
Rise of the Six (Credit to Rotscommunity)

Preface :

This guide assumes you understand the basics of combat, equipment, and the RotS fight, including mechanics. If you’d like to know more about mechanics it is recommend to watch this video: <>


Use this video Solely for explanation of mechanics. The methods are very outdated and are not optimal.


RotS is generally done in a team size of 4 and the fight takes place in a split arena where the team is split into pairs. Each side will have 3 brothers, the order of which changes everyday. However you will spend more time running through tunnels than you will actually fighting the brothers, which is why it is important to be proficient at both dps rotations and movement abilties i.e. surge + bladed dive. This is also why having the mobile perk, double surge and bladed dive unlocked is crucial for high kph.

At RotS the meta is to AoE the brothers down as fast as possible. Most of the meta and strategy revolve around stacking and luring the brothers so that they can be killed at the same time. By far the best way to do this is to have everyone use mechanised chinchompas and range, melee can be used but you will be fine with range assuming you have a Dark bow Essence of Finality.

Chinchompas make almost all abilities AoE. In general, all three brothers on a side are stacked on top of each other and then taking advantage of chins AoE to kill them all. Well-executed, this strategy should result in consistent 15-20s kills on any rotation. Additionally, because the ability rotation is independent of the organization of the brothers, it is very consistent and easy to learn and perfect.


Bladed dive is critical to being able to exit tunnels efficiently and increase KPH. One important thing for RotS is to use the Undead Slayer perk, as it will increase your DPS by a flat 7%. Undead Slayer ability, if owned and activated, will also increase your damage against the brothers by 15% for 10 seconds. Trips are generally ~30 minutes long, it is rare to eat during kills and the majority of your food will be used while in tunnels. This negates the downsides of using sara brews + solids i.e. stat drain will be nullified by the time you are back at pads and since you are out of combat you won’t lose adrenaline from solids.

Beginner Preset

Advanced Preset

  • 745279787471470713.png Essence of Finality Dark bow spec stored

  • 513190159362031631.png Off-hand Ascension crossbow Flanking 4

  • 656426717413507074.png Adrenaline urn Prevents adren loss after dropping combat, stores up to 1000% adrenaline, can be removed if using Persistent Rage relic

  • 656426717505650708.png Ancient elven ritual shard Restores prayer overtime, 5 minute cooldown

Melee Preset

Melee may be used on sides without Ahrim to deal high burst damage in order to minimize Karil specs. When meleeing you want to start every kill with 100% adrenaline. You will 535532854004678657.png every single kill and in order to upkeep your adren you need to manage your adrenaline carefully. This is why you have multiple apots and dummies. As melee you will always incite.

  • 656426717413507074.png Adrenaline urn Prevents adren loss after dropping combat, stores up to 1000% adrenaline, can be removed if using Persistent Rage relic

  • 656426717505650708.png Ancient elven ritual shard Restores prayer overtime, 5 minute cooldown

  • 690848914949144616.png Rune Pouch 536252658970001409.png 536252658961481769.png 536252659301089280.png

(Runes for 535614336207552523.png )

What to do:

Once you know the rotation, it’s easy to apply it to the fight. Both players stand on the same square (DD or death dot) and don’t move unless necessary. Both players should activate their offensive range/melee prayer (Anguish/Desolation or Turmoil/Malevolance) and Soul Link. The incite should pray Protect from Melee and the DPS should pray Soul Split. The Soul Link curse splits both the damage and health healed from Soul Split between the two players. This allows the incite to stay healthy while not moving, maintaining the stack and effectiveness of chins. When there are 2 or more brothers that would be affected by chins, use chins. If you are targeting just one brother, use your dual crossbows or 2h bow.


Where to stand is determined by the daily rotation, which changes everyday. On each side, three brothers spawn on three squares, spawning alphabetically North to South (A North, Z South). They will then aggro onto players, and the melee brothers will run to the players. Because the goal is to stack all brothers in chin radius, the strategy is generally to stand next to Ahrim or Karil and let the melee brothers run to you and stack on top of or next to Ahrim or Karil.

Because AoE and stacking brothers is the most important part of getting efficient and fast kills, the incite should move as little as possible or else risk messing up the stack. When you need to move is determined by the daily rotation because each brother does different special attacks. Internalize the special attacks below then you can formulate your own plan of when to move based on the daily rotation. For instance, if it’s ADG on one day, you would only move from the starting spot if: (1) Karil drops a bomb that could damage you or your partner, (2) Dharok or Guthan do a melee spin on your side, (3) Ahrim specs and becomes unattackable, at which point you should run the brothers to stop taking damage.

Only move when you see one of these things happening:

Dharok : The only Dharok spec that will force you to move is his melee spin.

Guthan : Guthan can melee spin. Additionally, he can spear the DPS, at which point the DPS should move to stand MD of Guthan (if all brothers are stacked, as we don’t want the Incite to move at all).

Torag : The only Torag spec that will force you to move is his melee spin.

Verac : Verac does not spin. Nothing Verac does should force you to move.

Ahrim : Ahrim’s firespin special attack can force you to move, but if you are immediately next to the rift in the center (as you are at the start of the fight), you won’t take damage.

Karil : Karil is the most dangerous brother. His lightning, bomb, and firespin attacks can all force you to move. His firespin attack is the same as Ahrim’s - if you are next to the rift, you will take no damage. His bomb attack can force you to move whether or not Karil is on your side. If he is on your side, you should move as soon as you realize he has started a bomb special because he leaves a bomb in his place when he hops over. If he is not on your side, you should be aware of Karil bombing and move away from the bombs. Keep in mind that you can be damaged by bombs on the other side of the rift - so if he bombs while you are still in your starting position, you may still need to move away. If you are low on food or it’s shadow realm, you need to move quickly.

Particular Rotations (Credit to <@!206832972035260416> for the video guides):


  • If you have an offhand flanking you will need to 1 tick the switch in order to keep aftershock stacks.

  • Because both players know what ability the other is doing at all times (at the start), the incite should walk both frag shots. They will need to walk under Ahrim in order to walk all three brothers’ frag shots. For example, if it’s A+2M (Ahrim plus two melee brothers), walk under Ahrim one tick after corrupting.

  • Make sure your chins are hitting every brother. Chin abilities affect a 3x3 square centered around your target. That is, they will hit any enemy that is on or adjacent to the square you are targeting. Sometimes, brothers will spread around you and you will need to target the center brother instead of any brother that may be on the side.

  • If meleeing you always want to start kills at 100% adrenaline and your adrenaline boosting potions are to be used after a kill ends to get you to 100%. (If you’re at 75%+ use an 634350450887622656.png . If you’re at 60%-75%, use an 736298313980182541.png . If you’re below 60%, you want to place a dummy and build on it. Remember when doing this you can use defensives and still gain adrenaline while not next to the dummy.

Ahrim + 2 Melee :

Range: Auto → 641669268722810881.png 3t 535541258425204770.png / 535541259108876293.png (Activate 641339922019516416.png as snipe/needle hits) → 535541306294796299.png / 535541273755385885.png643848618553507843.png 746403211908481184.png → Improvise

Ahrim, because his name starts with A, will always start North. When there are two melee brothers combined with Ahrim, you should start the fight one square north of where he spawns if you are the the west side. On east side you should use the door method. If Ahrim is not aired and does a spec (very rare), the incite should start running the melee brothers to stall their attacks. Relure the brothers to Ahrim once he is done speccing. This is probably the second-easiest rotation of brothers behind Triple Melee. Examples can be seen here:

East: <>

West: <>

Karil + 2 Melee :

Range: Auto → 641669268722810881.png 3t 535541258425204770.png / 535541259108876293.png (Activate 641339922019516416.png as snipe/needle hits) → 643848618553507843.png 746403211908481184.png → Improvise

Melee: 535532854004678657.png → (Activate 641339922019516416.png ) Auto + 535532878616985610.png → ( 641339233638023179.png + 641339234111848463.png ) 535532878969438210.png535532879325822986.png535532879577612298.png535532878616985610.png / 535532854302605333.png → improvise

When K is mid, the incite for this side will start the fight. The two players on this side should DD on top of where Karil spawns and force him to walk out from under you both by waiting one tick before autoing. If you don’t start the fight on top of where Karil spawns, one of the brothers may end up behind you, and your chins won’t impact him. Again, if Karil specs, start running the melee brothers to stall their attacks and relure them ASAP onto Karil when he is attackable. Examples can be seen here:

East: <>

West: <>

If K is south, the DPS stands 1 square south of where K would spawn and the incite starts the fight 1 square south of where the middle brother spaws. After starting the incite will DD on the DPS. Examples can be seen here:

East: <>

West: <>

If K is north, the DPS stands 1 square north of where K would spawn and the incite starts the fight 1 square north of where the middle brother spawns. After starting the incite will DD on the DPS. Examples can be seen here:

East: <>

West: <>

Triple Melee :

Range: Auto → 641669268722810881.png 3t 535541258425204770.png / 535541259108876293.png (Activate 641339922019516416.png as snipe/needle hits) → 535541306294796299.png / 535541273755385885.png643848618553507843.png 746403211908481184.png → Improvise

Melee: (Activate 641339922019516416.png ) Auto + 535532878616985610.png → ( 641339234111848463.png ) 535532878969438210.png535532879506309150.png535532879325822986.png535532878616985610.png535532879577612298.png / 535532854302605333.png → improvise

The 3M incite always starts the fight. The two players on this side should DD on top of where middle brother spawns. In order to prevent aggro onto the DPSer, It is recommended that the incite wait until after his first bleed (Corruption Shot) to start running. Examples can be seen here:

East: <>

West: <>

AK (Middle) :

Range (Incite): ( 641339922019516416.png ) Auto + 535541306294796299.png + 535533810004262912.png641669268722810881.png 3t 535541258425204770.png / 535541259108876293.png643848618553507843.png 746403211908481184.png → Improvise

Range (DPS): ( 641339922019516416.png ) Auto + 535541259033378827.png + 535533810004262912.png641669268722810881.png 3t 535541258425204770.png / 535541259108876293.png643848618553507843.png 746403211908481184.png → Improvise

With Karil as the middle brother it is possible to use the surge rotation on both west and east sides. This implies that you stand on the south most tile for east and 2nd southern-most square on west along the rift. Both players will target Karil then Auto + ability > surge (mid GCD) > chins + snipe > dbow > improvise. If you do not have a 9 tile range weapon you can do the intial auto + ability on the melee brother. Examples can be seen here:

East: <>

West: <>

AK (South) :

Start on the east tile infront of the door, after your Auto + bleed, walk one tile west.

Ranged (east): Auto + 535541306294796299.png / 535541273755385885.png641669268722810881.png 3t 535541258425204770.png / 535541259108876293.png (Activate 641339922019516416.png as snipe/needle hits) → 643848618553507843.png 746403211908481184.png → Improvise

If you are west there is no effcient way to DD the brothers. The current meta is to DD north of Ahrim and finish Karil with high burst damage, then contunie on with the kill as normal.

Ranged (west): Target Karil → Auto + 3t 535541258425204770.png / 535541259033378827.png (Activate 641339922019516416.png as snipe/dazing hits) → 643848618553507843.png 746403211908481184.png643848618553507843.png 746403211908481184.png → Switch targets once Karil is dead and improvise

Examples can be seen here: (Note the example for east rotation does not side step, however it is still recommended to do so)

East: <>

West: <>

Miscellaneous Tips and Tricks

1. Kill priorities :

Generally, the kill priority order goes Karil → Torag → Dharok → Guthan → Ahrim = Verac.

With quad chinning, the kill order is not as important as it used to be. If there is ever an opportunity to chin brothers, do so (and when chinning you cannot control, really, which brother takes the most damage). However, if brothers are not stacked for some reason (e.g running from a spec), then this order becomes important.

Karil is the highest priority target because his specs are the most dangerous and most damaging. Torag is next because his hammer spec has a lot of KO potential if it ever occurs simultaneously with any other spec (spin, bomb, lightning, etc). Dharok is next because he hits hard when low HP and can prolong a kill if he does a Give Me Everything special. Guthan is slightly less annoying than Dharok. Ahrim and Verac do very little damage and have mundane specials, so they are last.

2. How to keep track of Karil :

Karil is relatively dangerous, and it is possible to die because you didn’t see Karil leaving a bomb in the pile. The most consistent way to know where Karil is speccing is to watch for changes in the soul split animation. When Karil flies away to do a spec, the cloud-like animations that travel between the player and target will often track with him. By watching the clouds, you can know if and where Karil is speccing. If they suddenly fly towards somewhere on your side, he’s probably doing a firespin. If they fly towards one of the pillars on the chasm, it’s probably a lightning attack (might still be a bomb!). If they fly somewhere to the other side, you know it’s a bomb. This tip is useful for people on and opposite of Karil’s side.

3. Conserving food :

  • Perfect your surges and bladed dives in the tunnels.

  • Encourage your partners to save surge spots (see this guide: <>).

  • Don’t use Excalibur before you exit a tunnel as it will cancel on your way out. Instead, Excalibur in the surface world before you reenter a tunnel.

  • Activate fortitude when you activate Excalibur. You’ll heal about 30 more lp per Excalibur heal, and those extra lp will stick around after you deactivate fortitude.

  • Most importantly, learn to avoid special attacks and kill the brothers quickly.

Helpful Links

Kosei’s Basic Rotation and Positioning Guide <>

QBDee’s guide to running brothers: <>

Glaucon’s Guide to running brothers: <>

The daily RotS rotation: <>

To start learning, join Teachingrots:

Reach out to <@!206832972035260416> or <@!593106625955495947> for more details