
Telos with Melee (1000% to 4000%)


Using Melee against Telos is generally more dangerous and risky than Magic. However, you can gain some benefits like less RNG needed on things like volcanic golems and KO protection.

This guide assumes 1000%+, but some rotations can still work below 1000%, but might need tweaks. Adjust accordingly from there.

Notable Enrage Checkpoints and Changes past 999

1000% P4 one rock will fall, P5 multiple rocks will fall, immortality no longer works P5, and Telos will freedom stuns and binds with a 16 tick cooldown

2000% “So you think you can guard?” Achievement, aka Silver Warden

2700% Tendrils damage required caps at 30,000

3300% The first prayer drain on P3 will smite you from full unless Telos touches the beam

4000% Hard enrage cap; “The True Warden” Achievement, aka Gold Warden


The masterwork legs 643847042170355736.png are augmented with Turtling 4 712073737377284146.png + Mobile 689501908628799488.png and Clear Headed 4 712073087864012840.png for use on P4 and P5. You only need two rune pouches and it’s incredibly recommended to have Borrowed Power Entangle 567727987274022924.png , although it’s not a hard requirement as faster strategies can forgo it.

  • 690848914949144616.png Rune Pouch 536252658970001409.png 536252658961481769.png 536252659301089280.png

  • 656786565527502858.png Rune Pouch 536252660165115905.png 536252659586433024.png 536252659808731137.png

(Runes for 657248051190300682.png 535614336207552523.png 543478434953822208.png )

Phase 1

Throughout 1000% and 4000%, the P1 rotation will always remain the same. The big objectives are to block and reduce as much damage without needing much defensives and to apply a Barge 535532879250456578.png bleed + Hurricane 535532878969438210.png on tendrils perfectly.

Target cycle + 641670143197446182.png 746403211908481184.png + 655341074235129858.png → [ 694566917456789554.png 535532879237873666.png if you get a Relentless proc] → 694566917456789554.png 535532879376023572.png535532878616985610.png535532879325822986.png535532879577612298.png [Skip if you did not get a Relentless proc] → 535532854004678657.png535541258844635148.png535532879250456578.png535532878616985610.png535532879325822986.png → stall 535532855191928842.png + release right before next ability → 535532878969438210.png535532878616985610.png

That stalled Assault 535532855191928842.png is important so you line up two Assault hits and Hurricane 535532878969438210.png all on top of each other for tendrils, nearly guaranteeing an instant free or a tick-late free even past 2700% enrage.

During the Cleave 535532878616985610.png and Decimate 535532879325822986.png after the initial Berserk 535532854004678657.png , you should be running out of range to bait out Telos’s Magic attacks. This is super important because Telos’s Magic attacks hit far less than his Melee attacks, which makes it much easier to survive when under Berserk 535532854004678657.png , especially as you approach 4000%.

After the Cleave 535532878616985610.png after Hurricane 535532878969438210.png , it depends entirely on how much LP Telos has. If he hits 450k right after Cleave 535532878616985610.png , wait until the tick Telos phases, then use Quake 535532879506309150.png + Bladed Dive 535532854281764884.png to the drop-off point. That Quake 535532879506309150.png is important because it lets you carry over that damage to the next phase immediately, giving you a noticeable headstart for P2. This works because AoE abilities like Quake 535532879506309150.png , Bombardment 535541306391265284.png , and Chain 535533833056026624.png calculate their damage late enough to be forced into the next phase if you use them on the same tick as phasing to the next phase. Practically speaking, only Quake 535532879506309150.png can be used like this as Cleave 535532878616985610.png hits too quickly.

If Telos is not immediately phased after that Cleave 535532878616985610.png , do strong basics like Decimate 535532879325822986.png and Sever 535532879577612298.png to get it down before uppercut happens, then Quake 535532879506309150.png prephase if it lines up nicely. If you do get uppercut, phase him immediately after and prephase with a Quake 535532879506309150.png .

Phase 2

The start of P2 depends on how much autoattacks Telos has before Onslaught and how much adrenaline you have going into P2. If you have over 74% adrenaline, you will want to ZGS spec 626465964325601290.png 537340400273195028.png before bleeding Greater Flurry 535532879283879977.png , listed as [1]. Otherwise, go with the abilities listed as [2].

If 2 autos before Onslaught:

Wait a tick → 535532879250456578.png626465964325601290.png 537340400273195028.png [1] OR 535532879283879977.png [2] → 535532878616985610.png [1] OR 626465964325601290.png 537340400273195028.png [2] → 535532879283879977.png [1] OR 535532878616985610.png [2] + 535541258832052231.png on the same tick → 535532879325822986.png + 535532854281764884.png back into ZGS spec → 694566917456789554.png 535532879376023572.png + throw 655341074306301964.png right as Telos autos → 535532879577612298.png535532879330148352.png → basics → 535532855191928842.png535541258240786434.png535541258844635148.png → basics until 300k → 535532879506309150.png prephase

Waiting that one tick before Barge 535532879250456578.png is extremely important, because if you just Barge 535532879250456578.png instantly you will deal no damage. So wait a tick for that damage immunity to pass by.

The Escape 535541258832052231.png and Bladed Dive 535532854281764884.png back in are done to ensure Telos leaves the black beam with zero RNG. It must be perfectly done though, as any other deviation like being late will most likely cause the lure to fail.

If 0-1 autos before Onslaught:

Wait a tick → 535532879250456578.png626465964325601290.png 537340400273195028.png [1] OR 535532879283879977.png [2] → 535532878616985610.png [1] OR 626465964325601290.png 537340400273195028.png [2] → 535532879283879977.png [1] OR 535532878616985610.png [2] → 694566917456789554.png 535532879376023572.png + drag Telos out of the beam → 535532854302605333.png535532879330148352.png → basics → 535532855191928842.png535541258240786434.png535541258844635148.png → basics until 300k → 535532879506309150.png prephase

Try to get Assault 535532855191928842.png in as early as possible, and try to aim to phase before Hold Still as well if you can.

If after uppercut on P1:

Wait a tick → 535532879250456578.png535532879330148352.png → switch to 2h 626465964325601290.png and auto + 535532854302605333.png535532879346794516.png + 535541258832052231.png694566917456789554.png 535532879376023572.png694566917456789554.png 535532879237873666.png + walk → 535532855191928842.png535541258240786434.png535541258844635148.png → basics and thresholds until 300k → 535532879506309150.png prephase

Ideally, you should not get this, but in the event you do, that’s what you should do.

The autoattack with 2h 626465964325601290.png after Destroy 535532879330148352.png is known as “5TAA”, or “5T” for short. Basically, after a dual wield 513206794844110858.png 513206794752098327.png ability, you can switch to your 2h 626465964325601290.png weapon and force out a quick autoattack two ticks after that ability. Because of the stun duration, this 5T wastes just enough time yet still gains damage to allow for the longest stun duration from a bled Destroy 535532879330148352.png to Backhand 535532854302605333.png to Forceful Backhand 535532879346794516.png . This will get used in both P3 and P4, so even if you don’t get uppercut on P1 to force this rotation, it’s worth learning this.

Phase 3

Wait a tick → 535532879250456578.png535532879330148352.png → switch to 2h 626465964325601290.png and auto + 535532854302605333.png535532879346794516.png + 535532854281764884.png into the beam → 694566917456789554.png 535532879376023572.png694566917456789554.png 535532854327640064.png694566917456789554.png 535532879237873666.png535532878616985610.png535532855191928842.png → basics to 150k

You don’t necessarily need to Quake 535532879506309150.png prephase here because P4 is somewhat time-locked anyway, but it’s somewhat helpful to. If you don’t have enough adrenaline to fit in both Blood Tendrils 694566917456789554.png 535532854327640064.png and Slaughter 694566917456789554.png 535532879237873666.png before Assault, just skip Blood Tendrils 694566917456789554.png 535532854327640064.png and do some basics instead.

In order to make P4 better at higher enrages so you aren’t scrambling for adrenaline, you can lure Telos into the beam and balance the bar. That way, when Telos drains adrenaline right after Assault 535532855191928842.png , it’s not large at all. Should the beam spawn on Telos, do this conservatively, else you will have to delay your Assault 535532855191928842.png by one ability so you can use Disruption Shield 535614336207552523.png on the explosion losslessly.

Phase 4

The goal here is to do as much damage as possible to Telos before he can fire off any special attacks, so rocks are completely skipped.

Wait a tick → 535532879250456578.png535532879330148352.png → switch to 2h 626465964325601290.png and auto + 535532854302605333.png535532879346794516.png641670143197446182.png 746403211908481184.png

Use limitless 641339233638023179.png here if you can. If your adrenaline is really dire, skip Statius’s warhammer 641670143197446182.png 745279787471470713.png 746403211908481184.png and Quake 535532879506309150.png instead.

For font 1, Resonance 535541258844635148.png + Reflect 535541258786177064.png and build to 100% adrenaline. Wait for the chatbox message “Telos: You dare to defy me?” and throw a sticky bomb 655341074306301964.png on the golems right when that happens. Get out of range from the golems, then Barge 535532879250456578.png Telos right as he gets up.

Safe rotation (0 Telos autos):

535532879250456578.png Telos + run back to font → 535532879330148352.png → wait 2 ticks, 5T auto 626465964325601290.png if you can + 535532854302605333.png535532879346794516.png535532879506309150.png or 641670143197446182.png 746403211908481184.png if you missed it

Fast rotation (1 Telos autos):

535532879250456578.png Telos + run back to font → 535532879330148352.png → 3 hit 535532855191928842.png535532878616985610.png or 535532879506309150.png or 641670143197446182.png 746403211908481184.png if you missed it

For font 2, do the same thing except you’re tanking everything here, so be prepared to eat up a lot here. This time though, use Revenge 535541259645878302.png with defender 643151141382651907.png . Skip Revenge 535541259645878302.png if you are not using a defender 643151141382651907.png . Use the same cues as in font 1 and go to town. You can use Devotion 513190158728953857.png here to mitigate damage, but if you’re going for fast font 3, skip that.

After second instant kill, 535532879250456578.png Telos right as the instant kill lands. This pops Telos’s Freedom immediately, delaying his next action. Bleed 535532879283879977.png → 3 hit 535532879330148352.png535532879346794516.png for safety, otherwise just use a basic for more adrenaline if you are confident in your DPS.

Safe font 3:

After Telos phases into font 3, turn the corner around the middle beam area and wait for all the golems to line up single-file. Bladed Dive 535532854281764884.png over to the end of the group of three golems and use Ingenuity of the Humans 641339234111848463.png + Entangle 567727987274022924.png on the closest golem. This traps all golems behind that one golem for 24 seconds, which is more than enough to deal with Telos himself.

Resonance 535541258844635148.png and Reflect 535541258786177064.png the font, then ZGS spec 626465964325601290.png 537340400273195028.png + adrenaline potion 736298121704767538.png . Barge 535532879250456578.png him with Mobile 689501908628799488.png , then stall a Cleave 535532878616985610.png . Release the Cleave 535532878616985610.png two ticks after the message “Telos is preparing to fire an anima bomb!” and bleed Assault 535532855191928842.png right after. Follow that up with either Destroy 535532879330148352.png (since it can stun out of range), or Backhand 535532854302605333.png → Cleave 535532878616985610.png or Destroy 535532879330148352.png and finish the job there. Alternatively, just bleed Destroy 535532879330148352.png right after instant kill, 5T 626465964325601290.png to Backhand 535532854302605333.png then Forceful Backhand 535532879346794516.png .

Fast font 3 (dangerous, experimental for now):

Immediately head into font 3 and start eating up while using Resonance 535541258844635148.png + Reflect 535541258786177064.png . Right at the end of the font, use Devotion 513190158728953857.png and lure the golems away from Telos. Sticky bomb 655341074306301964.png them and Barge 535532879250456578.png Telos → Assault 535532855191928842.png → Destroy 535532879330148352.png → basics until dead. Extremely dangerous however, and not recommended.

Phase 5

Make sure you have Disruption Shield 535614336207552523.png active at the start of the phase. That way, Telos and golems cannot KO you at the start of the phase.

Side beam, pure/black golems

Wait 2 ticks after regaining control → Mobile 535532879250456578.png Telos right as the message “Kill the anima-golems at the correct font to charge it!” appears → 535532879330148352.png or 535532879283879977.png + 535532854281764884.png into the green beam → 513213538496675850.png [1] OR 535541258786177064.png [2] → 535541258786177064.png [1] OR 513213538496675850.png [2] → 641670143197446182.png 746403211908481184.png535541259645878302.png535532854004678657.png + 654618235097972737.png → step away + 535541258844635148.png535541306353778689.png with Turtling 4 712073737377284146.png switch → 535532879250456578.png779048041088024606.png 746403211908481184.png779048041088024606.png 746403211908481184.png535532855191928842.png + 655341074306301964.png to block golems preemptively → 779048041088024606.png 746403211908481184.png + 655341074306301964.png preemptively → 779048041088024606.png 746403211908481184.png + 535533810004262912.png + 535532854281764884.png two ticks after using it into the virus/red beam → 535532879330148352.png779048041088024606.png 746403211908481184.png → basics to 0 LP if somehow not dead

Back beam, pure/corrupt golems

Wait 2 ticks after regaining control → Mobile 535532879250456578.png Telos right as the message “Kill the anima-golems at the correct font to charge it!” appears → 535532879330148352.png or 535532879283879977.png + 535532854281764884.png as close as possible to the back beam on the left side → 535541258844635148.png → stall 535532854302605333.png + release on Telos within the beam → 513213538496675850.png [1] OR 535541258786177064.png [2] → 535541258786177064.png [1] OR 513213538496675850.png [2] → 641670143197446182.png 746403211908481184.png535541259645878302.png + 535533810004262912.png into the beam away from Telos → 535532854004678657.png + 654618235097972737.png535541306475151390.png535541306353778689.png with Turtling 4 712073737377284146.png switch → 535532879250456578.png779048041088024606.png 746403211908481184.png779048041088024606.png 746403211908481184.png535532855191928842.png + 655341074306301964.png to block golems preemptively → 779048041088024606.png 746403211908481184.png + 655341074306301964.png preemptively → 779048041088024606.png 746403211908481184.png + 535532854281764884.png two ticks after using it into the virus/red beam → 535532879330148352.png779048041088024606.png 746403211908481184.png → basics to 0 LP if somehow not dead

If you want to play it safe and/or you want to ensure you will always be able to kill Telos even after you clear virus, you can use Immortality OR dragon battleaxe instead of Berserk and simply replace the first dragon claw spec with Berserk.

Side beam, volcanic golems

Wait 2 ticks after regaining control → Mobile 535532879250456578.png Telos right as the message “Kill the anima-golems at the correct font to charge it!” appears → 535532879330148352.png or 535532879283879977.png + 535532854281764884.png into the green beam → 513213538496675850.png [1] OR 535541258786177064.png [2] → 535541258786177064.png [1] OR 513213538496675850.png [2] → 535541258240786434.png641670143197446182.png 746403211908481184.png535532854004678657.png + 654618235097972737.png535541259645878302.png + 535533810004262912.png into the beam away from Telos → 535541306475151390.png with Clear Headed 4 712073087864012840.png switch → 535541306353778689.png with Turtling 4 712073737377284146.png switch → 535532879250456578.png779048041088024606.png 746403211908481184.png779048041088024606.png 746403211908481184.png535532855191928842.png + 655341074306301964.png to block golems preemptively → 779048041088024606.png 746403211908481184.png + 655341074306301964.png preemptively → 779048041088024606.png 746403211908481184.png + 535533810004262912.png + 535532854281764884.png two ticks after using it into the virus/red beam → 535532879330148352.png779048041088024606.png 746403211908481184.png → basics to 0 LP if somehow not dead

Back beam, volcanic golems

Wait 2 ticks after regaining control → Mobile 535532879250456578.png Telos right as the message “Kill the anima-golems at the correct font to charge it!” appears → 535532879330148352.png or 535532879283879977.png + 535532854281764884.png as close as possible to the back beam on the left side → 535541258844635148.png → stall 535532854302605333.png + release on Telos within the beam → 513213538496675850.png [1] OR 535541258786177064.png [2] → 535541258786177064.png [1] OR 513213538496675850.png [2] → 641670143197446182.png 746403211908481184.png535541258240786434.png + 535533810004262912.png into the beam away from Telos → 535541259645878302.png535532854004678657.png + 654618235097972737.png535541306475151390.png with Clear Headed 4 712073087864012840.png switch → 535541306353778689.png with Turtling 4 712073737377284146.png switch → 535532879250456578.png779048041088024606.png 746403211908481184.png779048041088024606.png 746403211908481184.png535532855191928842.png + 655341074306301964.png to block golems preemptively → 779048041088024606.png 746403211908481184.png + 655341074306301964.png preemptively → 779048041088024606.png 746403211908481184.png + 535532854281764884.png two ticks after using it into the virus/red beam → 535532879330148352.png → dragon claw spec 779048041088024606.png → basics to 0 LP if somehow not dead

These have zero RNG with getting stunned at inopportune times. The only risk is a potential rock before Barricade, but that’s very rare. You can also afford to swap Statius’s warhammer with Freedom on side beam for that bit of extra safety if volcanics took their time to start hitting you at the start. And as before, if you are not confident with volcanics out there, you can simply use Immortality instead.

It’s also a near necessity to wait those two ticks before Barge as well and nail the timing. If you Barge too early, golems can surround you when inside the beam and it can hurt far more, and if you Barge too late your Disruption Shield can no longer guarantee you not getting KOed at the start.