
The Shadow Reef (courtesy of <@!145413546409197569> & <@!133391081109716992>)

The third installment in the Elite Dungeon series of encounters, the Shadow Reef is home to the long awaited boss known as The Ambassador, which drops pieces for the newest T92, the Eldritch Crossbow (2H). Similarly to the other two Elite Dungeon guides, this is ordered first as a routing guide, and then contains writeups of each of the bosses specific mechanics.


Beginner/Group Magic

  • Bringing both dual-wield and 2h is optional, and should only be done if the player is comfortable with 4 tick auto attacking. If not, simply bring dual wield or 2h.

  • Adjust food as you see fit

  • Undead slayer ability

  • Undead slayer perk

  • Swap to salve amulet for undead mobs and Taraket

  • Cinderbane gloves are best-in-slot for the dungeon

  • Guthix staff to apply an affinity debuff

  • 583430011868938283.png 536252658986647589.png 536252660333019136.png 536252659422855188.png for Air Surge and Vulnerability


  • Flanking switch for increased damage in group, still applicable in solo to a small degree

  • Spiritual prayers as it is recommended to do the dungeon on a steel titan/ripper demon

  • Lucky charm (Shadow Reef) for slightly higher gp/hr (Note: lucky charms do not increase the drop rate of unique items such as Eldritch crossbow stock)

  • A few empty inventory spaces if picking up charm drops

Advanced/Solo Magic

  • Adjust food as you see fit

  • Dragon Rider amulet switch

  • 656785077883109407.png Seismic singularity Flanking 4

  • 690848915020447745.png Rune Pouch 536252658970001409.png 536252659850674186.png 536252659301089280.png

  • 656786565149884427.png Rune Pouch 536252659615924258.png 536252658961481769.png 536252661406760970.png

  • 656786565527502858.png Rune Pouch 536252660165115905.png 536252659586433024.png 536252659808731137.png

(Runes for 537338981747261446.png 537340400185245701.png 657248051190300682.png 537349530551582720.png 535614336207552523.png 543478434953822208.png )


  • Lucky charm (Shadow Reef) for slightly higher gp/hr (NOTE: lucky charms do not increase the drop rate of unique items such as Eldritch crossbow stock)

  • A few empty inventory spaces if picking up charm drops

Beginner/Group Melee

  • Noxious scythe to deal area-of-effect damage

  • Adjust food as you see fit

  • Undead slayer ability

  • Undead slayer perk

  • Swap to salve amulet for undead mobs and Taraket

  • Cinderbane gloves are best-in-slot for the dungeon

  • 690848914949144616.png Rune Pouch 536252658970001409.png 536252658961481769.png 536252659301089280.png

  • 656786565527502858.png Rune Pouch 536252660165115905.png 536252659586433024.png 536252659808731137.png

(Runes for 535614336207552523.png 543478434953822208.png )


  • Flanking switch for increased damage in group, still applicable in solo to a small degree

  • Spritual prayers as it is recommended to do the dungeon on a steel titan/ripper demon

  • Lucky charm (Shadow Reef) for slightly higher gp/hr (NOTE: lucky charms do not increase the drop rate of unique items such as Eldritch crossbow stock)

  • A few empty inventory spaces if picking up charm drops

Advanced/Solo Melee

  • 656785061059756032.png Off-hand Drygore mace Flanking 4

  • Swap to salve amulet for undead mobs and Taraket

  • Use terrasaur maul for Taraket/Ambassador

  • Use scythe or ZGS to kill Taraket/Ambassador adds

  • 690848914949144616.png Rune Pouch 536252658970001409.png 536252658961481769.png 536252659301089280.png

(Runes for 535614336207552523.png )

Section 1

Room 1: Starting with 100% adrenaline, barge the eastern crassian scout and bleed Assault on it. Move to the spot two squares north of the other scout and Hurricane, hitting all four enemies. Finish off with Cleave and Quake.

Room 2: If using mage run behind the 3 Scouts and detonate. The scuttlers will md you by the time it’s charged, If using melee use Flurry on the scouts, hitting as much scuttlers and scouts as possible. Finish with Cleave and Hurricane.

Room 3: If you’re on ancients, you can ice barrage the line of Warriors and all the mobs in this room will be lined up for tsunami and dragonbreath. With melee, move to the center of the cluster and Meteor Strike. Cleave and Quake should finish the job afterwards

Easy video guide: <>

Room 4: There’s only two Cloaked Zealots to clear here and they’re lined up for AoEs so just do whatever you want here, dragonbreath, chain, deto if you want to, etc. If melee just use Hurricane, Flurry, and Quake on the zealots to kill them.

Room 5: There are two Crassian Scouts and two Cloaked Zealots spaced apart here. Aggro the zealots and move back a few steps to stack the mobs together for AoEs. Detonate may be used but is likely better for the next room. For melee line up your Cleave, Hurricane, and Quake to hit everything in one go. You only need to kill the two scouts and zealots to move to the next room.

Example: <>

Room 6: This room has two groups of zombies. The first set will stack into your deto if you charge it near the entrance rather than surging past them. You don’t want to draw aggro from the second group early as that splits them up and makes them harder to AoE. Most if not all of the second group is quickly lurable into a tsunami. For melee, hit the first group with Cleave then keep running past while putting on your salve amulet. Quake the second group, then run back to the middle to lure both groups of zombies next to you. Hurricane and finish off the rest with Bladed Dive (with laceration boots) and Flurry. If you have it available, Meteor Strike is good but you likely won’t have it back in time. Activate Undead Slayer to speed up the process as well.

Room 7: Fairly small room, use detonate once all the npcs are md for mage. For melee, barge a zombie, Cleave, then target the 20k armored zombie and bleed Assault on it. Then run back to the zombie you used Barge on and AoE with Hurricane and other AoE abilities.

Another easy video guide: <>

Room 8: You only need to kill the two zealots here to proceed. Kill the zealots with Flurry and Cleave and take off your salve amulet for your main amulet. End with high adrenaline for the first boss, The Crassian Leviathan.

Room 9: There is a cloaked zealot and various scuttlers in this room you need to clear to proceed. You can generally stand behind the zealot and the scuttlers will md you for AoEs. Barge one of the scouts for both the Barge buff and faster movement. Bleed Assault on the zealot, then immediately target a scuttler to Hurricane and Quake.

Room 10: Put your salve amulet back on. Very spread out zombies in here that are fairly annoying to AoE as mage. Most of the time you can catch most of them in a detonate fairly quickly and then finish off the stragglers with your remaining abilities. After letting them md you use Meteor Strike and a few AoEs. Activate Undead Slayer to speed up the process.

Room 11: Run down a long path and jump down the cliff to clear an Ulthven Necromancer and two Huge Skeletons. There’s not much to this room but focusing the necromancer will clear the skeletons in the AoE. For melee, target cycle → Barge → bleed Assault on one of the skeletons or necromancer, depending on which enemy you tagged with Barge. Finish off the rest with Hurricane and Cleave.

Room 12: There are two necromancers off at the sides and a line of three Armoured Zombies that stack up very well for a detonate guarding the door. You only need to kill one necromancer and the zombies to proceed to section 2, the temple area. For melee, kill one of the necromancers with a walked Slaughter → Dismember → Decimate. Then quickly move to the zombies guarding the entrance to the temple itself. Cleave and Flurry the zombies, then finish off with random basics.

Section 2

Room 1: There are two Ulthven Necromancers guarding the gates to the east and west that you must clear to access the black stone artefacts. The main gate will not drop until these have been activated. A mass of summoned skeletons will form in the room as you go about this task, making it a very easy soul split opportunity with corruption blast before you proceed. Go to either necromancer and Barge (with Mobile) → Assault. Kill that necromancer and activate the artifact, then go to the other necromancer and Barge (with Mobile again) → Flurry or Destroy (Destroy might be dicey because of the bridge room but you can do it), then activate the artifact.

Room 2: This is the archer bridge where you get pelted with small ranged hits constantly. There are two Sea Horrors and a necromancer at the end of this room that you must clear to proceed. The horrors deal a ton of damage so, as mage, it’s important to avoid them by standing away or using ice spells. You’ll want to use devotion at some point for obvious reasons and revenge hits 10 stacks immediately here. Focus on dealing damage here and you’ll be out very quickly. For melee, Devotion right as you start moving into the bridge and Bladed Dive + Surge to the end immediately mid-GCD, then Barge one of the sea horrors. Bleed Assault on it, then target the necromancer to Hurricane. Cleave and Quake the horror you didn’t attack to kill both the first horror and the necromancer. Finish off the horror with Flurry or other strong basics while you finish off the horror as quickly as possible.

A lot of learners panic eat a ton here but the bridge can be done with no food

Example: <>

Room 3: There’s a line of three Acolytes of Seiryu guarding the gate here that must be cleared to proceed. They are melee and line up well for AoEs so just go to town here.

Room 4: Bladed dive/surge through the staircase as marked to avoid aggroing the four acolytes and go all the way to the next gate. There are many mobs here but only the necromancers and Huge Skeletons must be cleared. For melee start with a Meteor Strike and finish off all the mobs with Quake and other AoE abilities. but make sure to have high adrenaline as the next room is the second boss, Taraket the Necromancer.

Room 5: There is a Sea Witch and two Armoured Zombies in this room. Very straightforward, just dps and stack for AoEs as you see fit. Sea Witches have extremely delayed attacks for some reason so you may still take a moderate mage hit several seconds after it has died. Try not to use Assault because you’ll want to save it for the next room, though.

Room 6: Only the Kalgerion Demon needs to be killed here to proceed. He’s really big and impossible to miss, activate Demon Slayer and Barge → Assault the Kal’gerion demon. Finish off with more strong basics and thresholds. You can manipulate one of the required necromancers in room 7 to move from his position to make the next room easier on you by running as close as you can to him, so he aggros you through the wall. But this isn’t 100% guaranteed, and if you don’t get it simply skip it and proceed.

Room 7: There’s two necromancers (marked in red) hiding around in this room that need to be cleared. Just dump some thresholds and proceed.

Room 8: Another two necromancers are guarding the gate here so just continue picking them off. The Sea Witches and Magister miniboss that can spawn at the east side of the room have a fairly large aggro range so preferably hug the wall as you enter. For melee, Quake and Decimate the first necromancer immediately. Slaughter and Surge at the exact same time to finish it off and move yourself quickly through the dungeon. Get on the other necromancer and finish it off with Hurricane and other strong basics. Finally, dive into the abyss to enter the final section of the dungeon.

Room 1: There is a group of Crassian Warriors and scuttlers around the gate that must be killed. There’s a decent amount of damage to do here so sunshine, detonate, etc., are recommended. They stack up very nicely for barrage autos and other AoEs and aren’t very threatening in general. For melee, move to the gate and Barge a crassian warrior. Bleed Assault on it, and let the rest of the warriors gather to you, then finish them off with Cleave, Hurricane, and Quake. Save Meteor Strike for Room 3.

Room 2: Two Warped Skeletons in here that can completely clear you if you aren’t paying attention. If you sunned earlier at the previous gate, you can finish the remaining duration in here. The skeletons can deal a moderate mage hit frequently, healing themselves while dealing 2000-3000 damage to you. It’s recommended to keep them snared/stunned to not have to deal with this.

Room 3: There are two more Warped Skeletons along with three Cloaked Zealots guarding the gate. Run behind the line of zealots and detonate to clear this room fairly quickly. Once again, be wary of getting cleared by the skeletons but an ice barrage can freeze all the mobs in here nicely. For melee, Meteor Strike and AoE the zealots and skeletons all in one and finish off the rest of the mobs however you see fit.

Room 4: The last room before the final boss of the dungeon. There are two more skeletons along with two Crassian Scouts that need to be cleared to proceed. They’re pretty spread out so just dps and make sure to be on high adrenaline for the encounter with The Ambassador. There are three minibosses that can spawn in this room with a fairly inconvenient aggro range so avoid them by quickly Bladed Dive + Surging. For melee, Barge the crassian scouts, finish off the rest of the mobs, but try not to use Assault so you can more quickly use it for the start of Ambassador if you don’t want to wait.

The Crassian Leviathan

As the first boss of The Shadow Reef, The Crassian Leviathan has a very small and easy set of area denial mechanics that can deal a lot of damage if ignored. The boss will also passively heal over the duration of the fight, although the amount is very negligible. Once you get used to the mechanics however, this fight should be extremely consistent and fast.


Poison pits + Additional heads: The center of the arena is filled with poison and is surrounded by the additional heads of the leviathan. This area deals constant poison damage and makes the player vulnerable to long stun attacks that the heads can use. The player should never stand in this zone during the fight, making this mechanic largely irrelevant.

Dragon Breath: This will always be the first mechanic of the fight and is signaled by the leviathan firing a stationary breath attack in front of it, dealing rapid heavy damage. Simply stand off to the side to avoid this. Afterwards, reposition in front of the boss to avoid being caught in the next mechanic.

Head Sweep: The leviathan will slam its’ head across the ground twice, dealing very heavy damage to anyone caught in the area. This is avoided by moving to the opposite side of where the sweep begins, as seen here (applicable for melee with scythe): <>

After going through one Dragon Breath and two sets of Head Sweeps, the leviathan will shortly move to other opposite side of the arena. Avoid entering the center here by bladed dive and surging across. Any bleed used will be considered walked as this transition occurs. It will then go through the same rotation, starting at Dragon Breath again, so position appropriately. Optimally, this fight can be completed in 90 seconds or less, shortly after the the boss swaps sides.

Strategy (Melee only)

For melee, you’ll want to just get your Berserk and ZGS spec off. Within your Berserk, bleed Assault, fully channel Destroy, and 3 hit Flurry. Within ZGS, get at least a fully channeled Assault and Destroy off. Don’t bother with a second Berserk, aim to just finish him off in one cycle with just Berserk and ZGS.

Taraket the Necromancer

This encounter is the second boss of the Shadow Reef, and is a clear step up in difficulty from the first. Taraket’s mechanics revolve around spawning large amount of skeletal mobs that can deal heavy damage if ignored. As such, there are a large amount of targets in this fight and AoE abilities can be utilized to their full potential. The player can take a large amount of damage from all three combat styles, and having good DPS is an important factor in making this fight go smoothly. A Salve Amulet (e) should be used for the entire fight as it increases damage output drastically.


Rift of Undeath: Taraket will spawn a Rift of Undeath with 30,000 HP. This rift will spawn a large amount of ranged and melee skeletons that each deal low amounts of damage. After roughly 30 seconds, it will explode, dealing very heavy damage to the player. As such, it should be dealt with sometime in it’s duration, preferably with some AoE abilities as that will clear the skeletons that spawn around it.

Death’s Swiftness: Taraket will shroud himself in a Death’s Swiftness, becoming immobile and switching attack styles from mage to ranged. These autos will deal slightly more damage, especially if the player is maging the boss and therefore has worse ranged defence. This will happen fairly sporadically throughout the fight so just be ready to switch prayers at any point.

Corpse Carrier and Bloated Monstrosity: Upon reaching 200,000 hitpoints, Taraket will become invulnerable and fly towards one of the two black crystals at the sides of the arena, healing himself and spawning the Corpse Carrier (west) or the Bloated Monstrosity (east), with 90,000 HP each. The Corpse Carrier will continuously spawn skeletal mobs as it’s alive while the Bloated Monstrosity increases the damage of Taraket’s attacks. Both of these attack with melee and are very easy to kite if needed. Taraket can only spawn these once each and will not heal upon hitting 200,000 HP afterwards. The first spawn is not random and can be forced by moving Taraket closer to the desired crystal, although he will always go east if he has not been moved.

Spirit Line: Taraket will yell out “Your efforts are meaningless, witness the fury of the dead!” or “I am the master of death!” and summon a line of spirits from a random direction that will move towards the player, dealing rapid 2000+ damage upon contact. This is accompanied by a very strong (5000+) melee hit to anyone standing directly in front of him. Simply move out of the way accordingly when this happens and don’t stay in front of the boss after the two crystals have been spawned.

Strategy (Mage)

Ancients is highly recommended to AoE the various targets down while staying on the boss. Undead Slayer Sigil and Salve Amulet (e) are extremely helpful as well.

Start the fight with combust and escape to lure Taraket on top of his portal spawn location. The correct position for the player is roughly 2-3 squares from the wall. DPS the boss to 200,000 HP and the portal should be nearly dead from AoEs. Taraket will then move to spawn the Bloated Monstrosity. He can be kept in the lure spot by repositioning to MD east of him and then moving south 2 ticks after the skybox changes. This is inconsistent if the skeletons from the portal are also MD of him at the time so the boss may need to be relured.

Lure example: <>

Re-vuln and charge detonate on the boss. The Bloated Monstrosity should MD and the two can be caught in AoEs until the boss is DPSed back down to 200k. Try to keep the boss in the lure spot again and kill the monstrosity as Taraket is flying to spawn the Corpse Carrier.

Lure and AoE the two while focusing on the Corpse Carrier. The skeletons that spawn at this point can be absorbed by the boss to uber heal himself and also add up to a lot of damage taken. DPS the boss down to 200,000 again and he will use Death’s Swiftness and then 2x Spirit Wall. Stay MD and walk to the opposite side of the boss to avoid this mechanic. Flanking can be used at this time.

Example: <>

After this, the boss can be easily DPSed down to 0. Another rift may be spawned at some point but shouldn’t be an issue if the lure has been maintained and/or the boss is low enough HP to ignore it.

Strategy (Melee)

There are three slightly different methods to this: killing both bloats for maximum safety, killing only the corpse carrier immediately to balance safety with speed, and just DPSing Taraket and tanking both bloats. What you do will slightly affect your rotation, but the overall goals remain the same.

No matter how you do the fight, start with Berserk to Barge. Don’t use adrenaline potions immediately as you’d want to save it for later. Instead, just use limitless to get your thresholds off. If you were quick and started the fight while you still have your Meteor Strike buff from the previous room, the amount of adrenaline you will gain from critical hits will let you go bleed Assault -> 3 hit Flurry -> Destroy for the most optimal DPS rotation without an adrenaline potion. Otherwise, just 2 hit Flurry to Destroy. Regardless, dump the rest of your strong basics and the portal should spawn right before Taraket phases. Activate Undead Slayer right when you use your next ability after Assault.

Destroy the portal immediately. Abilities like Blood Tendrils are fantastic for this purpose. After that, you can either get back on Taraket (the best way) or kill the bloated monstrosity ASAP (safer but slower). However you choose, use ZGS to either DPS down Taraket or the bloat, then focus on Taraket. If you ZGS Taraket, use Barge as soon as he’s available to be hit with dual wield, then swap to ZGS to spec then to your terrasaur maul to get a lossless 2h auto for high damage. Bleed Assault and try to save Hurricane right before the 200k mark so you can overphase him and get an extra bit of damage before he runs off to heal and spawn the corpse carrier.

If you want to kill the corpse carrier instantly, Barge -> Flurry on it, then Slaughter to Meteor Strike as more skeletons spawn from the corpse carrier for maximum adrenaline refunds. Finish it off quickly, then right after it’s dead, use Berserk -> Barge + adrenaline potion -> bleed thresholds and finish Taraket off. Use ZGS spec after your Berserk wears off as well. Activate Undead Slayer with your Berserk as well.

If you ignore the corpse carrier, Berserk -> Barge immediately when Taraket can be damaged again and simply outeat everything. This is extremely risky, but can be done fairly well even with blubbers and Guthix rests. As your ZGS spec will still be on cooldown, finish off the rest with strong basics and thresholds. Use Devotion if you really have to, but generally you don’t need it.

Deal with the mechanics just as you do with Magic and you’ll be perfectly fine.

Kranon, the Ambassador

At the bottom of the abyssal section awaits the Ambassador, the final boss of the Elite Dungeon 3. This boss has a moderate learning curve compared to most solo bosses and has a variety of mechanics ranging from DPS checks, area denial, and self-healing, as well as utilizing multiple combat styles. The boss primarily attacks with ranged, with a heavy mage attack after every 5 autos. The mage hit is replaced by a small but instant melee swipe if the player is in melee distance.


Purple Corruption: The Ambassador fires a spout into the player, dealing no damage and placing a bar over their head. When this bar nears depletion, a 5x5 area around the player will become corrupted until the boss reaches 400,000 hitpoints. This is similar to the Sanctum Guardian’s mechanic from ED1 but will create two areas instead, separated by 2 ticks. These zones will last until the final phase of the fight and deal rapid 2000 damage to anyone standing inside.

Black Hole: The Ambassador will spawn a black hole around the arena that will explode after a duration, dealing 8000+ damage to the player, this can be despawned by stunning it.

Sinister Fragments: Six fragments will disperse from the boss to the edges of the arena with 20,000 HP each. At the same time, the Ambassador will fire three slowly rotating beams that last until the mechanic is over. Simply move between beams while DPSing the fragments down to 0. Dominion mines will deal 4000 damage each but if maging, decent rotations with ice spells and wrack in between abilities is more than sufficient to clear all fragments consistently. Touching the beams is essentially death but, as they always spawn in set locations (N, SE, SW), and rotate counterclockwise slowly, it’s very easy to avoid.

Crassian Ritual Keepers: Upon hitting 550,000 hitpoints, the Ambassador will begin to spawn Crassian Ritual Keepers that deal low ranged damage and make it harder to resonance his mage autos. These cannot be damaged and will continue to spawn until the boss reaches 400,000 hitpoints, when Seiryu appears at the north side of the arena, heals the player to full HP, and clears all corruption and Ritual Keepers shortly after. The end of this sequence signals the start of the final phase of the boss.

Black Hands/Ritual Phase: A ring of black hands will spawn to encompass the edge of the arena. The Ambassador will stop doing his corruption and black hole mechanics and continue his auto attack pattern as normal. The hands will slam down in a clockwise fashion, sending constant smoke projectiles towards the ambassador. These will heal the boss 2500 HP for each smoke let in and can be blocked, directing a small amount of damage towards the player. Allowing the boss to heal makes this phase extremely long so it’s important for the player to constantly be moving with the slams. Staying in melee distance of the Ambassador makes this require minimal movement and replaces his mage hits with weaker melee hits.

After every 10 autoattacks during this phase, the Ambassador will say “Fall now and be forgotten,” sending 5 very heavy mage hits at the player. These can deal 8000+ damage each and must be negated through some defensive usage. However, devotion can only be used on every other instance of this and the smoke from the hands can snipe the player’s resonance if they choose to use it. The common strategy for this is to alternate devotion and resonance + reflect or reprisal + reflect. This can still kill the player through 75% damage reduction so make good judgement calls on what to do if not using devotion.

Ambassador’s attack rotation

Mage/Melee auto

5 autos

Purple Corruption

5 autos (1 mage, 4 ranged)

Black Hole

5 autos (1 ranged, 1 mage, 3 ranged)

Purple Corruption

5 autos (2 ranged, 1 mage, 2 ranged)

Sinister Fragments

Repeat (auto attack pattern resumes, so next would be 3 ranged, 1 mage, 1 ranged)

550,000 HP - Crassian Ritual Keepers/phase 2

400,000 HP - Seiryu spawns

Black Hands/Ritual Phase

10 autos

Mage Onslaught


Strategy (Mage)

Start the fight with a full sunshine rotation and prayer flicking the Ambassador’s auto attacks. Place corruption around the boss at the center so they don’t interfere with you running around during fragments and stun black holes accordingly. This part is easily doable without using defensives or eating as long as you don’t mess up prayers.

During fragments, run around between beams spamming ice wrack, bleeds, wild magic, and asphyxiate. Try to end near full adrenaline and charge a detonate on Ambassador if you have extra time remaining. Release detonate and build back to sun (apot should come off cooldown perfectly).

Do another full sun rotation and the second set of fragments should be skipped if the player’s DPS is good. Otherwise, just keep going until the boss reaches 550k. If health begins to run low, the mage hits can be resonanced or just eat. Using devotion early on during Ritual Keepers allows you to resonance the mage hits risk free and it will come back up in time for mage onslaught later on. Try to not panic eat when the boss is nearing 400k HP as Seiryu will heal you to full.

During the final phase, stand melee distance of the boss and start blocking the smokes appropriately, moving slowly clockwise. Don’t sun too close to his mage onslaught (10 autos) or you may not have the adrenaline to devotion. The optimal sunshine location is straight on top of the boss as this allows the player to always be in their ultimate as they circle the Ambassador. Continue DPSing and do some combination of reflect, debilitate, resonance, reprisal, etc. on the second mage onslaught. If you’re going to resonance, it’s recommended to step out of the smoke to prevent it from being sniped. DPS to 0 and the fight is over.

Strategy (Melee)

Start the fight with a Berserk rotation. By the time you finish, the Ambassador should have laid down his first purple corruption. If you’re not confident in your DPS, you can simply Surge away to place it somewhere else, then Barge back to ZGS spec to bleed Destroy. But if you’re feeling good about your DPS, you can simply place it right next to the Ambassador and run through him to keep DPSing. Either way, lay down your ZGS and dump thresholds.

For the black hole, you can choose to either go over to stun, or tank it with Reprisal. With TMW, tanking it and using it as recoil is a very nice source of damage. Do more damage with thresholds until the second corruption. This time, you have to place it away from the Ambassador. If your DPS is good, you should phase either immediately after you get the second corruption or 1-2 autoattacks after. If not, just place the corruption away then get back on Ambassador for a tiny bit before the sinister fragments spawn.

Mid-fragments, just use your strong thresholds like Assault, Hurricane, and Blood Tendrils. You can even use Barge to bleed thresholds to wipe them out in essentially 2-3 abilities. Slaughter + Stomp is also a very good combo to wipe out fragments, especially with the masterwork spear of annihilation.

If you’re extremely struggling with fragments, Berserk for the first few spinners is an option, but it’s not very efficient nor that much more effective over just thresholds and strong basics.

If you want to min-max DPS against Ambassador, use dragon battleaxe after a Hurricane + 188% ability on the third fragment. Once you get back to 100% adrenaline, use Natural Instinct and build back to 100% adrenaline. By that point, the Ambassador should finish his spinning and be able to be damaged again with another Berserk rotation. Keep in mind that during this time, you can essentially only use basics so destroying all of the fragments is made much harder. You only need to kill 5 out of 6 and then use either Resonance or Disruption Shield (most preferred) to block the explosion hit.

If you didn’t use Natural Instinct, just use another adrenaline potion or use limitless.

Continue on and the ritual keepers should spawn very quickly within your Berserk. After it wears off, use your ZGS spec and continue to DPS through. When the third purple corruption appears, stand in one of the Ambassador’s corners to properly place the corruption there, then run back to a safe spot and continue to DPS within your ZGS spec. If you get a black hole spawn, stun or Reprisal again.

Continue to lower the Ambassador’s LP down and get ready to use Berserk again right as he begins the black hands phase. DPS him down and use ZGS spec again, and he should be dead. Run around to block the healing smoke and place your ZGS spec under him so you can run while taking advantage of it. Alternatively you can continue to spam click under him to block all of the healing smoke without needing to move, though this is also the most click-intensive and difficult thing you can do.

When the magic onslaught appears, you can use Devotion to block it, or use Reflect to reduce some damage. Be sure to eat up if you use Reflect though, as it can still hit hard. Resonance and dropping prayer for one tick is also another good thing you can do. Continue to block the healing smoke and DPS down the Ambassador, and you should get him down within time.

Example Runs

<> by <@!133391081109716992>

<> by <@!145413546409197569>