
Corporeal Beast (Credit to <@!238646799433203712>)


The Corporeal Beast is a boss unlocked from completing “A Summer’s End” Quest. If you followed the lore behind the quest, you will understand why summoning familiars cannot be used at the boss, meaning that you can only use the items in your inventory. A legendary pet can be used here. Furthermore, any weapon that isn’t a spear will deal half damage, meaning that melee is the only style you should use.


The droprate for obtaining a sigil is 1/512. If a player rolls the sigil drop table, there is a 1/5 chance of Arcane, 1/5 chance of Divine, 1/5 chance of Elysian, and 2/5 chance of Spectral.

  • 643161660231516165.png Spirit shield 1/64

  • 643161659984183351.png Holy elixir 1/171

  • 643161640162033666.png Spectral sigil

  • 643161640350646293.png Arcane sigil

  • 643161640342388767.png Divine sigil

  • 643161640107245580.png Elysian sigil

  • 643162604361089080.png Corporeal bone 1/2500 (500 threshold)


As stated before, any weapon that isn’t a spear will deal half damage so melee is the only style that should be used at this boss. If you don’t have a T92 spear then Reaper necklace is greatly preferred over the amulet of souls, as you do not have 100% hit chance. The Masuta’s Warspear does work at Corporeal Beast (tested on approximately 200+ kills) and may be used in a solo situation as you will not have to prayer flick for melee swipes, however this is less optimal.

Weapon Poison will stack with the cinderbanes effect. A vampirism scrimshaw will help sustain longer trips, and a cannon can be used for extra damage output (Kinetic cyclone is used over coil as it does more damage, albeit at the cost of range. However the range is a non issue at corp). Jellyfish and brews can be used for general healing without adrenaline loss.

  • 690848914949144616.png Rune Pouch 536252658970001409.png 536252658961481769.png 536252659301089280.png

(Runes for 535614336207552523.png )

AFK Preset (~55 kph) (Credit to <@!159421704270118912>)

This method will net a lower amount of kills per hour but may be used if you do not wish to put in high amounts of effort into a mid level boss. It is useful for title/pet hunting however there are a few prerequisites in order to sustain yourself.

For this method it is important to have 3 things:

  • 694566917456789554.png Masterwork Spear

  • 544200033847869443.png / 513190158359724056.png Amulet of souls

  • 643505653062565907.png Penance Aura

  • 739965637056659567.png Persistent Rage relic

Action Bar

Cannon Placement


The Corporeal Beast will only attack with magic attacks if you are outside of melee distance. If you are within melee distance, the boss will use both styles. Melee swipes are noticeable when the boss swipes with its front two legs. Also, protection prayers will not halve incoming damage, it will only partially reduce damage.

Magic attacks will do an aoe splash on their target in a 3x3 square. This means you should stand at least 2 squares away from your partner(s), if applicable.

Occasionally, a dark core will spawn and jump towards its target. This dark core will do constant typeless damage and will heal the boss unless it is killed or you step away from it. It will do typeless hits unless you are more than 1 square away.

Also a white core may spawn, this has a chance to drain magic, prayer or summoning stats. If your stats are already at 0 (no prayer or summoning points, for example), then you will get hit for extra damage instead. An overload or super restore can negate this special attack entirely.

Advanced corp killing strat (100 kph if done well)

Misc thing to have: Legendary pet for picking items (Do not add a familiar, just summon the legendary pet), cannon with autorefill, disruption shield, zgs spec.

None of these are mandatory but the less you have the less kills you will get. Not owning a zgs probably lowers kph by around 10.

Corp is an outdated boss with slow spawn times, thanks to it having an easily accessible public instance you can abuse and this is what the method is based on.

Kills will be alternated between the public and private instances.

Corp has the mechanic where he only takes full damage from spears, though there is a way get around which increases your kills if used enough.

It is done in these steps:

  1. Run out of md

  2. Cast the dw ability you want to use and click the ground

  3. Equip your spear and click corp (you only use decimate and gflurry). This gives you another 188 ability to use and pretty much cuts out smash and worse abilities from your rotation.

Rotations for corp:

Non-instanced corp:

535532879250456578.png535532879376023572.png535532879283879977.png (stall for 1st hit)> 535532878616985610.png626465964325601290.png 537340400273195028.png535532879577612298.png535532879334080527.png535532878616985610.png535532879325822986.png535532853979512842.png535532878616985610.png535532879325822986.png535532878969438210.png → improvise as it is near death.

Instanced corp:

Auto + 535532879376023572.png535532878616985610.png535532854004678657.png asap + 634350450887622656.png / 641339233638023179.png based on cd (don’t use sever on corp unless you are under 60% adren) → 535532879250456578.png535532878616985610.png535532879325822986.png535532853979512842.png535532879577612298.png535532878616985610.png535532878969438210.png535532879325822986.png → improvise.

Optional rotations for no zgs:

These arent necesarily optimal but instead of throwing a zgs spec (because you don’t own one) You will abuse slaughter and tendrils as they are very good.

Looks roughly like:

535532879250456578.png535532879376023572.png535532879283879977.png535532878616985610.png535532879577612298.png535532879325822986.png535532879237873666.png535532878616985610.png535532853979512842.png535532854327640064.png535532879325822986.png535532878616985610.png535532878969438210.png → improvise.


Since the kills are so fast you can leave the non instanced loot on the ground every other kill. When corp dies call your legendary pet and renew cannon (if needed) and exit. You can leave the loot on the ground in the world instance and every other kill you can go loot the old loot along with the new and leave.

For instanced kills, you let your pet pick up the loot. After it has visually taken the loot you wait 2-4 ticks and click exit (1 tick before it’s in invent you can leave and still get it).

During an hour you should bank twice. This method is recommended to everyone intending to do corp even if you aren’t the most experienced player, since this just kills most of the waiting time essentially increasing your efficiency.

The dark core doesn’t use up your disruption shield. So you can ss camp with it even if the core is on you.

Video example

<> (2 kill example)

<> (84 kph pace)