
The Fight Kiln (Courtesy of <@!142860823809884161> and <@!292744647850065920>)


Fight kiln is a fairly easy fight once you know what you are doing and seems harder than it is. Completing the fight rewards you with BIS cape for all three styles. All of the gear and inventories can get switched around based on what you have and how experienced you are. For less experienced people keep the obsidian armour and bring more brews and solids with the best tier of weapon you have. Keep in mind to follow the combat triangle and to use common sense during the waves.

  • 1-9 are mostly weak to 689509250472476758.png

  • 11-19 are mostly weak to 689504724403486920.png

  • 21-29 are mostly weak to 689504724159823906.png

  • 31 is weak to 689509250472476758.png

  • 32 is weak to 689504724159823906.png

  • 33 is weak to 689504724403486920.png


Basic Preset (with obsidian)

Advanced Preset

  • 583430011868938283.png Rune Pouch 536252658986647589.png 536252659422855188.png 536252660333019136.png

(Runes for 543465115870035999.png and 537349530551582720.png )


Steel titan/Ripper demon + summoning flasks is very good on the mobs, particularly the Dills, who are still weak to familiars before their armour is broken.

Obsidian armour reduces damage taken in the fight kiln and saves inventory space if not willing to bring armour switches.

Otherwise, tri-bridding is the best way to deal with the fight kiln. At the minimum, you want a 2h weapon of every style.

An appropriate amount of prayer is recommended as you will be in the fight kiln for ~20 minutes per kill.

God book or grimoire is recommended for pocket slot.

Wave Breakdown

  • Waves 1-9: There will be mostly rangers with an increasing number of magers and meleers so use melee and switch to kill the others

  • Wave 2: Invulnerability Crystal spawn

  • Wave 3: Restoration Crystal spawn

  • Wave 5: Dill spawn

  • Wave 9: All rangers

    • Use zerk on the last ranger to get zerk for jad

WAVE 10: JAD - Spawns South West

  • 1 ranger also spawns SE

Wave 11-19: There will mostly be magers with an increasing spawn of meleers and rangers so use range and switch to kill the others

  • Wave 14: Invulnerability Crystal spawn

  • Wave 16: Restoration Crystal spawn

  • Wave 19: Dill spawn [switch to melee for Dill]

    • Go NE and kill dill quickly then go SW and ds kill all the magers and use last of ds to attack jad

WAVE 20: JAD - Spawns South West

  • Also spawns 1 mager SE

  • Waves 21-29: There will mostly be meleers with an increasing spawn of mager and rangers so use mage and switch to kill the others

  • Wave 26: Invulnerability Crystal spawn

  • Wave 28: Restoration Crystal spawn

  • Wave 28: 6 Dills spawn w/ a mager [kill mage then swap to melee]

  • Wave 29: Sun and DPS meleers and use end of sun on jad

WAVE 30: JAD - Spawns South West

  • 3 rapid melee attackers spawn in other corners

Wave 31: Use Melee

Wave 32: Use Magic

Wave 33: Use Range

WAVE 34: JAD - Spawns South East

  • Rapid melee attacker spawns NW; ranger SW

WAVE 35: JAD - Spawns North East

  • Rapid melee attacker spawns NW; ranger SW; mager SE

WAVE 36: DOUBLE JAD - Spawn in both Southern corners

  • Use invulnerability crystals here

If playing on an Australian world

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WAVE 37: Har-Aken

  • Spawns tentacles that deal range/mage hits. Build/Heal on these when he is not on the surface

  • He never spawns on northern side of platform

  • Spam summoning pots

  • Can be vulned

  • Use sunshine/death’s swiftness/berserk as he surfaces

  • Spawns after ~72 seconds and is up for ~30 seconds

Tips/Tricks/Extra Thoughts

  • You can use crystals of regeneration in emergencies and to extend onslaught on har-aken if you wanted to (make sure you have sign up just in case because the hits start to add up very quickly)

  • Use soul split for the whole fight and use deflects as you see needed as well as devotion (on wave 19 there are a lot of magers so using devotion can help)

  • Even though you should be soul splitting the fight USE PROTECTION PRAYERS ON JAD

  • Make sure to take advantage of the combat triangle whenever possible

  • Invuln crystal does not protect you from dill special attack so you should use restoration crystal if getting low and brew is not enough

  • Feel free to use tokkul zo if you have excess tokkul from cauldron as that would be the best in slot ring of you are able to sustain it otherwise use ring of death or asylum surgeons ring

  • It is helpful to use lantadyme, kwuarm, and spirit weed incense sticks for increased potion duration, weapon poison damage, and scrolls used per hour