
Solak - 7-man Perspective


The most recently released major boss in RuneScape 3, Solak, has a duo and a 7man version that scales accordingly. The 7man version of this boss has 8M hp.

Solak is the first boss that has made hybrid a viable strategy, which results in a lot of interesting ways to approach the fight, as well as a lot of different rotations. Whilst camping one style is not bad, utilizing two styles will yield the best results, as well as increase the killspeed overall, but mastering this can be a bit difficult.

Recommended auras for this fight. You have 100% accuracy at Solak (except roots on p1) which means you should utilize other auras instead of the accuracy boosting ones.

For hybrid, the best aura goes as follows: 643148943856762890.png > 643505652571963417.png > 643505652634746881.png > 643505652865695767.png

For one style camping, the best aura to use would be the respective zerker aura ( 643505153709965322.png / 643505179378974748.png / 643505116347105290.png ), and then the other hybrid auras as mentioned earlier

If camping one style it is recommended to use magic as it gives you access to vulnerability and 4TAA. However, this guide will showcase a magic and a ranged non-hybrid 7man preset. If you’re planning to melee you can just change the gear to match your own.


Non Hybrid 7man preset

  • Consider using a Grimoire if you own one, as there is no upkeep cost to using it at Solak

  • Cinderbanes are BiS at Solak (even for range), as Solak is poisonable, this stacks with weapon poison

  • The 4 mines are essentially 40k damage on the roots, making you spend less time on them and enabling you to get back on Solak quickly

  • Switches are not necessary but highly encouraged, as they increase your DPS. Change preset accordingly to what you feel comfortable with. They are not extremely important if you are basing, although will help with clearing some mechanics of the fight.

Hybrid 7man preset

This preset is just a sample preset for maximum efficiency, but can be changed accordingly dependent on the person. This preset can be changed depending on whether you’re basing or not.

Note: A grimoire is the BiS pocket slot item for hybrid. An update made it such that grimoire no longer has upkeep at Solak, therefore this is always the best option.


  • Build to 100% adrenaline outside of the arena

  • Start by placing two of your mines at the southmost root spawns, three DPSers on each side (base can choose whichever side)

  • Prior to the fight, you must discuss which root you will be taking, it can be any root except the two most southern ones.

  • You must place your mines on the same tick otherwise only one will go off.

Phase 1

First we’ll go over the attack rotation, and then into detail on how to deal with them accordingly.

Solak P1 attack rotation

2 Autos

Green pads

3 Autos

Auto + Bomb explodes as your bar fills up + root will spawn around the arena

8 Autos

Stunning roots will spawn on two players that have to run - avoid pking team members

7 Autos

AoE blight bomb

7 Autos

AoE Blight bomb

3 Autos

Arms -> Legs


7 Autos

Arms -> Legs


This is the end of a normal P1, but this can vary depending on team members and skill level.

P1 fight breakdown

Solak has 8 million hp. You are expected to finish your sunshine/death swiftness/berserk before getting onto roots. The lower Solaks hp is on p1 before root spawn, the better. This will increase the chance of skipping a second root spawn (will get to this later). Roots are flankable from the North side. Use your second set of dominion mines on the roots, as they’ll deal 20k damage to one of them.

After initial boss start, green pads will spawn.

After this attack, finish your ultimates and go to your respective root. During this root attack, two random playes will get a deadly root that will stun and deal rapid 2k damage to anyone standing ontop of them. You have anywhere between 7 to 13 seconds to deal with this. This is completely random. To deal with this attack, surge/bladed dive to the arrow that spawns with the root, use freedom and run out a second or two before root spawn. Make sure no one is standing on top of the roots.

After this attack, everyone should get back on Solak. Make sure every root is dead, otherwise blight lashers will spawn, dealing 2k+ range damage per hit.

Get back on Solak, your goal now is to get Solak as low as possible, to ensure no repetition of p1 specs.

Solak will spawn three blight bombs on random DPSers. He will do this twice. After the second blight bomb, he will phase into his arms, which both have around 120k hp. Once these have been dealt with, he will phase into legs. After the legs, a blight core will spawn with 1 million hp. Deal as much damage to this as possible. Depending on whether you’re hybrid or camping one style, use berserk or your respective style ultimate and deal as much damage possible to the core. Phase one will end once the core is dead.


  • The dps threshold for 7man Solak on P1 is 6M hp

  • It is possible to repeat every p1 mechanic, if phase hp is not met after first core.

    • The rotation will restart from green pads until phase hp as been met, after that, you have to deal with arms/legs until core is dead.

  • If at any point Solak reaches 6M HP, his next attack will be the arms/legs. This is why it is crucial to do as much damage as possible on P1

  • It is possible to skip blight bombs P1 if you hit the DPS threshold (6M hp) before the bombs.

  • Using bladed dive on a pad resets the cooldown of it, enabling you to use it again

Phase 2

Solak P2 attack rotation


Anima bombs (weak at first but hits progressively harder at the end)

(alongside anima bombs, Solak will do 12 autos before doing next mechanic)

Blight rain (5 hits)

(alongside this rain, Solak will do 7 autoattacks)

Pulling root attack

Blight rain (5 hits)


Roots x2 (alongside blighbombs, kind of how it works on p1)

Blight rain (5 hits)

(Solaks attack rotation will go back to anima bomb and repeat every mechanic in p2 except eruptions)

P2 fight breakdown:


Surge southwest as the core dies. Every team member should be killing the southwest eruption. Merethiel should be clickable now. As soon as you can, cleanse on merethiel, activate the cleansing mechanic whilst killing the eruption. As the eruption dies, cleanse at merethiel, and then surge back to the dead eruption. Utilize surge and bladed dive as much as possible. (NOTE: Some experienced teams will have a designated NW role on p2, all this role does is kill the NW eruption and attack solak, and nothing else.) Do NOT miss a cleanse, as this can seriously damage your team depending on how severe the damage on the blightstorm is. Remember to let your team know if you’ve missed the blight.

As eruptions die, every dpser should go to the most northern stairs in the arena

This spot is least likely to get hit by bombs but do keep in mind that bombs can STILL hit here.

When the anima bomb attack is over, Solak will prepare to do his blight rain. One dpser grabs the nature blessing (yellow shield dome) and places it when solak puts his hands down. Solak will deal hard hitting blight damage outside the dome (around 7-8k) So its important that you STAY inside the dome, as his damage will be reduced greatly.

Solak will do his pulling root attack, stunning and binding one random member of the team, and instakilling them if they do not move out of his attack. This attack can be easily avoided if you use freedom and move away. You can also use anticipation prior to the attack, to avoid it completely. During this attack, depending on your role in P3 (We will get into this later in the guide) you will use either berserk or Sunshine/Deaths’ swiftness (only for HYBRID). If you’re style camping, disregard this completely.

After this attack, he will use his blight rain attack again. Deal with it the same way. This is where the fight can vary for a lot of people. A fast team will either phase before the blight rain or during the blight rain. For slower teams, you will encounter the hurricane mechanic, which can easily decimate the team if you are not prepared. If your corruption percentage under solaks hp is still fairly high during second blight rain, quickly build to the barricade ability. As Solak is about to do his hurricane mechanic, quickly use barricade to block all damage.

The following mechanics should never happen, no matter team but I decided to put them in anyways in case some teams lose a lot of members and for some reason decide to continue.

Solak will do a blight bomb similar to his P1, but will also place some roots in front of him, however these are very easy to avoid, as you can just walk behind Solak. He will do this twice before doing his third rain attack, after this he will repeat all his mechanics except his eruption mechanic.

As Base:

Basing is a bit different. On P2 Start, instead of going south with the DPSers, you want to go NE and kill the eruption alone. Once eruption is dead, attack solak again. It is important that you line solak up so the DPSers can flank it. This is very easy for you, as all the dpsers will stand north at the stairs, so you can stand south of them with Solak.

As base, you will have to avoid anima bombs a bit more frequent. Remember to not run completely off with Solak, as this could pull team members with you, and killing them in the process.

During the blight rain, the base will grab and place his own nature blessing (yellow shield dome) to let DPSers flank Solak.

When Solak does his pulling root attack, he will place his arm on the ground. The base will climb on this arm (still dpsing solak) and take a huge melee hit that hits around 8k. This is a melee hit that you can use resonance or devotion on. The rest of the fight is the same for dps and base, with another blight rain and hurricane.


  • The moment you hit 0% corruption, P3 will start.

  • The rotation will restart from anima bombs if not at 0% corruption

  • You CAN resonance the hurricane and blight rain hits, although you have to time the blight rain hit res, as a range hit will hit just before the blight rain hit.

  • If on a slow team and you struggle with phasing before hurricane, you can shatter during arm climbing.