
Nex Duo (Credit to <@!333479049680650241> and <@!222819089633116171>)


Duo Nex is significantly more forgiving than solo, as the DPS check present on blood phase is much less harsh. When Nex spawns for the first time in a custom instance it will be praying against mage for the majority of the kill, this is why range only kills are the meta for fast consistent kills. After every kill you will teleport out of the instance and re-enter in order to force Nex to always be praying mage.

Nex is a 1x1 NPC and has very strict softcaps, which means that any damage over a certain amount is reduced by X% depending on the phase. During the first four phases, Nex has a soft cap that reduces excess damage above 5,000 by 50% . For example, a 6,000 damage hit would be reduced to 5,500 damage. On the Zaros phase, the soft cap is changed to reduce excess damage above 2,000 by 75% . This means a 6,000-damage hit would be reduced to 3,000.

Nex’s mages have a soft cap that reduces excess damage above 1,000 by a random amount between approximately 80% and 100%. Each mage is combat level 111 with 10,000 health, possesses a max hit of around 850, and are weak to bolts. The mages are static and can only be attacked whenever Nex calls their name. An unusual trait they all share is that they are immune to magic attacks. Cruor’s attacks always have 100% accuracy and will heal him for 100 damage regardless of the damage he deals, while Glacies’ attacks can freeze players if they aren’t using Protect/Deflect Magic; keeping the prayer active will result in all of her attacks missing regardless of the player’s armour rating.

It is strongly advised to complete the Ritual of the Mahjarrat quest in order to get access to the Jas boost which gives a 5% damage boost in GWD1 (including Nex). This can be done via Fairy ring code D.K.Q.


Banking Preset

The most important thing is to have a Frozen key + ancient ceremonial for use with your boss portal. A 656426717295935500.png works and can be used here. You can speak to Ashuelot Reis in the Nex bank and pay a one time cost of the Frozen key + ancient ceremonial along with 10m gp to be able to access Nex bank without these items.

Beginner Preset

A bladed dive switch is used, and some solid food is recommended for panic eating. The shield is used for building at the start, and jellies + guthix rests are used for healing during the fight without losing adrenaline. A reaper necklace is used as accuracy is low at Nex. As you get more experienced it is recommended to start bringing a vuln switch if you do not have an 641339234111848463.png

  • 662038182807732255.png Expensive spices

Advanced Preset

As a more experienced nexer, bring DW and 2H weapons, and bring less food, replacing it with spices, glove switches, and bolt switches. Ruby bolts will be used throughout the kill until ice phase, after which you should use your own judgement of when to use Hydrix or Onyx. Generally Hydrix will be used on minions, or if you’re falling short on adren. A 513190159429271562.png switch can be used anytime you are not using snipe. The death lotus chaps are used as a clear headed switch.

  • 745279787471470713.png Essence of Finality Dark bow spec stored


Nex has 5 phases; Smoke, Shadow, Blood, Ice, and Zaos. Each phase has 2 special attacks, with the exception of Zaros

Smoke phase:

Virus → 5 auto-attacks → No escape → Five auto-attacks → Repeat

  • Don’t stand in middle crossways or adjacent to partner

Shadow phase:

Shadow traps (only if the phased before the virus attack) → Darkness → Shadow traps → 4 auto-attacks → Repeats from the second set of shadow traps

  • Move from shadows and don’t stand md

Blood phase:

Siphon summon → 3 auto-attacks → Blood sacrifice → 3 auto-attacks → Repeat

  • Attacks during siphon will heal Nex and sacrifice will heal nex if not phased and in range

  • Any bleeds used during this phase will heal Nex rather than damage her ( 535541273755385885.png 535541306294796299.png 535541307666595870.png )

Ice phase:

First special attack (based on phase start) → 3 auto-attacks → Second special attack (based on phase start) → 3 auto-attacks → Repeat

  • If blood phase ended with sacrifice, ice will start with contain

  • If blood phase ended with siphon, ice will start with prison

  • Run from contain and freedom + eat up prison

Zaros phase:

  • Upon the start of this phase, Nex activates Turmoil and heals herself for 33,333 (1/6) of her health to boost it up to 73,333.

  • Nex does not have any unique special attacks in this phase and uses only her melee and magic autoattacks

Further details on the mechanics can be found here: <>


Good positioning is the next best thing to focus on after learning the rotation. This is a simple layout of the path you will follow during the kill. I do not recommend ever surging diagonally across the middle to Umbra as it can mess up the path for duo kills. The only time you will surge is on ice phase, this is explained more below. Since the 1/3 will be using incite, it is their job to lure and position Nex correctly. Do not stand adjacent to each other at the start to reduce virus spread (described below) and the 1/3 must make sure to position themselves between Nex and Cruor on blood phase so 2/4 may flank.

General path during the kill

Ice phase surge/run

After ending blood phase and killing Cruor, Nex will be in either one of 2 places depending if you lured correctly or not. If done correctly Nex will be in the red box as described in the 1st picture and you will run to melee distance of the minion Cruor as shown by the white box (it is important to only run md of minion after it is killed and Nex is phased into ice or it will follow you and the 2nd scenario will occur). Standing in this white box will cause Nex to walk the fragmentation shot bleed. From here you will end ice phase with a tendril(auto) + snap most of the time, if not just use a basic. You will then immediately surge towards the 4th minion Glacies (angle your camera so that you can click Glacies as soon as you reach him). If for any reason Nex comes into the red box as described in the 2nd picture, then you will carry out the ice phase rotation while running towards glacies as this will most likely kite Nex and dodge contain.

Ice surge

Ice run

Starting position

The pink square is where the 1/3 will stand in the start of the kill

The blue square is where the 2/4 will stand in the start of the kill, they will also 655341074235129858.png from here

You will stand in these spots until either smoke phase ends or Nex moves towards you, after which you will go to the yellow squares to attack the minion (fumus). You don’t want to be standing adjacent to each other incase one of you gets virus.


Non ECB/Casual rotation

Note: If you are using dual wield instead of a two handed weapon, replace Dazing shot with Needle strike. As 1/3 you should use Incite. If you are stalling adrenaline after each kill you can save your apot for Zaros phase.


  • 662032366667300875.png Make sure to use jas boost

Target Fumus ASAP and start building adrenaline with defensives. Freedom should be first, and Anticipate should be last. Spam click the minion as sometimes when you escape, you won’t get adrenaline from anticipate if you don’t keep clicking the minion before escape.

Smoke phase



1/3 535541270521708566.png

2/4 535541306294796299.png535541259108876293.png

Shadow phase

1/3 Tag with 535541273755385885.png → Auto + 535541259033378827.png535541258425204770.png535541259109138463.png ( 535541259033378827.png or 535541259268521994.png if needed)

2/4 Tag with 535541259033378827.png → Auto + 535541258425204770.png535541259033378827.png535541259109138463.png ( 535541259033378827.png or 535541259268521994.png if needed)


1/3 535541306294796299.png535541259108876293.png

2/4 535541270521708566.png

Blood phase

Tag with 535534127131394088.png537349530551582720.png535541258425204770.png535541306391265284.png535541259033378827.png


1/3 535541270521708566.png

2/4 535541306294796299.png535541259108876293.png

Ice phase

1/3 Tag with 535541273755385885.png642713547142332416.png535534127131394088.png535541259033378827.png

2/4 Tag with 535541259033378827.png642713547142332416.png535534127131394088.png535541259033378827.png


1/3 535541306294796299.png535541259108876293.png

2/4 535541270521708566.png

Zaros phase

1/3 Tag with 535541259033378827.png535541307666595870.png535541273755385885.png641339233638023179.png535541270521708566.png

2/4 Tag with 535541306294796299.png513190159085207555.png

ECB/Advanced rotation


  • 662032366667300875.png Make sure to use jas boost

656844963522281473.png → Build adren if needed → 535541259108876293.png615618531937222657.png 537340400273195028.png535541306475151390.png

Smoke phase

1/3 642713547142332416.png535541259033378827.png

2/4 Auto + 643848618553507843.png 746403211908481184.png535541259033378827.png


1/3 535541270521708566.png

2/4 535541273755385885.png615618531937222657.png 537340400273195028.png

Shadow phase

1/3 Tag with 535541273755385885.png615618531937222657.png 537340400273195028.png + Auto → 535534127131394088.png ( 535541259033378827.png if needed)

2/4 Tag with 535541306294796299.png → Auto + 535541258425204770.png535541259033378827.png ( 513201065513058306.png if needed)


1/3 535541306294796299.png

2/4 535541270521708566.png

Blood phase

1/3 Tag with 643848618553507843.png 746403211908481184.png535541258240786434.png + 655341074235129858.png → Any defensive for adren → 535541258425204770.png535541259033378827.png

2/4 Tag with 535534127131394088.png535541258240786434.png615618531937222657.png 537340400273195028.png535541258425204770.png535541259033378827.png


1/3 662249620579155968.png615618531937222657.png 537340400273195028.png535541259566186521.png

2/4 662249620579155968.png535541306294796299.png615618531937222657.png 537340400273195028.png

Note: You want to place mines at the last tick of snipe or they will be wasted due to the delay on popping

Ice phase

1/3 535541306475151390.png during phase transition → Auto + 535534127131394088.png535541259033378827.png

2/4 535541306475151390.png during phase transition → 642713547142332416.png535541259033378827.png


1/3 535541306294796299.png615618531937222657.png 537340400273195028.png ( 513201065513058306.png if needed)

2/4 535541273755385885.png615618531937222657.png 537340400273195028.png ( 535541259566186521.png if needed)

Zaros phase

1/3 Tag with 535541273755385885.png643848618553507843.png 746403211908481184.png641339233638023179.png 535541270521708566.png513201065513058306.png / 535541259268521994.png if needed

2/4 Tag with 535541306294796299.png643848618553507843.png 746403211908481184.png641339233638023179.png 535541270521708566.png513201065513058306.png / 535541259268521994.png if needed

Camp 565726489413287956.png , 550834403136503822.png on minions and after blood, 565726489362956308.png Zaros

Video Examples

Casual rotation (Some tactics in these videos are a bit outdated, however the general path and idea is still a good reference)

1/3 <>

2/4 <>

Advanced rotation (<@!385968877823328276> and <@!235729205982134282>)

1/3 <>

2/4 <>