
Introduction (Credit to <@!281823193742835714>)ΒΆ

The Temple of Aminishi, is the first Elite Dungeon, a 1-3 player combat/narrative experience that rewards unique loot and Dungeoneering experience and dungeoneering tokens. The Temple of Aminishi is located on the island of Aminishi and only requires completion of Impressing the Locals to access. The grouping system is required in order to form a team of 2-3 players.


Magic (beginner/group)


Magic (experienced/solo)

  • Useful items for Seiryu: 513190159429271562.png

  • 656785077883109407.png Seismic singularity Flanking 4

  • 690848915020447745.png Rune Pouch 536252658970001409.png 536252659850674186.png 536252659301089280.png

  • 656786565149884427.png Rune Pouch 536252659615924258.png 536252658961481769.png 536252661406760970.png

  • 656786565527502858.png Rune Pouch 536252660165115905.png 536252659586433024.png 536252659808731137.png

(Runes for 537338981747261446.png 537340400185245701.png 657248051190300682.png 537349530551582720.png 535614336207552523.png 543478434953822208.png )


Ranged (beginner/group)


Ranged (experienced/solo)

  • Useful items for Seiryu: 566453486913323042.png 655341074306301964.png

  • 513190159362031631.png Off-hand Ascension crossbow Flanking 4

  • 690848914949144616.png Rune Pouch 536252658970001409.png 536252658961481769.png 536252659301089280.png

(Runes for 535614336207552523.png )


Melee (beginner/group)


Melee (experienced/solo)

  • Useful items for Seiryu: 513190159429271562.png 756235792053174332.png

  • 656785061059756032.png Off-hand Drygore mace Flanking 4

  • 690848914949144616.png Rune Pouch 536252658970001409.png 536252658961481769.png 536252659301089280.png

  • 656786565527502858.png Rune Pouch 536252660165115905.png 536252659586433024.png 536252659808731137.png

(Runes for 535614336207552523.png 543478434953822208.png )


Routing Through ED1 (Map + Explanation)ΒΆ

(Requires Bladed Dive and Mobile Perk)

While you are free to use any style you want, this guide is going to look in depth at clearing the dungeon with melee. In general fast melee ED1 runs are determined by your ability to maximize the effectiveness of your AoE damage by positioning the enemy NPCs and yourself optimally, along with your ability to output large amounts of high single-target damage during bossfights. Once learned and mastered, running this dungeon can provide large amounts of gp/hour, making it an immensely rewarding experience.


  • Keep track of the HP of all the important(barrier-unlocking) NPCs as well as possible. This helps prevent wasteful usage of abilities.

  • As quite a number of mobs in this dungeon can stun you, incorporating freedom oh+2h autoattack into your rotation is useful for saving time.

  • The Corbicula Rex perk in ROoT is extremely powerful in this dungeon, as Meteor Strike gets used frequently here. If you have the requirements for this perk, it should be active when running ED1.


πŸ”΄ indicates the route taken

πŸ”΅ indicates what monsters should be killed

If not circled in blue, ignore

Section 1


Start with 100% adrenaline from the PvM hub.

Room 1 - Run east until you are able to 535532879250456578.png into the northernmost of the first Elite Sotapannas, then 535532854281764884.png next to the northern barrier, walk south to lure the 4x Elite Sotapanna together and drop 2 662249620579155968.png . Use 535532855191928842.png (bled) followed by AoEs (save 535532879359377439.png for later).

Room 2 - Once the first barrier is cleared Run/ 535533810004262912.png / 535532854281764884.png all the way east to the area with 9x Elite Sotapanna. These enemies use Melee, so have them gather around you and use 535532879359377439.png , followed by whatever AoEs you deem necessary to kill all of the 9 afromentioned enemies and unlock the next barrier.

Room 3 - Go east, kill the 3x Elite Sakadagami and enter the door. These enemies can stun you, so be wary when using channeled abilities.



Room 1 - 535533810004262912.png + 535532854281764884.png as shown on picture: https://i.imgur.com/dZYWf7E.png

After 535532854281764884.png stay in place until sotapanna #2 moves 1 tile west, then walk 2 tiles east from 535532854281764884.png spot.

If done just in time then sotapanna #1 will be middle target for 641669268722810881.png , #2 if late.

If lured correctly, they should stand like this: https://i.imgur.com/4J70MjN.png

While waiting, use 535541306294796299.png on any sotapanna (ideally with target cycle to avoid moving in case of missclick) then 535541258425204770.png β†’ q 535534127131394088.png on middle sotapanna. Target cycle+basic to check whether any of them survived.

Room 2 - After opening gate, get a target on any of the 2 sotapannas behind it and get to 100% adren.

756236265472524418.png β†’ 535532854281764884.png + surge to wall with 9 sotapannas and use 535541258429661215.png + click under yourself to stall it, equip 641669268722810881.png β†’ release incend shot on approx. middle target with 535541306294796299.png β†’ 535541259108876293.png . This should kill all of the 9 sotapannas.

Room 3 - 535532854281764884.png and walk to middle of next gate and target middle of the 3 sakadagami, wait to release your non combat spell with long range weapon then 535541259566186521.png + run west for 1 tick and run back east (this should lure them together)> equip 641669268722810881.png β†’ 535541306563231790.png > 535541258425204770.png β†’ q 535534127131394088.png . Finish with basics if needed and continue to next section.

Section 2


Room 1 - 535541306475151390.png while getting into 535532879250456578.png range of the enemies. 535532879250456578.png into the Elite Sotapanna (standing in the centre) and prioritise finishing him off quickly, as he is able to heal himself and the other enemies nearby. Your 662249620579155968.png should be off cooldown by now, so place 2 of them here. AoE down the entire room to unlock the barrier.

Room 2 - Go to either side of the room (doesn’t matter which) and kill the 3x Elite Sakadagami on the side you chose. 535532879359377439.png should be off cooldown by now, so you should use that followed by other AoEs.

Room 3 - Run/ 535533810004262912.png / 535532854281764884.png all the way to the southern end of the room and kill 3x Elite Sakadagami on either side of the area. After the barrier is unlocked, teleport to the PvM hub to avoid tanking all of the Arhats/Anagami. At the PvM hub, bank if you wish to, 603979368850653216.png 537340400273195028.png if you wish to, get 100% adrenaline via crystal, and return to the dungeon to kill The Sanctum Guardian.



Room 1 - In next section use 535541306475151390.png immediately + start running around corner, then 535533810004262912.png during gcd and 535541259566186521.png with long range weapon sakadagami targeted in picture: https://i.imgur.com/zcs9BlH.png

After you release 535541259566186521.png , run north 2 tiles and use 535541306294796299.png β†’ equip 641669268722810881.png β†’ 643848618553507843.png 746403211908481184.png if high adren, otherwise move closer and use 535541270521708566.png . Finish rest with basics/ thresholds as needed while prioritizing killing sakadagami with low hp first as those can get healed. Make sure to end on high adren.

Room 2 - Stand on either spot shown in picture: https://i.imgur.com/aAQI4pY.png

535541259566186521.png middle one of the 3 sakadagami on your chosen side and wait until they group up (3 ticks). Equip 641669268722810881.png β†’ use 746403211908481184.png 643848618553507843.png if high adren, 642713547142332416.png if low, finish with basics. Continue to last gate before Sanctum while building on anagamis and arhats. As you walk onto the last path with sakadagamis, equip 641669268722810881.png β†’ use 535541306294796299.png on middle sakadagami. Wait to run into distance and once your character releases 535541306294796299.png , use 535541275957657600.png (or 535541306563231790.png if low adren)> 535541258425204770.png β†’ q 535534127131394088.png . Finish with basics if needed.

Room 3 - Build to 100% on anagamis/ arhats and 535532854281764884.png + 535533810004262912.png to south wall of sanctum’s arena, then run to spot shown in picture (or mirrored if you chose other side): https://i.imgur.com/WaGAzLg.png

This should block all arhats/anagamis behind sanctum (you should wait there until they have all stopped moving before dodging Sanctum’s attacks).

Section 3


Room 1 - Head to the barrier on the bridge southeast of the room’s entrance. As you will likely be on low adrenaline for this room, use mostly basics to kill 2x Cloaked Zealot. You should also drop 2 662249620579155968.png here. You want to be on high adrenaline when starting the next room. Be wary of your HP as the room contains a Hanto Sellsword, which can deal heavy damage.

Room 2 - Somewhere in the long north-south hallway, there will be 3 Death Lotus rogues. They will attack you with a very deadly Ranged attack. Block this by using 513190158728953857.png + 544195488317046812.png . (remember to use 513190158728953857.png before targetting anything to prevent adrenaline loss.) Use your 736298313980182541.png if it is off cooldown. Go to the 3x Cloaked Zealot and AoE them down(meteor strike here as clearing this barrier quickly is vital). Summoned Crassian Warriors should die nearly instantly, extending your 513190158728953857.png .

Room 3 - Run/ 535533810004262912.png / 535532854281764884.png along the northern half of the circle walkway until you reach the next barrier. Barge a Waterfiend or Sea Crocodile towards the east side of the circle and kill the lone Cloaked Zealot in front of the barrier with a bled 535532853979512842.png + 535532878969438210.png .

Room 4 - Head east, then north towards the 3x Cloaked Zealot in front of the next barrier. Kill them with 535532879283879977.png and basics, building adrenaline towards 535532854004678657.png in preparation for the next room.

Room 5 - Head all the way east, up the stairs. If you aren’t at 100% adrenaline, tag any nearby mob to build while moving. 535532854004678657.png as soon as you can and build adrenaline. Next to the door, there will be 6x Cloaked Zealot, 5 of them standing in a line and 1 right beside the barrier. Position yourself along the centre of the line and 535532878969438210.png + basics until all 6 zealots are dead, then enter the door.



Room 1 - After leaving Sanctum’s arena run south, east, them south again and 535533810004262912.png after you go around corner. Keep running south and 535533810004262912.png + 535532854281764884.png around corner as soon as you can 535533810004262912.png again (if low adren, grab a target before first 535533810004262912.png and use a defensive). Run towards the bridge with 2 zealots, equip 641669268722810881.png β†’ 535541259108876293.png β†’ 535541258425204770.png β†’ 535534127131394088.png (if adren too low for 535534127131394088.png : 535541306563231790.png β†’ 535541306294796299.png β†’ 535541258425204770.png β†’ 535541258538450944.png ).

Room 2 - After killing the 2 zealots, continue south over the bridge, then east and 535533810004262912.png as soon as you go around corner, keep running and 535532854281764884.png + 535533810004262912.png south after going around next corner. Equip 641669268722810881.png and use basics/ 535541270521708566.png to kill the 3 zealots ( 513190158728953857.png and 544195488317046812.png if death lotus rogues use their spec).

Room 3 - Use 756236265472524418.png to get around the lake area (take north route). Use auto β†’ 535541258425204770.png β†’ q 535534127131394088.png to kill the zealot guarding the gate.

Room 4 - 535533810004262912.png east and run towards the next gate with 3 zealots. It’s possible to 535532854281764884.png diagonally across the bridge: https://i.imgur.com/9IQRudo.png

Using 641669268722810881.png , kill the 3 zealots with 535541306294796299.png / 535541270521708566.png / basics while targetting the middle one (try to stand south, next to northern most zealot to be able to 535533810004262912.png instantly onto strairs after killing them).

Room 5 - 535533810004262912.png / 535532854281764884.png east, equip 641669268722810881.png and target one of the underlined zealots: https://i.imgur.com/Sh696XE.png

535541258425204770.png β†’ q 535534127131394088.png , (on the other one you didnt target): 535541306294796299.png β†’ 642713547142332416.png . Use 746403211908481184.png 643848618553507843.png on the zealot next to the gate if high adren and finish whatever zealots are left with basics.

Section 4


Room 1 - 535532879250456578.png into either Elite Sakadagami, drop 2 662249620579155968.png and use 535532855191928842.png . Kill both Elite Sakadagami in front of the barrier.

Room 2 - 535533810004262912.png down the stairs to get the attention of the 2x Eastern mercenary, then 535533810004262912.png + 535532854281764884.png northwest to get the attention of 4x Renegade Menaphite soldier. Kill the 6 afromentioned enemies with AoEs. Be wary of the Hanto sellswords in the room.

If you are low on food and HP, an alternative, safer method to clear this room is to kill the 2x Elite Sotapanna in room 1, then kill the 2x Eastern Mercenary before you 535533810004262912.png + 535532854281764884.png northwest and kill the 4x Renegade Menaphite soldier. This lets you avoid getting attacked by the dangerous Hanto sellswords.

Example: <https://streamable.com/klcaap>

Room 3 - This room contains two Death Lotus rogues(marked on map: yellow dots), which will not aggro on you when dealt with correctly. 535533810004262912.png + 535532854281764884.png through the central area of the room as is shown here

Example: <https://streamable.com/ryakvz>

If this is not done correctly, you will end up taking a lot of unnecessary damage and potentially even dying. After you have successfully 535532854281764884.png into the west corridor, head up north and kill 4x Cloaked Zealot. Finish clearing the barrier with 100% adrenaline. Once the barrier is clear, 535541258240786434.png out of any bleeds you may have on you, 535533810004262912.png to the bank chest, load your preset and kill Masuta, the Ascended.



Room 1 - Use 535541259566186521.png with long range weapon on one of the 2 sakadagamis, then step 2 tiles south + 1 tile west and manually run 2 tiles back towards them (https://i.imgur.com/tWzdnt5.png) (dont get pulled in by using an ability, otherwise the 2 sotapannas to west will start attacking you). Equip 641669268722810881.png and kill them with basics/ 535534127131394088.png (using stuns on them will delay their stuns).

Room 2 - 535533810004262912.png down the stairs and kill the 2 eastern mercenaries with basics/ thresholds (save 535541270521708566.png ). 535532854281764884.png north and stand on any of the tiles shown on picture: https://i.imgur.com/hoyklQH.png

If standing in white outline(1), target menaphite soldier #3; If in green outline(2), target menaphite soldier #2 or #3. (Make sure to not walk into them because this can mess up the lure. You can always walk east, however, as long as none of them are bound/stunned). Use 535541306294796299.png > 535541270521708566.png β†’ when all of the soldiers are below 13k hp: 535541258425204770.png β†’ q 535534127131394088.png β†’ finish with basics if needed.

Room 3 - 535533810004262912.png + 535532854281764884.png towards west gate. Target either of the 2 middle zealots /w 641669268722810881.png and use 535541306294796299.png / 535541259108876293.png > 642713547142332416.png > 535541259108876293.png / 535541306294796299.png . Finish the rest with basics (dont use 535541270521708566.png , otherwise it will be on cooldown for masuta).

535533810004262912.png towards chest and bank.

Section 5


  • Run past the first 4 Defence Pylons. On the platform with the final bank chest, kill the Defence Pylon in the centre of the platform and the 2x Defence Pylon next to the bank chest. Try to finish the pylons off on 100% adrenaline. Bank and head towards the last boss of the dungeon, Seiryu, the Azure Serpent.



  • 535533810004262912.png + 535532854281764884.png on minimap onto west stairs (https://i.imgur.com/RXYeRnR.png), target middle pylon and use 535541306294796299.png β†’ 535541307142307860.png + 535533810004262912.png after releasing 535541306294796299.png > 535541259108876293.png > (either of the 2 south pylons): 535541258425204770.png > q 535541259033378827.png β†’ 535541259108876293.png β†’ snap the last pylon (basics if not 100% adren), get to 88%+ with defensive on the remaining pylons without attacking them.

Sanctum GuardianΒΆ


The first boss of the Temple of Aminishi follows a straightforward attack pattern containing highly damaging attacks which are capable of KOing someone unprepared. Once learned, this boss will essentially become a DPS dummy in where your killtime is reflective of your capability to deal raw damage. Stand to the north of the boss and DPS. Meleers should stand south, otherwise AoEs will not work ( 535532878616985610.png , 535532879283879977.png , 655341074235129858.png )


The fight starts with 4x Ranged autoattack, then continues with the following attack pattern:

Water burst β†’ Ranged auto β†’ Water jet β†’ Ranged auto β†’ Purple smoke β†’ Autoattack β†’ repeat.

After the 4th water jet attack, 2 Crassian reinforcements are summoned. They deal negligable Ranged damage and generally should not be seen as the boss should be dead before this point anyway.

Ranged autoattacks are a projectile that target the spot the player is standing on and hit everyone in a 3x3 area centred around that spot. Due to this along with the travel time this attack takes to hit, it is possible to dodge every Ranged autoattack thrown simply by moving far enough before the attack lands. This is normally not necessary, however.

The autoattack that comes after the Purple smoke special attack can either be a melee autoattack or a ranged autoattack. Turn on Melee prayer for this part and switch to Ranged prayer during the attacks travel time if necessary.

The water burst attack is simply a high-hitting melee attack. Melee prayer should be sufficient for dealing with this mechanic. Although slower, it is also possible to avoid this attack completely by moving far away from the boss at the right time, should you wish to do so.

Example clip of avoiding the water burst attack: <https://streamable.com/g0ffps>

For experienced players, this is not necessary or worthwhile, as you will be able to heal back any necessary HP with SS flicking.

The water jet attack is a beam of water that rotates around the arena once, starting from north and rotating counter-clockwise. Should you get hit by this attack, it will deal ~6000 soft typeless damage. This attack can be dealt with in several ways, such as dodging with Bladed Dive or blocking with Disruption shield or Resonance.

Example clip of how to avoid the water jet with |535532854281764884.png| : <https://streamable.com/bj1ee1>

During this attack, the boss will face north, so you will be able to use Flanking here.

Purple smoke is the most dangerous attack of the boss. You will get a blue bar above your character which drains. When the bar is empty, a cloud of purple smoke will cover a 5x5 area centred around your location. After a moment, this smoke cloud will hit players standing in it for rapid soft typeless damage (~4000 per tick), which will lead to a very quick death. Because of this, the purple smokes should be placed in a manner that they will not be in your way for the rest of the bossfight. It is recommended to use Escape at the correct time to place purple smokes next to the southern wall. If doing this multiple times, be careful to not Escape into a smoke you’ve placed previously.

Example of smoke placement: <https://streamable.com/ioza4r>

Melee Rotation:

Start with 535532854004678657.png + 736298121704767538.png β†’ 535532879250456578.png β†’ 535532878616985610.png β†’ 535532853979512842.png (bled) β†’ 535532879330148352.png β†’ 535532878616985610.png β†’ 535532879577612298.png β†’ 535532879283879977.png β†’ 188s.

Build with basics and use your 626465964325601290.png 537340400273195028.png while keeping track of boss HP and your adrenaline. Ideally you will get the boss’s HP low enough to comfortably finish him off within your 2nd 535532854004678657.png . Pay attention to both adrenaline gained and damage dealt, and decide on which abilities to use accordingly. Do not use 535532855191928842.png here as should you use your 2nd 535532854004678657.png quickly, 535532855191928842.png will not be off cooldown when needed.

Once you have 100% adrenaline after lowering the boss HP, 535532854004678657.png β†’ 535532879250456578.png β†’ 188 β†’ 188 β†’ 641339233638023179.png + 535532853979512842.png β†’ 188 β†’ 2-hit 535532879283879977.png β†’ 535532879330148352.png β†’ basics until the boss is dead.

Ranged Rotation:

throw 655341074235129858.png on south edge of sanctum’s β€œpool” + 513190158812839936.png β†’ auto β†’ 535541258425204770.png β†’ q 535541259108876293.png β†’ 626466665848242186.png 537340400273195028.png β†’ 641339233638023179.png + 535541270521708566.png β†’ dw 535534127131394088.png β†’ 535541258240786434.png β†’ auto β†’ dw 535541258425204770.png β†’ q 535541259108876293.png β†’ 642713547142332416.png + 535614336207552523.png β†’ 535541306563231790.png (flank)> 4t 615618531937222657.png 537340400273195028.png β†’ auto β†’ 535541306294796299.png β†’ 535541258425204770.png β†’ q 535541270521708566.png β†’ 535534127131394088.png β†’ if 746403211908481184.png 626466665848242186.png : 626466665848242186.png 537340400273195028.png β†’ 535541259108876293.png ,

if normal 626466665848242186.png : 535541259108876293.png β†’ 626466665848242186.png 537340400273195028.png β†’ 535541259033378827.png β†’ 535541258425204770.png β†’ q 535541259108876293.png β†’ 535541306563231790.png (flank)> 4t 615618531937222657.png 537340400273195028.png β†’ auto β†’ 535541306294796299.png β†’ 535541270521708566.png β†’ 535541258425204770.png β†’ q 535534127131394088.png β†’ 746403211908481184.png 643848618553507843.png ( 535541259033378827.png if low) β†’ improvise till finished

Use ruby at start of kill, switch to hydrix after proc, switch to hydrix after snap if no ruby proc and camp until you get enough adren to be able to use all thresholds in time in 513190158812839936.png (67% before 615618531937222657.png to be in the clear) use rubies after and switch to hydrix for 2 abilities after proc, camp hydrix after 513190158812839936.png until end of kill

Alternatively, you may use a fishy treat after tagging it to completely skip the fight.

Masuta, the AscendedΒΆ


Masuta, the second boss of the dungeon, keeps true to the dungeon’s theme of heavy damage dealt and high KO potential. Using a variety of hard-hitting mechanics and boasting attacks from all three combat styles, Masuta is a noticeable difficulty spike up from the first boss.

Phase 1:

Autoattacks β†’ Hurricane β†’ Autoattacks β†’ Tsunami β†’ repeat.

Masuta’s autoattacks on phase 1 are mostly Melee-based. Although he can also use Ranged instead, this is uncommon.

The number of autoattacks he does between each special attack can vary, meaning that the time it takes for him to use his special attacks also varies. Additionally, along with his autoattacks Masuta has a chance to summon an untargetable clone, which will hit you once with Melee before disappearing.

Masuta usually starts by doing 4 autoattacks before using Hurricane, however he can use Hurricane earlier (as soon as after 2 autoattacks) or later depending on RNG.

Masuta’s Hurricane attack lasts for about 12 seconds, hitting nearby players for increasing Melee damage once per tick. Masuta will chase after you at walking speed during this attack. The best way to deal with this is 544195488447201300.png + 513190158728953857.png about 1 GCD after the attack starts. This allows you to continue dealing damage in MD and nullifies most of the damage you take. Note that you can flank Masuta from the north side during his Hurricane attack.

After the Hurricane, Masuta returns to throwing autoattacks. Alongside one of his autoattacks, usually the 4th, 5th or 6th autoattack, purple waters appear around the arena. The purples water will thrash about while Masuta uses 3 more autoattacks. Right after the 3rd of these autoattacks, Masuta launches his Tsunami towards his target using the purple waters. This attack will hit you with two extremely high (7k+) Magic hits. This can be dealt with by using both Disruption Shield + Resonance after Masuta’s 3rd autoattack, or by moving far enough to avoid getting hit. This can be done by either running or Surging away as the autoattack before the Tsunami hits.

Surge timing demonstration: <https://streamable.com/jeh1z9>

Note that if Masuta phases into the flight phase after the purple waters have appeared, Tsunami will still be used even when Masuta stops autoattacking.

After Tsunami, for the rest of Phase 1 Masuta will be able to use Pulverise in place of an autoattack. This will hit moderate melee damage, and can either be prayed against or dodged by running 2 tiles away from your location. You have 1 tick to move far enough when the text β€œI’ll pulverise you!” appears over Masuta.

Masuta will repeat his attack cycle from the beginning with the addition of Pulverise until his HP reaches the phasing point, 275k.

Flight phase:

Once his HP reaches 275k, Masuta will stop attacking, start levitating and become practically undamageable. This phase lasts for about 90 seconds. 15 Thrashing waters will spawn at random locations in the arena. They have 8000 HP and a very long-ranged Magic autoattack. Kill the waters as soon as they spawn. When a thrashing water dies, if you are within a 2-tile radius (halberd distance) of the water, you will recieve a 5% Calm waters buff that helps with phase 2.

Dominion mines will work on the waters - they will deal 1600 damage per mine. You can use Devotion here to reduce damage taken. Before the phase ends, you can use the Dragon Battleaxe special attack to speed up phase 2. Try to be on 100% adrenaline when the flight phase ends.

Phase 2:

Phase 2 starts when Masuta yells β€œThese waters will choke you where you stand!” and returns to the floor from his levitation. In this phase, Masuta will only use Ranged autoattacks and a powerful Magic attack. The Magic attack hits for very high damage, however this is reduced by the amount shown on the Calm waters buff icon obtained during the flight phase - up to 75%. Masuta starts the phase with 2 Ranged autoattacks followed by his Magic attack, after which he will repeatedly do a varying amount of Ranged autoattacks before using another Magic attack.

The amount of Ranged attacks done before a Magic attack is 3-6.

The magic attack has a travel time based on distance. Due to this, while in MD of the boss, the attack hits you instantly, while Ranged autoattacks take 1 tick to hit you. As Masuta has an attack speed of 4 ticks, by rotating your overhead prayers 615613924506599497.png β†’ 615613924506599497.png β†’ 544195487926845462.png β†’ 544195488317046812.png β†’ repeat, you will always be praying correctly against whatever attack is used.

Melee Rotation:

Phase 1: 535532854004678657.png + 736298121704767538.png β†’ 535532879250456578.png β†’ 535532878616985610.png β†’ 535532853979512842.png β†’ 535532879330148352.png β†’

  • If Hurricane starts after 2 autos: Cancel 535532879330148352.png with 535532879325822986.png + 535533810004262912.png / 535532854281764884.png away, stall 535532878616985610.png from out of distance -> run back in and release 535532878616985610.png with 513190158728953857.png .

  • If Hurricane starts later: Build with 188s. When Masuta starts his Hurricane, time 513190158728953857.png appropriately.

Build with strong basics until 535532854004678657.png ends, after which use 535532879376023572.png β†’ 535532879237873666.png β†’ 626465964325601290.png 537340400273195028.png β†’ 188s until 535532855191928842.png has 6 seconds of cooldown left, after which 641339233638023179.png β†’ 535532879330148352.png β†’ 535532853979512842.png . Finish the phase with strong basics. Remember to manage Masuta’s Tsunami properly, even if it requires early cancellation of channeled abilities.

Flight phase: The waters die fairly quickly simply by using strong basics and whatever thresholds you have off cooldown. Be sure to utilise 535532854281764884.png resets when moving from water to water. 603979368850653216.png 537340400273195028.png when ~70 seconds of the flight phase have passed, then build to 100% adrenaline with basics. It is recommended (though not necessary) to kill off any remaining waters before moving onto Masuta when phase 2 starts.

Phase 2: 535532854004678657.png + 736298121704767538.png β†’ 535532879250456578.png β†’ 535532878616985610.png β†’ 535532853979512842.png β†’ 535532879330148352.png β†’ build with basics until 535532854004678657.png ends β†’ 535532879376023572.png β†’ 535532879237873666.png β†’ 626465964325601290.png 537340400273195028.png β†’ build with basics and use strong thresholds. Masuta should die here. Note: don’t use 641339233638023179.png during phase 2, as it should be saved for Seiryu.

Ranged Rotation

It is recommended to take as much food as you can ( 689530593901412578.png / 689530593742291033.png because with how much you have to eat you would lose too much adrenaline/ brew down too much with solids/ sara brews) and because of this it’s recommended to have a separate preset for masuta as banking would lose more time than you would save on a faster kill.

Preset example: https://i.imgur.com/KMBXcjN.png

After banking step east so you are looking into masutas arena, use defensive and 535533810004262912.png + 535532854281764884.png onto stairs to masuta. Entire p1 should be ruby camp and equip hydrix for 2 abilities after ruby proc.

Phase 1: Target cycle (tc is used to avoid missclicks) + 615618531937222657.png 537340400273195028.png β†’ 655341074235129858.png β†’ 4t auto β†’ 535541270521708566.png β†’ 535534127131394088.png β†’ 535541258425204770.png β†’ q 535541273755385885.png β†’ 535541306294796299.png β†’ 535541307142307860.png β†’ 513201065907322880.png β†’ 535541259108876293.png β†’ 513190158812839936.png β†’ 736298313980182541.png + auto> 535541258425204770.png β†’ q 535541259108876293.png β†’ 4t 615618531937222657.png 537340400273195028.png β†’ auto β†’ 535541306294796299.png β†’ 535541273755385885.png β†’ 535541270521708566.png β†’ 535541258425204770.png β†’ 535534127131394088.png β†’ 746403211908481184.png 643848618553507843.png (use basics if low adren and 746403211908481184.png 643848618553507843.png asap). Improvise till phased (can use 641339233638023179.png to dump w/e thresholds are left because masuta doesn’t always phase

immediately once he reaches his threshold hp). Throw 536256663641128971.png once masuta becomes invulnerable.

Note the time u phased on and add 1min20s to it (this will be when you use 535541258131865633.png on geysers)

Surge away when masuta starts his spin spec and keep kiting until your 615618531937222657.png 537340400273195028.png runs out (should be at 513201065907322880.png in your rotation). Eat to full while kiting. If masuta does late spin, use 535532854281764884.png / 535533810004262912.png to get far enough away to not have to leave your 513190158812839936.png .


Camp onyx bolts; use 513190158728953857.png / 535541258844635148.png in downtime; Try to 535532854281764884.png directly into geysers so when you kill them, your 535532854281764884.png comes off cooldown; Try to md geysers when you’re killing them to gain damage reduction from masutas mage attack; Stack 2 more 536256663641128971.png for a total of 3 stacks; 535541258131865633.png on p1 phase time+ 1min20s and equip hydrix bolts.

If last geyser spawns far enough so you can attack masuta without it attacking you then you can ignore it, otherwise make sure to kill it.

Phase 2: (camp ruby and switch to hydric for 2 abils after proc until ~130k hp, camp hydrix after that)

513190158812839936.png β†’ auto + 655341074235129858.png β†’ 535541258425204770.png β†’ q 535541259108876293.png β†’ 4t 615618531937222657.png 537340400273195028.png β†’ auto 535541306294796299.png β†’ 535541273755385885.png β†’ 535541258425204770.png β†’ q 535541270521708566.png + 736298313980182541.png when it comes off cooldown> 535534127131394088.png β†’ 746403211908481184.png 643848618553507843.png (skip for basic if low adren)> improvise basics till 615618531937222657.png 537340400273195028.png ends β†’ 535541259108876293.png β†’ 583429557672083505.png β†’ 536256673904328704.png β†’ 615618531937222657.png 537340400273195028.png β†’ improvise basics> 535541270521708566.png β†’ 535534127131394088.png β†’ improv till finished.

Seiryu, the Azure SerpentΒΆ


To finish the dungeon, you need to free Seiryu by destroying the three black crystals on his shackles. This fight will challenge a player’s ability to utilise the space they have in the arena to avoid a series of area-based mechanics.


This fight is split into 2 phases: the face phase, where the goal is to reduce Seiryu’s HP from 7.5M to 7.2M, and the crystal phase, where you have limited time to damage the black crystals. You will only be attacked during the face phase of the fight.

Throughout the fight Seiryu’s basic attack will either be a Magic autoattack, or Seiryu will use his tail to summon a shadow that deals rapid damage under the player. You can heal back HP lost from Magic autoattacks using SS flicking easily due to Seiryu’s slow attack speed.

Summoned shadows will cover a 2x2 area where the targeted tile you were on is the north-eastern tile of the area. The shadow deals rapid damage (~2k per tick) to anyone standing within the area and lasts for about 10 seconds before disappearing. This can be dealt with by simply moving out of the shadow.

Seiryu starts the fight by using 4 attacks, after which his attack rotation is as follows:

Huge breath β†’ 2 attacks β†’ Shadow energy β†’ 2 attacks β†’ repeat

The 2nd Shadow energy attack will be replaced by the Black hands mechanic.

When the huge breath attack starts, the game message β€œSeiryu takes a huge breath” will appear on your screen. This attack is an accurate, high-damaging (~8k) Magic attack. You can dodge this attack by standing within 3 tiles of the southern edge of the arena, you can block it with Disruption shield/Resonance or you can simply tank it.

When Seiryu’s shadow energy attack starts, the game message β€œShadow energy bursts forth from Seiryu.” appears, and arrows will appear under your character, on the arena and on your minimap pointing to a specific tile. Seiryu will launch a shadow projectile towards this specific tile. Once the shadow projectile lands, highly damaging black hands will move from the marked tile towards your current location. Be sure to dodge these hands by sidestepping out of their path.

Seiryu’s 2nd shadow energy attack is replaced by a series of black hands that spawn from the southern edge of the arena. These hands deal extremely high damage, so be sure to avoid these. They will spawn from a random point and move north, with the spawn point moving both east and west, making the hands form a V-shape. Once this attack has been cast, a new formation of black hands will always spawn when the current formation of black hands is complete. Be wary of where the hands start spawning each time as if they spawn near you, it is easy to be KO’d very quickly.

Once the crystal phase starts, the arena is cleared of black hands and shadows and Seiryu stops attacking you. After the crystal phase ends, Seiryu will continue his basic attacks from where he left off, however his first special attack will always be his huge breath attack. For example, if Seiryu used his huge breath followed by 1 basic attack before the crystal phase started, he will continue with 1 basic attack, followed by his huge breath attack.

During the crystal phase, you will be able to jump onto Seiryu’s shackles and start damaging the crystals. Soon after, a set of 6 shadow enigmas will spawn in the arena and head towards Seiryu. When an enigma reaches him, it will cause every crystal that hasn’t been destroyed to heal by 50k HP. You should ignore the first set of enigmas and DPS the crystals - you have roughly 1 minute until the first heal is activated, and after the 6th heal is finished, you have another 13.2 seconds before you get stunned and teleported back down and the fight returns back to the face phase. A second set of enigmas will have spawned by now, so deal with them before going back to attacking Seiryu.


Notes for 2 cycle seiryu:

  • 1 cycle is consistent and doable faster, but 2 cycling is far easier.

  • Any familiar larger than 1x1, such as Ripper Demons and Steel Titans, will not be able to directly attack the crystals.

  • Keep in mind that you can Flank Seiryu from the south edge of the arena.

  • You will not be attacked at all while on Seiryu’s shackle, so avoiding healing to make the most out of your Berserker’s Fury relic is advisable.


Start the fight with a 535532854004678657.png β†’ 535532879250456578.png β†’ 188 β†’ 188 β†’ 641339233638023179.png + 535532853979512842.png -> 535532879330148352.png β†’ build with strong basics until Zerk ends β†’ 535532879376023572.png β†’ 626465964325601290.png 537340400273195028.png . Optimally when Seiryu reaches 7.2M HP, you will have 100% adrenaline ready for the crystal phase. With this in mind, decide on which/how many thresholds to use depending on how much damage you’ve dealt to the boss. If your damage output is high, prioritise 535532879283879977.png to ensure 535532854004678657.png is off cooldown for the crystal phase.

When Seiryu phases at 7.2M HP, swiftly move to either side’s jump spot (marked here: <https://i.imgur.com/hcc69l5.png>) and click the jump option on the shackle platform. After the climbing animation:

535532854004678657.png + 736298121704767538.png β†’ 535532879250456578.png + drop 662249620579155968.png β†’ thresholds+basics until the first crystal is dead.

Before the wave of heals reaches the crystals, be sure to have used a fully channeled 535532879283879977.png twice and to be on 100% adrenaline. 535541258131865633.png before the first enigma reaches Seiryu and build to 100%, then, either 1 or 2 ticks after the first Uber heal hitsplat appears:

535532854004678657.png β†’ 535532879376023572.png β†’ 2x Defensive(not 535541258240786434.png ) β†’ 535532879250456578.png + drop 662249620579155968.png β†’ 535532878616985610.png β†’ 535532853979512842.png β†’ 535532879330148352.png β†’ 3 hit 535532879283879977.png β†’ 535532879325822986.png β†’ 535541258240786434.png . (Example clip: https://streamable.com/h2y1qo) You will be teleported down after 535532879325822986.png .

If the second crystal was destroyed, you can ignore the enigmas and attack Seiryu: 626465964325601290.png 537340400273195028.png β†’ basics β†’ 535532879330148352.png β†’ 535532879283879977.png β†’ build to 100%.

If not, 535541259566186521.png with your Caroming switch on the 3rd or 4th enigma to make all of them attack you. Move up to Seiryu and 626465964325601290.png 537340400273195028.png β†’ basics until the enigmas are gathered around you β†’ 535532878969438210.png β†’ 535532879506309150.png β†’ 535532879283879977.png β†’ build to 100%.

After reaching 100%, 535532854004678657.png β†’ 535532879250456578.png β†’ 535532854302605333.png β†’ 188 β†’ 641339233638023179.png + 535532853979512842.png β†’ 535532879330148352.png β†’ build to 50% β†’ 535532879283879977.png β†’ strong abilities until Seiryu is phased. You will not have 535532854004678657.png available immediately for the second crystal phase. If the second crystal was not destroyed, jump up from the same side as you did earlier and use whatever abilities you deem necessary to finish it off. Ideally, when the second crystal is destroyed, you have 100% adrenaline and both 535532854004678657.png and 535532879250456578.png off cooldown. For the final crystal, 535532854004678657.png + 736298121704767538.png β†’ 535532879250456578.png + Drop 662249620579155968.png β†’ 188s and thresholds until the third crystal is destroyed.

Ranged: (Credit to <@!198930220663701504>)

Note: These rotations assume you are using 3T 535541258425204770.png

(Camp 550834403136503822.png )

Use a defensive then 535533810004262912.png 535532854281764884.png during gcd

Auto β†’ DW 535541306294796299.png β†’ 513190158812839936.png β†’ Auto + 535541258425204770.png (with flanking offhand) β†’ 535541306563231790.png β†’ 641339233638023179.png 535541270521708566.png β†’ DW 535534127131394088.png β†’ 535541258240786434.png AA β†’ DW 535541258425204770.png β†’ 535541259108876293.png β†’ 642713547142332416.png β†’ 535541306563231790.png β†’ 4T 615618531937222657.png 537340400273195028.png β†’ Auto + 535541258425204770.png β†’ 535541306294796299.png β†’ 535541270521708566.png β†’ 535534127131394088.png β†’ 626466665848242186.png 745279787471470713.png ( 535541306563231790.png if you dont have sgb amulet) β†’ 535541258425204770.png (with flanking offhand) β†’ 535541306563231790.png β†’ Improvise till phase

P1 notes: 513190158812839936.png further away from head (east/west) so u can dodge Seiryu’s tendril attack without leaving flank distance, lower hp to ~5k before shadow tendrils, only heal up to ~3k before each mage hit after shadow tendrils, camp mage prayer after 615618531937222657.png 537340400273195028.png spec to lower your hp even more (~1.5k).

Crystal 1 (Camp 565726489413287956.png , swap to 550834403136503822.png if you get a ruby proc)

655341074235129858.png + Auto + 537336877900890135.png + 662249620579155968.png β†’ 615618531937222657.png 537340400273195028.png β†’ 535541258425204770.png β†’ 535541306294796299.png β†’ 535541270521708566.png β†’ 535541259033378827.png + 655341074306301964.png β†’ DW 535541258538450944.png β†’ 550834403136503822.png 513190158812839936.png + 655341074306301964.png β†’ Auto + 535541258425204770.png β†’ 535541258538450944.png β†’ 535541258240786434.png AA β†’ 535534127131394088.png + 655341074306301964.png β†’ 535541258538450944.png β†’ 535541259108876293.png β†’ Improvise till crystal is finished

Crystal 2 (Camp 550834403136503822.png , swap to 565726489413287956.png if you get to 90%+ before 643848618553507843.png 746403211908481184.png , camp 550834403136503822.png after 643848618553507843.png 746403211908481184.png )

655341074235129858.png + 615618531937222657.png 537340400273195028.png + 537336877900890135.png β†’ Auto + 535541306294796299.png + 655341074306301964.png β†’ 535541258425204770.png β†’ 535541258538450944.png β†’ 535541270521708566.png β†’ 550834403136503822.png 643848618553507843.png 746403211908481184.png + 655341074306301964.png β†’ 535541258538450944.png β†’ 655341074306301964.png + 535541258425204770.png β†’ 535541258538450944.png β†’ 535541259033378827.png / 535534127131394088.png β†’ Improvise till crystal is finished

Crystal 3 (Camp 565726489413287956.png , swap to 565726489362956308.png if you get a ruby proc)

Build to 100% before the 1st heal splat β†’ 655341074235129858.png + 537336877900890135.png β†’ 2 ticks after 2nd heal 535541259108876293.png β†’ 615618531937222657.png 537340400273195028.png (Place 662249620579155968.png when cooldown ends) β†’ 535541258425204770.png β†’ 535541306294796299.png β†’ 535541270521708566.png + 736298121704767538.png (around ~6-7th tick of rpaid fire) β†’ 535534127131394088.png β†’ 565726489362956308.png 643848618553507843.png 746403211908481184.png β†’ 535541258425204770.png β†’ 643848618553507843.png 746403211908481184.png

Notes for crystals: Never soul split unless under ECB spec to keep hp as low as possible, use sigils to get to thresholds if low adren, use vigour for all dbow specs. It is important to time your adrenrenewal during rapid properly for 3rd crystal, if it’s late then you won’t get enough adrenaline in time and if it’s too early you will overboost. Ideally use it around ~6-7th tick of rapid fire. 1 cycle is possible but less consistent than with melee, however it is lossless to go for.

1 cycle SeiryuΒΆ


  • This is not the best way to go for a 1-cycle as a β€œone time thing”, but rather a way to finish the dungeon quickly to boost runs/hour.

  • BiS or near BiS gear is heavily recommended for consistency.

  • If you are willing to use a separate preset for the Seiryu fight alone, useful items to bring for 1-cycles in particular are: Deathtouch bracelet/TMW gloves, Armour spikes (alloy), Zamorak brews/Rock cake and Dreadnips

Phase 1 has no noteworthy changes from the 2-cycle rotation, but the importance of starting crystals with 100% adrenaline is higher here.

Crystal 1

535532854004678657.png + 736298121704767538.png + 655341074235129858.png β†’ 535532879250456578.png + 662249620579155968.png β†’ 535532878616985610.png β†’ 535532855191928842.png β†’ 535532879330148352.png β†’ 535532879325822986.png β†’ 535532879283879977.png /188s until crystal 1 dies

Crystal 2

655341074235129858.png + 188/ 535532879283879977.png β†’ 188s until Zerk runs out β†’ 535532879376023572.png β†’ 535532854327640064.png β†’ 188s β†’ out of distance 626465964325601290.png 537340400273195028.png β†’ Defensive β†’ 535532879250456578.png β†’ 188s β†’ 535532855191928842.png β†’ 535532879330148352.png β†’ 188s/thresholds according to HP/adrenaline, kill crystal 2 before it gets healed and build to 100% adrenaline.

Assault should be used ASAP. You can only afford to lose up to 3 ticks (from climbing/GCD) by this point without having to either alter your rotation for the 3rd crystal or skip using Assault here entirely.

Crystal 3

If you have a 694566917456789554.png , 535532879376023572.png before Zerk.

1 tick after the first heal appears, 535532854004678657.png β†’ Defensive β†’ 535532879250456578.png β†’ 535532878616985610.png (Stall) β†’ release 535532878616985610.png + 535532879577612298.png + 662249620579155968.png β†’ 641339233638023179.png + 535532855191928842.png β†’ 3hit 535532879283879977.png β†’ 535532879330148352.png β†’ 535532879325822986.png β†’ 535532878616985610.png

Example Runs

12:05 Melee example (1cc) by <@!281823193742835714> - <https://youtu.be/Hb1EzsHRipY>

11:00 Range example (1cc) by <@!198930220663701504> - <https://youtu.be/k2QPKaXCTTI>

11:54 Range example (2cc) by <@!198930220663701504> - <https://youtu.be/8Z47YwE4aD0>