end, and then MD voke back. The rest of the phase is rather simple, just make sure the boss does not move from base spot, take 1/2, res blues. On the 4th gravity orb, surge/dive towards the orb and tag it, and start spam clicking for Bring Him Down.


Trio or larger

On drop down, DD in base spot with the base and TL5. Wait for the third bleed (remember the first smash animation is invisible), and voke. Freedom 3, Escape 4. Then, stay out and do damage while handling bombs, until reflect. After reflect, the first attack vorago will do is a red bomb with a non homing blue. If you’re not doing cade intercept strategies (which are strongly recommended in trio or duo), then dodge the non homing blue and proceed as normal. Tag orbs when you can, and mitigate damage as desired.


Since there is no TL5 in duo, the bomb takes 3 bleeds. Stand in the spot shown in the clip. Freedom 3, Escape/BD or just Escape 4, and let the base voke back for 5 as you run away from Vorago. Coordinate barricades with the base using the cade strategies described below, and tag orbs.

An example of duo bleeds as bomb:



On drop down, DD in base spot. Voke after the bomb escapes, but make sure to voke fast enough that the boss does not move. Freedom the 5th bleed, and wait for the base to voke. Move out of MD and DPS as normal, tagging orbs when you can.

Phase 2 Cade Strategies

Often times, it is beneficial for the team to coordinate barricades to mitigate damage on P2. By using intercept, you can essentially apply barricade to your teammates by routing all of their damage to you while barricaded. If we label each red bomb after reflect as 1, 2, and 3, then it is ideal for one person to cade 1/3, and the other person to cade 2. In this case, be 100% at the end of reflect, barricade yourself, and intercept your teammate. If the bomb tank is cading, force the red bomb onto someone else (in duo, this is done by stepping MD to Vorago so the base takes the red, and in trio or larger, this is done by moving far enough in that you’re no longer furthest out, for example by moving MD), and then intercept them after cading. This will ensure that your cade is not cancelled, and neither of you take any damage. Note, this strategy requires the use of the Intercept spell on the Ancients spellbook.

Weekly Specials

For an explanation of the weekly specials, consult the RuneScape Wiki


Phase 3

P3 Duo Rotations can be found in <#645460937473785886>

Vorago Attack Rotations


Player DPS Rotations by Week

General note: for teams of 4+, the DPS will follow the same rotation as the TL5


TL5 – Stand South of L rock. Do Asphyx, Wm, Dbreath, and Sonic then get off for reflects. The first rock will drop around the time you do Dbreath, move in closer when you do Dbreath/Sonic. Build with 1-2 defensives and charge Deto on reflects. Auto, Deto, Dbreath on release and Asphyx, Sonic. By this time the second rock will have dropped. Apot and Onslaught after you’ve moved in closer.

Base – Same as TL5. On reflects you can stand MD and Voke to take some melee hits and lessen the number of bombs sent to the Bomb Tank, but this is optional. Be wary of Melee AoE swipes to your TL5 if you happen to Voke and stand MD.

Bomb – Stand East or West at max cast distance. Disruption Shield (optional) on dropdown and do Asphyx, Wm, Dbreath, Sonic then get off for reflects. The first rock will drop around the time you do Dbreath, avoid the rock and stay at max cast distance to Vorago after he lands. Build on reflects with some defensives and start a Res, then initiate Deto (the Res will stay active in Deto if you keep your shield equipped). Auto, Deto, Dbreath on release and Asphyx, Corrupt. By this time the second rock will have dropped, and you should stay at max cast distance again. From here you have two options:

Option 1) Devotion, Apot, and Onslaught with Excal and go until 4k hp or cancel at your discretion. Use basics to finish the phase. This is the riskier but faster option. Note that the red bomb will be followed by a homing blue bomb and will hit after the red bomb has canceled your devotion, so be prepared to take a 2k red bomb plus a blue bomb.

Option 2) Metamorphosis, apot, thresholds and optionally Reprisal the red bomb and blue bombs. Limitless sigil is highly recommended for this option. Use basics to finish the phase. This is the less risky option as you can eat blue blubber and Guthix rests in metamorphosis but is slower compared to option 1.


TL5 – Stand 2-3 squares West of L rock and Sun as Scops spawn. Vuln, Apot, Excal and dps down the Scops. Pray melee as Scops can hit hard, even more so when two Scops are aggro’d on to you. If a Scop aggros the bomb tank, revoke ASAP. If the two Scops are positioned nicely, you can Deto as a threshold in your sun. If you are running low on food, you can devo as one scop dies to extend the devo. Phase should end as your Sun ends.

Base – Same as TL5.

Bomb – Stand in the South West quadrant and Sun as Scops spawn. Wait till the Base or the TL5 tag the Scop first before you tag, otherwise the Scop will aggro you. Vuln, Apot, Excal. Do a WM first and grab a Res shortly after. From here, depending on your hp and how the dps is, you can either Asphyx or Devo and continue to dps the Scops. Phase should end as your Sun ends.

Vitalis (Courtesy of NoName)

Everyone goes to their own corner and does a DPS rotation in MD, flicking blue bombs and melee swipes. I advise going about this by camping melee prayer until the one tick you may get hit by a blue, so you flick to magic prayer for one tick then flick back.

TL5 stands northeast, Bomb Tank stands northwest, and Base stands south (one square north of L-rock). This is to reduce the chance that bomb and base are unable to escape bleeds should the phase ever get to that point.

689504724159823906.png : Sun + adren pot drop. If you sigil, you can get both wild magic and asphyxiate off, but if you don’t sigil you can just wild magic. Build with defensives while on reflect and charge detonate at an early enough time. Release detonate and use thresholds until death.

615612332521029632.png : There are a couple ways to approach drop. Either: hammer + quake drop and build to zerk, or barge -> hammer -> destroy and build to zerk. After reflect, barge (you may not have this up if you barged on drop) -> ZGS spec and adren pot -> thresholds if you don’t have trimmed masterwork and don’t want to risk your health, or zerk if you are not too concerned with potential incoming damage and/or you have trimmed masterwork. Definitely zerk if you have trimmed masterwork, though.

If learning the exact spots to stand on drop, base is one square north of L-rock. Base should provoke right on drop so that if people standing NW or NE mess up, they can walk under Vorago to get to the right spot and ensure they’re MD.

A pretty ideal P3 is a 0-bleed P3.

Green Bomb

TL5 – Stand South of L rock. Sun on dropdown, Apot and get off a WM and GStaff. If the first GB is on you, get ready to tank a 10k and get off as reflects will happen immediately afterwards. Brew back up to 10k Hp, build with defensives during reflect, charge Deto. Release Deto with Auto, Deto, Dbreath and continue to threshold. If the second GB is on you, get ready to tank another 10k hp. If the second GB is on the Bomb Tank, devo-cept the Bomb Tank and get ready to tank a 10k (KEEP PROTECT MAGIC ON). Continue with basics to finish the phase.

Base – Stand West and Sun on dropdown, Apot and get off a WM. If the first GB is on you, get ready to tank a 10k and get off as reflects will happen immediately afterwards. If the first GB is on the Bomb Tank, pray magic and devo-cept the Bomb Tank and get ready to tank a 10k (KEEP PROTECT MAGIC ON). Brew back to 10k hp on reflects and build with defensives, grab a Res if possible and charge Deto. Release Deto and continue dpsing. If the second GB is on you, get ready to tank another 10k. Continue with basics to finish the phase.

Bomb – Stand in the South West and Sun on dropdown. Apot and get off some thresholds. Keep an eye on where GB is and be ready to off for reflects when GB hits (if the GB is on you, the base will devo-cept you). Grab a Res and build with defensives on reflects, charge Deto. Release Deto and continue thresholding. Phase should be over as Sun ends.

Extra notes: 1) If the phase isn’t over by the third GB, reconsider if you and the team have the dps for this rotation. 2) Place your Sun on the edge of a quadrant. If the GB happen to occupy the quadrant your Sun is in, you can still stand in the other half of your Sun without taking mist damage.


TL5 – Stand near L rock on dropdown and adren stall. Go into the first TS and WM, Dbreath, Asphyxiate, Sonic then off for reflects. Build adren with a shard and 1-2 defensives, and charge Deto. Release after the 3rd blue with Auto, Deto, Dbreath and go into the second TS. You can build with Anticipate and Freedom while in the second TS. WM, Dbreath, Apot, Onslaught out of second TS. Go until roughly 3k hp or cancel at your discretion and basics until the phase is over.

Base – Same as TL5. Alternatively, you can WM, Asphyx, Dbreath, 4TAA + GStaff then off for reflects if the first TS is in a favorable spawn. During reflects you should Voke, pray melee and stand MD to lessen the number of blue bombs the Bomb Tank takes.

Bomb – Stand near L rock on dropdown and adren stall. Go into the first TS and activate Disruption Shield (be sure to DS after Teamsplit spawns as Teamsplit will cancel your DS and defensives). WM, Corrupt, Asphyx, Dbreath then off for reflects. Build with a Shard, catch a Res if possible and charge Deto (the Res will stay active in Deto if you keep your shield equipped). Release Deto with Auto, Deto, Dbreath and go into the second TS. Build in the second TS with Anticipate and Freedom. From here you have two options:

Option 1) WM, Corrupt, Devo, Apot and Onslaught with Excal. Cancel around 3-4k hp or at your discretion. Basics until the phase is over. This is riskier but will lead to a faster phase. Note that the red bomb will be followed by a homing blue bomb and will hit after the red bomb has canceled your devotion, so be prepared to take a 2k red bomb plus a blue bomb.

Option 2) Metamorphosis, Apot, thresholds and optionally Reprisal the red bomb and blue bombs. Limitless sigil is highly recommended for this option. Use basics to finish the phase. This is the less risky option as you can eat blue blubber and Guthix rests in metamorphosis but is slower compared to option 1.

Extra notes: do not attempt to cast an auto attack while standing in the TS box unless you are sure you are within max cast distance (7 squares). Otherwise, your character will attempt to run into cast distance before the TS is over, resulting in you taking an 8k hit.

The End (Purple Bomb)

TL5 – Stand near L rock on dropdown. Get into the quadrant Vorago points to and do Asphyx, WM, Dbreath, then Sonic as you move to the next quadrant. Glitch out of arms ASAP and Sun, apot, and build with basics till Vorago stands up. Upon stand up, pray magic, WM, Asphyx, GStaff and off for Reflects. Build with Shards and 1-2 defensives and charge Deto. Release Deto after the 3rd blue bomb with Auto, Deto, Dbreath. Enter the next quadrant and do Asphyx, WM, GStaff/Dbreath, Sonic and glitch out ASAP.

If the phase is still not over at this point, gauge how much hp is left and decide on the following two options.

Option 1) Below 60k Hp. Continue dpsing Vorago with basics and charge Deto in the second to last quadrant. Release with Auto, Deto, WM the second Vorago begins his stand up animation, but before Vorago throws bombs. The reason being Vorago will have 75% damage reduction in the last quadrant until he stands up, however, Vorago will go back to taking full damage slightly before his full stand up animation. Thus, you want to stack as much damage as possible before his stand up but after Vorago starts taking full damage. If done properly, Vorago will end the phase and no bombs will be sent out.

Option 2) Above 60k hp. Continue dpsing Vorago with basics. On stand up, pray magic, WM, Asphyx, GStaff/Dbreath and continue dpsing. If the phase is still not over, reconsider if you and the team have the dps for this rotation.

Base – Same as TL5. In option 2, you should stay inside the quadrants and devo-cept the Bomb Tank as he tags blue bombs. On stand up do thresholds and finish the phase. During reflects you can Voke and stand MD but it is optional. Be wary of melee AoEs hitting your TL5 if you stand MD.

Bomb – Stand near L rock on dropdown. Get into the quadrant Vorago points to and do Asphyx, WM, Dbreath, then Sonic as you move to the next quadrant. Stay inside the quadrants and in the second to last quadrant place your Sun at max cast distance and continue to build with basics and drink your Apot. As the last quadrant opens up, tag the purple bomb early and get back to your Sun. Upon stand up, pray magic, WM, Asphyx, GStaff and off for Reflects. Build with Shards, catch a Res if possible, and charge Deto. Release Deto after the 3rd blue bomb with Auto, Deto, Dbreath. At this point, the hp should be low enough to finish the phase without going through a second set of stand-up bombs. If not, enter the next quadrant and do Asphyx, WM, GStaff/Dbreath, Sonic. If the phase is still not over at this point, gauge how much hp is left and decide on the following two options.

Option 1) Below 60k Hp. Continue dpsing Vorago with basics and charge Deto in the second to last quadrant. Release with Auto, Deto, WM the second Vorago begins his stand up animation, but before Vorago throws bombs. The reason being Vorago will have 75% damage reduction in the last quadrant until he stands up, however, Vorago will go back to taking full damage slightly before his full stand up animation. Thus, you want to stack as much damage as possible before his stand up but after Vorago starts taking full damage. If done properly, Vorago will end the phase and no bombs will be sent out.

Option 2) Above 60k hp. Continue dpsing Vorago with basics and stay inside the quadrants. Tag the blue bombs and have the Base devo-cept you. On stand up, pray magic, WM, Asphyx, GStaff/Dbreath and continue dpsing, watching out for the incoming red bomb. If the phase is still not over, reconsider if you and the team have the dps for this rotation.

The End video, bomb tank perspective: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uNQyVicWNE

P4 (Waterfall) Weekly Breakdown

Note: In larger teams, the base and the bomb should follow these steps to ensure minimal damage taken, and any other team members are free DPS.

Phase 4 Attack Rotation


Waterfall and Stone Clone

Disruption Shield after waterfall starts. Base should voke Vorago, to attempt to force the stone clone onto the Bomb. Bomb should disrupt 1st blue, res 2nd, prep 3rd, and damage their stone clone. Devotion the next blue bomb on-tick and kill the clone. Guthix Staff spec and both players should use Storm Shard on Vorago. From here the strategy is different for each week, but the focus is mitigating damage as much as possible.

Ceiling Collapse

Bomb tank cade cepts the base. Both focus on clearing rocks. Do bleeds + reflect as usual.


Base tank cade cepts the bomb on red bomb launch. Do bleeds + reflect as usual.


Both base and bomb tank should go north-east. Bomb tank cade cepts base. Focus on clearing Vitalis. Do bleeds + reflect as usual.

Green Bomb

Wait for green bomb launch. Person without a green bomb cade cepts the other person. Do bleeds + reflect as usual.


Go into your colored box. Base immediately barges MD. Do bleeds + reflect as usual.

The End

Base tag reds, bomb cade cepts. On standup, base cade cepts bomb, then devo cepts on red bomb launch while standing outside of MD. Go back in MD on reflect.

Final reflect and waterfall

Before the 2nd reflect starts, Vorago should be around 20k HP or less. Do not reset the HP at this point. After the last waterfall, use Shatter and other basics/thresholds until Vorago is phased. Bomb tank should pick up the final maul piece and make the maul.

Phase 5

Note: These are written for duos, but in larger teams, this is still ideal to follow, with the TL5 and extra members being free DPS. The only exception is on P5 for The End (Purple Bomb) and Scopulus, onslaught is no longer viable as team members will have to run purple bombs in teams of 4 or larger.

For Duo P5 look in <#645460937473785886>

Phase 5 Attack Rotation


Clearing bleeds

This is the most important part of ensuring a kill, as one person is guaranteed to get at least 2 bleeds, often times 3.

The most straightforward way is to bladed dive out as you receive the first bleed. Turn walk on to ensure you stay in max distance, then surge back in on the second bleed. Freedom if you receive a third bleed. This ensures no ticks are lost when clearing bleeds and will always guarantee bleeds to be cleared.

Other methods include Freedom/Escape/Barge, Escape/Freedom/Barge, Escape/Barge/Bladed Dive, etc. As long as you are able to move at least 6 squares from your current positions, you will always be able to clear every bleed.

Ceiling Collapse/Teamsplit

Base sun drop and Limitless + Wild Magic + Asphyx. Bomb disruption shield after TS, Wild Magic + Corruption + Combust out of TS, and cade on first blue. Bomb intercepts base on reflect and both go MD. Vuln and build with shard/defensives. Clear bleeds with bladed dive/surge/freedom. Bomb suns while base debilitates on first blue. Reprisal TS, bomb use thresholds under sun and base disrupts + cades on blues out of TS. Repeat until maul.

DO NOT use Onslaught on this week! Do not Barricade after bleeds either, unless you are 1 off.

DPS should Sunshine and do as much damage pre-reflect as possible, then do thresholds during sun again during bleeds. If you own Reprisal, tank the teamsplit with it. Otherwise, go in and then exit with a threshold.

Scopulus/The End

Base stand 2 squares away from MD with disruption shield active. Bomb stand MD and detonate + wild magic on drop with disruption shield active. Let 1st bomb go on base, then bomb clears next bomb with disrupt, cade on 3rd bomb. Both go MD with intercept, vuln and build. Clear bleeds with bladed dive/surge/freedom. Bomb should start onslaught, base should disrupt 1st blue and cade on 2nd blue. Should be maul, if not then use sunshines/onslaughts until maul.

DPS will have to run purple bombs in teams of 4 or larger. To do this, simply have DPS stay south, then run north when your detonation timer reaches 5 or less, then run back after your bomb explodes.

In smaller teams, you may Onslaught drop. Be wary of your positioning, however. Typically, one teammate stands north and one south. This way, you may maximize use of Onslaught without worrying about any other factors of damage.


Base sun drop and Limitless + Asphyx + Wild Magic. Bomb disruption shield and cade cept Vitalis orbs early. If any Vitalis appear, clear them ASAP (1-2 may spawn). On reflect have one person go MD. Clear bleeds as usual, then base debilitate blues after bleeds while bomb sunshines. Repeat until maul. If close enough to maul spot, you can barricade and onslaught instead.

DPS should Sunshine drop and make sure to step back to block the Vitalis orb explosion. If any Vitalis spawn, defeat them and keep targeting the Vit until they are dead. You can also place Dominion mines to instantly deal 8k damage to any spawned Vits.

Green Bomb

Both players Asphyx drop. Person with green bomb steps in and use sun, other person cade cepts. Do as much damage as you can until reflect. Vuln on reflect, but do not step in. Clear bleeds as usual, person who used cade should sun after bleeds, other person debilitate blues.

If the green bomb goes on the person who used cade already:

Simply cade cept the person with green bomb. Do as much damage until reflect, repeat until maul. If you’re close to maul spot you can Onslaught until maul.

If the green bomb goes on the person who didn’t use cade:

You will be in your sun, so don’t use too much adren and Devotion + Intercept the person with green bomb. Be prepared to tank a 9.5k hit. Other person will cade cept and both should go MD. Repeat until maul. If you’re close to maul spot you can Onslaught until maul.

On larger teams, it is viable to simply pass the green bomb among DPS in the south. Simply Sunshine drop and do as much damage as possible pre-reflect. If the green bomb is on the bomb tank, bridge it from them by standing within two squares of them, then run it into the DPS pile. The green bomb only hits 3 times on this phase, but be wary because you may still take large damage if you are targeted by a green bomb twice.

Learning Vorago

If you’re interested in learning Vorago, check out our partners at Rockman Discord by clicking the following link! Check out the role information and teaching events channels there to get started!
