
Solo Nex (Credit to <@!333479049680650241>)


Nex is the Zarosian general in the God Wars dungeon.

When Nex spawns for the first time in a custom instance it will be praying against mage for the majority of the kill, this is why range only kills are the meta for fast consistent kills. After every kill you will teleport out of the instance and re-enter in order to force Nex to always be praying mage.

Nex is a 1x1 NPC and posses very strict softcaps, which mean that any damage over a certain amount is reduced by X% depending on the phase. During the first four phases, Nex has a soft cap that reduces excess damage above 5,000 by 50% . For example, a 6,000 damage hit would be reduced to 5,500 damage. On the Zaros phase, the soft cap is changed to reduce excess damage above 2,000 by 75% . This means a 6,000-damage hit would be reduced to 3,000.

Nex’s mages have a soft cap that reduces excess damage above 1,000 by a random amount between approximately 80% and 100%. Each mage is combat level 111 with 10,000 health, possesses a max hit of around 850, and are weak to bolts. The mages are static and can only be attacked whenever Nex calls their name. An unusual trait they all share is that they are immune to magic attacks. Cruor’s attacks always have 100% accuracy and will heal him for 100 damage regardless of the damage he deals, while Glacies’ attacks can freeze players if they aren’t using Protect/Deflect Magic; keeping the prayer active will result in all of her attacks missing regardless of the player’s armour rating.

Note: It is strongly advised to complete the Ritual of the Mahjarrat quest in order to get access to the Jas boost which gives a 5% damage boost in GWD1 (including Nex). This can be done via Fairy ring code D.K.Q.


Banking Preset

The most important thing is to have a Frozen key + ancient ceremonial for use with your boss portal. A 656426717295935500.png works and can be used here. You can speak to Ashuelot Reis in the Nex bank and pay a one time cost of the Frozen key + ancient ceremonial along with 10m gp to be able to access Nex bank without these items.

Beginner Preset

655341074235129858.png at start and on blood phase.

Akrisae body has clearheaded 3/4, and is used to build with escape at start. This method relies on ruby bolt procs on Nex. However, around Ice phase, ruby bolt procs start to hit less than the ability they are replacing, so it’s optimal to bring a bolt switch. It is generally preferred to camp ruby until ice phase, then switch to dragonstone bolts.

Advanced Preset:

The death lotus chaps have clear headed 4. It is recommended to use lunars for 535614336207552523.png during Zaros phase and 655341074235129858.png start and on blood phase

  • 745279787471470713.png Essence of Finality Dark bow spec stored

  • 690848914949144616.png Rune Pouch 536252658970001409.png 536252658961481769.png 536252659301089280.png

(Runes for 535614336207552523.png )


Nex has 5 phases; Smoke, Shadow, Blood, Ice, and Zaros. Each phase has 2 special attacks, with the exception of Zaros

Smoke phase:

Virus → 5 auto-attacks → No escape → Five auto-attacks → Repeat

  • Don’t stand in middle crossways

Shadow phase:

Shadow traps (only if the phased before the virus attack) → Darkness → Shadow traps → 4 auto-attacks → Repeats from the second set of shadow traps

  • Move from shadows and don’t stand md

Blood phase:

Siphon summon → 3 auto-attacks → Blood sacrifice → 3 auto-attacks → Repeat

  • Attacks during siphon will heal Nex and sacrifice will heal nex if not phased and in range

  • Any bleeds used during this phase will heal Nex rather than damage her ( 535541273755385885.png 535541306294796299.png 535541307666595870.png )

Ice phase:

First special attack (based on phase start) → 3 auto-attacks → Second special attack (based on phase start) → 3 auto-attacks → Repeat

  • If blood phase ended with sacrifice, ice will start with contain

  • If blood phase ended with siphon, ice will start with prison

  • Run from contain and freedom + eat up prison

Zaros phase:

  • Upon the start of this phase, Nex activates Turmoil and heals herself for 33,333 (1/6) of her health to boost it up to 73,333.

  • Nex does not have any unique special attacks in this phase and uses only her melee and magic autoattacks

Further details on the mechanics can be found here: <>


Make sure to use jas boost


Target Fumus ASAP and start building adrenaline with defensives. Freedom should be first, and Anticipate should be last. Spam click the minion as sometimes when you escape, you won’t get adrenaline from anticipate if you don’t keep clicking the minion before escape.

535541306475151390.png + 655341074235129858.png as Nex says “Fill my soul with smoke!” (~14s)

Smoke Phase

Auto → 642713547142332416.png535541273755385885.png (Walk backwards) → DW 535541270521708566.png535541259108876293.png535534127131394088.png

Smoke Phase Notes

  1. Vuln bomb right before the kill is about to start.

  2. Make sure to Rapid Fire with Ascensions so that there’s a chance to proc the ruby bolt effect.

  3. If the boss doesn’t phase, follow up with 535541259108876293.png535541258425204770.png535534127131394088.png , and run the boss while you do so.

Use good basics to kill the minion, starting with corruption shot. Save Frag shot for Nex

Shadow Phase

  1. Tag with 535541273755385885.png and walk under during phase.

  2. During the phase, 513190159462694912.png .

  3. Spam click Nex to get a lossless auto and then DW 535541270521708566.png

  4. 535541259108876293.png535541258425204770.png535534127131394088.png

  5. Adjust as needed

Shadow Phase Notes

  1. If you proc a ruby bolt special during rapid, needle into snap without snipe.

  2. Reprisal isn’t necessary, but makes it easier when you don’t get a ruby bolt spec.

Both bleeds then good basics on the minion.

Blood Phase

  1. Phase Nex ASAP to prevent the bleed.

  2. 537349530551582720.png if you have it

  3. Charge 535541258425204770.png to Prephase (this will take practice to time)

  4. DW 535541270521708566.png535541259108876293.png535534127131394088.png535541307142307860.png (Surge from Red)

  5. If the boss isn’t phased on surge, do 535541258425204770.png513201065513058306.png / 535541259108876293.png / Thresh

Blood Phase Notes

  1. Practice your Snipe timing so that it hits right when Nex is attackable, rather than healing her.

  2. Make sure to surge from the red. This timing should be mastered and is essential to blood phase.

  3. If you don’t get a ruby proc, you’ll probably need to go back for a snipe.

  4. Don’t get discouraged! Even experienced PvMers find this phase hard. If you need to, tele out and keep practicing. You’ll get it down.

Both bleeds, good basics. If Nex is MDing you, it’s worth it to run her to stall autos, but don’t worry too much if she does another siphon before you can phase.

Ice Phase

Contain first

Auto → 642713547142332416.png535541258425204770.png (Run from Contain) → 535541270521708566.png535534127131394088.png (tag minion ASAP)

Prison first

  1. Run to max attack distance and phase with dazing shot if you have an SGB (This is not super important). 535541306475151390.png during the phase and eat a lot of jellies and grests to get to full HP.

  2. 642713547142332416.png535534127131394088.png513190159462694912.png prison → 535541270521708566.png535541258425204770.png / 535541259033378827.png

  3. Even without reprisal, it’s not a big deal if you do the rest of the rotation correctly.

Double bleed + good basics on minion again. Eat lots of jellies and grests. Try to 535541273755385885.png first. Tag Nex ASAP to phase to Zaros.

Zaros Phase

You can run Nex if low on food, but don’t need to (and will end up walking book procs). It’s optimal to do so if you notice her SS is active.

535541270521708566.png535541273755385885.png535541306294796299.png535541307666595870.png535541307142307860.png535541259108876293.png513201065513058306.png535541307142307860.png535541259108876293.png → 5 tick Auto → 535541273755385885.png535541270521708566.png

The boss should be dead at this point, congrats!

Zaros Phase Notes

  1. Bleed used first on the minion can be used twice in Zaros (This is why Frag should be first)!

  2. Rapid before deadshot. If rapid is on cooldown, try to use it earlier in ice phase. It should be OFF CD.

  3. The 5 tick auto is done for the following reasons:

    • It’s more damage than using a junk 100%

    • It’s less ticks than a junk 100%

    • You could Snipe in the rotation and frag would come off CD on tick, but are hitcapped so snipe will do less damage per tick.

  4. If it’s low HP you can 5 tick Auto into rapid fire instead of into bleed.

Last Thoughts from <@!593106625955495947>

  1. Practice. It takes a long time to pvm well.

  2. If you have questions, ask someone who is better, but try to figure it out first.

  3. If you lack gear, skill, or damage, keep practicing and don’t give up.

  4. If you’re a learner, try to at least understand what’s going on, even if not everything makes sense.

  5. These abilities will not always be the ones used, as not every kill goes as planned. Learning to adapt will result in improvement as a PvMer.

Video Guide

This guide was entirely adapt from the fantastic video version made by Glaucon. Check it out!

Eldritch Crossbow Rotation (Credit to <@!333479049680650241>):

Notes: Make sure to use jas boost and always swap to 550834403136503822.png if you get a ruby proc. Also try to equip ring of vigour for your dbow specs.


535541306475151390.png + 655341074235129858.png as Nex says “Fill my soul with smoke!” (~14s)

Smoke Phase

615618531937222657.png 537340400273195028.png → Auto + 535534127131394088.png535541270521708566.png

Fumus: 535541306294796299.png535541259033378827.png513201065513058306.png

Shadow Phase

  1. Tag with 535541273755385885.png and surge away ( 535541258240786434.png if not 100% adrenaline)

  2. 615618531937222657.png 537340400273195028.png → Auto + 643848618553507843.png 746403211908481184.png → Finish with strong basics

Umbra: 535541306294796299.png535541259033378827.png513201065513058306.png (If shadow phase was fast, wait a tick for 535541306294796299.png cooldown)

Blood Phase

  1. Tag with 535534127131394088.png (if high adren) or any strong non bleed basic (if low adren)

  2. 655341074235129858.png615618531937222657.png 537340400273195028.png535541258425204770.png535541270521708566.png ( 513201065513058306.png if needed)

Cruor: 535541306294796299.png535541259033378827.png513201065513058306.png (or any strong basic if used on blood phase)

Blood Phase Notes

  1. Practice your Snipe timing so that it hits right when Nex is attackable, rather than healing her.

  2. Be sure to let her sacrifice so you get a contain first on ice phase

  3. In rare cases it is possible to have to 736298313980182541.png in order to use rapid fire. In this case you will need to improvise your Zaros rotation.

Ice Phase

You should ideally phase into contain first

  1. Tag with 535541273755385885.png535533810004262912.png towards Glacies → 535541306475151390.png (Surge + Anti is done while the phase transition is ongoing)

  2. 615618531937222657.png 537340400273195028.png → Auto + 535534127131394088.png or 642713547142332416.png643848618553507843.png 746403211908481184.png ( 535541259033378827.png if needed)

Glacies: 535541306294796299.png513201065513058306.png / 535541259566186521.png if Nex is close

(Your mines will do the rest, if your mines didn’t do much try to walk Nex as much as you can if possible as with a 3 ability Glacies you’re much more likely to get a prison than with a 2 ability Glacies)

Ice Phase Notes

  1. If you get prisoned before targeting Glacies you can target cycle to attack him.

  2. To walk your frag shot pre phase, you can either walk under Nex during phasing or surge to glacies out of max distance so nex walks the frag.

  3. Place mines when you 643848618553507843.png 746403211908481184.png .

Zaros Phase

  1. Tag with 535541259033378827.png

  2. 535541273755385885.png + 736298313980182541.png615618531937222657.png 537340400273195028.png535541270521708566.png643848618553507843.png 746403211908481184.png641339233638023179.png + 535534127131394088.png → Improvise with good basics to finish the kill.

Zaros Phase Notes

  1. Disruption shield may be used if you are low on food.

  2. 513201065513058306.png , 513201065907322880.png , 535541258538450944.png / 535541259566186521.png will all hit fast at up to 4 squares away if you’re using a blowipe override or even 535541259033378827.png if she’s 1 square away. These are all viable to tag with.


Note: The white square represents the player, the red dot represents Nex and the yellow dot represents minions. The arrow points in the general direction of movement for the phase

Smoke Phase

Stand on the west side, once she’s phased click on Fumus and after you corruption shot surge into Fumus and make your way over to the north-western safespot, by the time she’s able to attack you Fumus should be low hp/dead depending on if you got any procs. Try and run her if she’s close to surging through the middle.

Shadow Phase

During shadow make your way over to the north-eastern safespot, one method is to phase her on the northern side then once she is phased make your way to the north-eastern safe spot whilst you’re killing Umbra so you’re not stuck taking shadow bleed damage at the safe spot for long. Once phased, try to stay md/ 2 squares away from nex so she can reach you instantly and begin siphoning.

Blood Phase

During her siphon, make your way over to the eastern safe spot whilst staying at an even number of squares so that if she does run to you, she won’t run underneath you which could delay her attacks which could mean she won’t sacrifice if everything lines up poorly. At the eastern safespot you can click Cruor during your rapid fire and it won’t switch unless your rapid fire ends or Nex phases. After she is phased, make your way over to the south-eastern safespot so she will follow you, allowing no tick loss during the transition from blood to ice as you’ll want to be md to Glacies during the beginning of ice.

Ice Phase :

Once Cruor is dead, surge to Glacies and stand md to him (you’ll need to be md so your mines will explode quicker) once you’ve placed your mines you’re free to run Nex.

Zaros Phase

Try not to run her too much whilst your book is off cooldown.

Advanced video guide:

Here is a sample kill using the eldritch cbow and its special attack. Kills following this rotation should average out at around 1:45-1:55. You can also use this as a visual guide for movement during the kill.

Casual Eldritch Nex solo by Bee - <>